Shelby County Indiana
Courthouse Records
Sidney Shaw, dec'd
Box 842
Application for Letters
of Administration
Filed April 18,
Gordon Thurston
State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:
Shaw being duly sworn upon her oath, says that Sidney
Shaw departed this life, intestate, at VanBuren Township in Shelby
County, Indiana on the 7" day of April 1918, without leaving any last will
and testament to her knowledge and belief, that said decedent was at or
immediately previous to his death, a resident of Shelby County, Indiana, and
that he left a personal estate of the probable value of One Thousand dollars,
and real estate of the estimated value of ------ dollars and the said
decedent left surviving him as his sole and only heirs at law as far as known to
the affiant as follows:
Hannah Shaw
| widow
| Morristown, Ind.
Sarah Edgel
| daughter
| Albany, Mo.
Francis Shaw
| son
| Morristown, Ind., RR1
Mina Copeland
| daughter
| Indianapolis, Ind.
Joshua Shaw
| son
| Indianapolis, Ind.
Chloe Lowe
| daughter
| London, Ind.
Pear Bray
| daughter
| Cincinnati, O.
Earl Shaw
| son
| Fountaintown, Ind.
Gertrude Shaw
| daughter
| Morristown, Ind.
Homer Shaw
| son
| Morristown, Ind.
Ruby Shaw
| daughter
| Morristown, Ind.
Ellen Murphy
| grandchild
| Marion, Ind.
Walter Shaw
| grandson
| Morristown, Ind.
Orville Shaw
| grandson
| Marion, Ind.
Ezra Shaw
| grandson
| Fountaintown, Ind.
Nellie Montecut
| granddaughter
| Marion, Ind.
Chas Shaw
| grandson
| Whelis[?], Ok.
Vessie Shaw
| granddaughter
| Whelis[?], Ok.
Blanche Shaw
| granddaughter
| Whelis[?], Ok.
Agatha Shaw
| granddaughter
| Whelis[?], Ok.
Therefore, your
affiant asks that letters of administration of the estate of said decedent be
granted to Hannah Shaw of Morristown Ind., R.R. 1, in Shelby County, Indiana.
Hannah Shaw
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 day of April 1918.
Gordon Thurston
Clerk Shelby Circuit Court
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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