Estate of James Vanorsdal, decd
~ ~ ~
Shelby Probate Court
John Vanarsdal, Daniel H. Harris, Jane Harris, Bruce Johnson,
Sarah Johnson
William Reed and Ann Reed, Wm. Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly
Vanarsdal, James Vanarsdal, James Vanarsdal, Wright Vanarsdal,
Alexander Vanarsdal, Sarah Vanarsdal
Petition for Partition “A” No. #2 Box 10
Filed January 26th 1849 J. Vernon Clk. E. H. Davis Atty
State of Indiana | | Probate Court |
Shelby County | SS |
May Term 1849 |
To the Honorably C. Wright Judge of The Shelby Probate Courts:
Humble Complaining your Petitioners John Vanarsdall, Bruce Johnson and Sarah Johnson his wife, Daniel H. Harris and Jane Harris his wife, residents of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana Sheweth unto your Honor that James Vanarsdal Deceased was in his lifetime and at the time of his death seized in fee simple or some other good estate of inheritance to him and his heirs forever in and to the following described tracts or parcels of land to wit:
The South half of the east half of the North west quarter of Section Fourteen Township Fourteen North of Range Seven east and also the South half west half of the North west quarter of Section Fourteen Township and Range aforesaid lying and being in the County of Shelby and State of Indiana and Containing Eighty acres the same more of less. And being so seized the said James Vanarsdal on the ___ day of _____ in the year 1848 died intestate leaving your petitioners John Vanarsdal, Sarah Johnson wife of Bruce Johnson, Jane Harris wife of the said Daniel H. Harris together with Manly Vanarsdal, James Vanarsdall, now residents of the state of Iowa, Mercy Ferris wife of William Ferris, residing in the state of Illinois, Ann Reed wife of Wm. Reed , residing in Laporte County Indiana, and also James Vanarsdal, Wright Varnasdal minor children of William Vanarsdal, deceased and grandchildren of the said James Vanarsdal deceased as aforesaid, also residents of the state of Illinois, all children and heirs of the said James Vanarsdal surviving.
And upon his death the said lands descended upon and came to your Petitioners and the others aforesaid heirs so that one seventh part thereof has vested in each one of your Petitioners in absolute fee simple. And your Petitioners further show your honor that they have frequently applied to and requested that said Manly Vanarsdal, James Vanarsdal and William Reed and Ann Reed his wife, William Ferris and Mercy his wife and (James Varnasdal and Wright Varnasdal, Alexander Vanarsdal and Sarah Varnasdal, grandchildren as aforesaid) to aid and concur with your Petitioners in making equal and just partition of the above descended tracts and parcels of Land between the aforesaid tenants in Common in order that their respective shares and proportions thereof might be allotted held and enjoyed in severally and your petitioners will hoped that the said aforesaid Children and heirs would complied with such their reasonable request as in further and equity they were bound to do.
But now so it is may it please your honor that the said heirs and defendants aforesaid combining and confederating with other persons do absolutely refuse to comply with your Petitioners reasonable request pretending that such partition would not be mutually advantageous Whereas your petitioners charges and say the truth is that a fair equal and just petition of said lands would tend greatly to the advantage and benefit mutually of all the parties concerned.
And your Petitioners further pray your Honor Guardians ad litam to appoint for the said James, Wright, Alexander and Sarah Vanarsdall infants as aforesaid.
And grant a proper writ commanding the said William Reed and Ann Reed residing in the County of Laporte in this state to personally be and appear before your honorable Court at the next term thereof to plead answer or demur to said ____ And that your Honor appoint them disinterested persons Freeholders resident of this county of Shelby not of kin to any of the parties to make partition of the above described tracts of land pursuant to the Judgment and order of your Honorable Court to the end that your petitioners may have and hold their aforesaid one seventh parts of all of said tracts of land in severally and to their own proper use and that Each and every one of the aforesaid Children and heirs of the said James Vanarsdal dec’d have & hold by the allotment of said Commissioners their respective share and proportions of said tracts of land and that said Commissioners be required to report at the next term of your Court and your petitioners will ever pray.
Daniel H. Harris Jane Harris
Bruce Johnson Sarah Johnson
By E. H. Davis their Atty
John Vanarsdal et al VS Wm. Reed et al
Affidavit of nonresidency “B”
Filed January 26th 1849 J. Vernon Clk.
Shelby Probate Court May Term 1849
Petition for partition
Before me Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Shelby Probate this day personally came Eden H. Davis and being by me duly sworn on his oath says that he is informed and believes that Manly Vanarsdal, James Vanarsdal, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, James Vanarsdal, Wright Vanarsdal, Alexander Vanarsdal and Sarah Vanarsdal eight of the Defendants to the above petition are not residents of the State of Indiana.
Eden H. Davis
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 26th day of Jany 1849
J. Vernon Clk
Issue to Laporte Co. for Wm. Reed & Ann Reed.
John Vanarsdal et al VS James Reed et al
State of Indiana Shelby County SS
The State of Indiana to the Sheriff of La Porte County Greeting:
You are hereby commanded to Summon William Reed, Ann Reed William Ferris Mercy Ferris Manley Vanarsdol James Vanarsdol Wright Vanarsdol Alexander Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol if they may be found in your Bailwick to personally be and appear before the Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County on the first day of the next term of Court to be holden at the Court House in Shelbyville on the first Second Monday of February May A.D. 1849, then and there to plead to or answer the petition of John Vanorsdol, Daniel H. Harris, Jane Harris, Bruce Johnson and Sarah Johnson exhibited against them and now pending in said Court for a partition of the real Estate of James Vanorsdol deceased herein they may not fail or the matters and things in said petition contained as to them will be taken and held as for Confessed and time and will be heard and determined in their absence and decreed upon accordingly And have you then there this writ.
Witness Jacob Vernon Clerk and the seal of said Court this 27th day of January A.D. 1849.
J. Vernon Clk
East side of Porter Co.
None of the within names or persons found in my County But I have found out that those you supposed lived in my county live in the Eastern part of Porter County Ind.
Services | | |
J.S. McDowell S.S.C |
Mileage | .84 | | |
Return | .10 | | |
| .94 | Feb 26th 1849 |
John Vanorsdol VS James Reed et al
Returnable 2d Monday of May 1849 “C”
E. H. Davis Atty for Plff
State of Indiana Shelby county SS
The State of Indiana to the Sheriff of Porter County Greeting:
You are hereby commanded to summon William Reed, Ann Reed, William Ferri, Mercy Ferris, Manley Vanorsdol, James Vanorsdol, Wright Vanorsdol, Alexander Vanorsdol and Sarah Vanorsdol if they may be found in your Bailiwick to personally be and appear before the Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County on the first day of the next term to be holden at the Court House in Shelbyville on the second Monday of May 1849, then and there to plead answer or demur to the petition of John Vanorsdol, Daniel H. Harris, Jane Harris, Bruce Johnson and Sarah Johnson exhibited against them and now pending in said Court for a partition of the real Estate of James Vanorsdol deceased, herein they may in no wise fail or the matters and things in said petition contained will be taken and held as for confessed and true as to them, and will be heard and determined in their absence and decreed upon accordingly, And have you then there this writ.
Witness Jacob Vernon Clerk and the seal of said Court this 16th day of March A.D. 1849
J. Vernon Clk
Come to hand March 29th A.D. 1849 at 3 o’clock P.M.
Served on the within named William Reed & Ann Reed on the 7th day of April 1849 the others Defendants not found in my County therefore I cannot make a servise as within
Serving | .75 |
Mileage | .60 |
Returning |
.10 |
| $1.45 |
Vincent Thomas Sheriff P.C. |
Please send my fees as soon as you can and oblige yours &c
John Vanosdoll et al VS Wm. Reed et al
Proof of Publication “D” & “E”
Filed in open Court May 14th 1849 J. Vernon Clk
State of Indiana | Shelby Probate |
Shelby County SS | May Term 1849 |
Personally came into open Court on this the 14th day of May 1849
Eden H. Davis who being duly sworn on his oath says that the accex [exact] notice was published by three weekly insertions in the Indiana Weekly Gazette a newspaper of General circulation printed and published in the town of Shelbyville Shelby County Indiana the first of which was on the 6th day of February 1849 and the last of which was more than thirty days before the first day of the present term of this Court.
Eden H. Davis
Sworn to and Subscribed in Open Court before me May 14th 1849
J. Vernon Clk
State of Indiana
Shelby County, SS
Probate Court of Shelby County, May Term, 1849
John Vanarsdol, Daniel H. Harris, Jane Harris, Bruce Johnson and Sarah Johnson
William Reed, Ann Reed, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol
Petition for Partition of Real Estate
The above named petitioners on the 26th day of January, 1849, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Probate Court of said County, their petition against the above named defendants, and at the same time filed the affidavit of a disinterested person showing that the above named defendants, Manly Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, James Vanarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol are not residents of the State of Indiana.
Therefore, the above named Manly Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, James Vanarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol, are hereby notified of the filing and pendency of said petition, and that unless they appear before the Judge of said Court on the first day of the next term to be holden at the Court House in Shelbyville, on the second Monday of May, 1849, and then and there plead answer or demur to said petition, the same, and the matters and things therein contained, as to them, will be taken and held as for confessed and true.
J. Vernon, Clerk
E. H. Davis, Atty, for Petitioners Feb 6, 1849
John Vanarsdall et al Answer of Guardian
W. Reed et al
Filed in Open Court May 14th 1849 J. Vernon Clk.
Shelby Probate Court
May Term 1849
Petition for Partition
The answer of
Matthias Wright who is by the Court now here appointed Guardian Ad litam of James Vanarsdall, Wright Vanarsdall, Alexander Vanarsdall & Sarah Vanarsdall infant heirs of James Vanarsdall deceased said Guardian for answer says that is aware of no sufficient reason whereof the proof of said Petition shall not
Matthias Wright Guardian ad litam
John Vanarsdol et al
William Reed et al
Copy of Order to John Hart Jonathan Johnson John Gadd Commrs
Filed in Open Court May 17, 1849 J. Vernon Clk
Probate Court of Shelby County
May Term A.D. 1849
John Vanarsdol, Daniel H. Harris, Jane Harris, Bruce Johnson and Sarah Johnson
William Reed, Ann Reed, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol & Sarah Canarsdol
Now comes the petitioners by Eden H. Davis Esq. their attorney and said Defendants William Reed, Ann Reed, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly Vanarsdol and James Vanarsdol being each severally three times called come not but herein wholly make default. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by the return of the Sheriff of Porter County in the State of Indiana, that the proper writ issued in this behalf was duly executed upon the said William Reed and Ann Reed on the Seventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, being more than thirty days before the first day of the present term of this Court, and it also appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by the oath of Eden H. Davis that the said William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol have been duly notified of the filing of said petition and pendency of this cause by publication for three weeks successively in the Indiana Weekly Gazette a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Shelbyville Shelby County and State of Indiana, the last of which said publication was more than thirty days before the present term of this Court and thereupon on Motion of said petitioners it is ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that the said petition and the matters and things therein contained as to the said William Reed, Ann Reed, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly Vanarsdol and James Vanarsdol be taken and held as for confessed and true. And the Court appoint Matthias Wright Esq. Guardian ad litem for the said James Vanarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol who are minor defendants herein, who files his answer herein which reads in the words and figures following towit (here insert) And this cause being submitted to the Court upon the said petition answer of Guardian ad litem defaults aforesaid, and the evidence now adduced and the premises being seen and fully inspected it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that the matters and things in said petition are true and correct.
It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that partition and division be made of the lands in said petition mentioned and described Towit. The South half of the East half of the North West quarter of section fourteen, Township fourteen North of Range seven East, and also the South half of the West half of the North west quarter of Section fourteen in the Township and Range aforesaid lying and being in the County of Shelby and State of Indiana, and containing eighty acres more or less, among the said petitioners and defendants as follows towit: That there be allotted and set over to the said John Vanarsdol the one eighth part in value of said lands, and that there be allotted and set over to the said Jane Harris wife of Daniel H. Harris the one eighth part in value of said lands, To Saran Johnson wife of Bruce Johnson the one eighth part in value of said lands. To Ann Reed wife of William Reed the one eighth part in value of said lands. To Mercy Ferris wife of
William Ferris the one eighth part in value of said lands. To Manly Vanarsdol the one eighth part in value of said lands. To James Vanarsdol the one eighth part in value of said lands. And to Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol and Sarah Vanarsdol children and heirs at law of William Vanarsdol deceased, the one eighth part in value of said lands jointly.
And it is further ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that John Hart, Jonathan Johnson and John Gadd be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of this Court to make partition and division of the lands aforesaid among the parties aforesaid according to the order and decree of this Court aforesaid. And of their proceedings herein they are required to make report at the present term of this Court, until which time this cause is continued.
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
I Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Probate Court in and for the County aforesaid do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a full true and complete copy of the order and decree of said Court made in the cause aforesaid, as full and complete as the original remains of record in my office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court this 15th day of May A.D. 1849.
J. Vernon Clk
State of Indiana
Shelby County SS
Before me Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Probate Court of said County personally came Jonathan Johnson and John Gadd and being by me duly sworn say they will faithfully and impartially discharge their duties as commissioners to make partition and division of the real Estate described in the within named order according to the directions of said order to the best of their abilities.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 17th day of May 1849.
J. Vernon Clk
Jacob Vanarsdol et al
William Reed Ann Reed et al
Additional bond
Filed in open Court May 17, 1849 J. Vernon Clk
Know all Men by these Presents, That we,
Jonathan Johnson and John Gadd of Shelby County, Indiana, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Indiana, in the sum of twenty four hundred dollars, lawful money, to the payment whereof well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this seventeenth day of May A.D. 1849.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas the above bounden Jonathan Johnson has been appointed a commissioner to sell the real Estate belonging to the Estate of James Vanarsdol late of said County, deceased. Now should the said Jonathan Johnson faithfully discharge his trusts according to law, in the sale of said real estate, and in the management, disposition and application of, and faithful accounting for, the proceeds of such sale, provided a sale thereof shall be made, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue in law.
Jonathan Johnson
John Gadd (SEAL)
Taken, signed and sealed in open Court, and by the Court approved the day and year above written.
Attest J. Vernon Clk. (SEAL)
Report of Commissioners
John Vanarsdol et al
Wm. Reed et al
Filed in Open Court May 19 1849 J. Vernon Clk
Petition for Partition
John Vanarsdoll, Daniel H. Harris, Jane Harris, Bruce Johnson and Sarah Johnson
William Reed, Anna Reed, William Ferris, Mercy Ferris, Manly Vanarsdol, James Vanaarsdol, Wright Vanarsdol, Alexander Vanarsdol, James Vanarsdol & Sarah Vanarsdol
To the Honorable Judge Wright of the Probate Court of Shelby County Indiana Jonathan Johnson & John Gadd two of the Commissioners appointed by your Honor to make partition of the following land lying and being in the County of Shelby and State of Indiana to wit the south half of the East half of the North West quarter of section fourteen Township fourteen North of Range seven East and also the south half of the West of the North west quarter of the same section Township and range among the above named children and heirs at law of James Vanarsdol deceased said Commissioners therefore show to your Honor that on the 17th day of May 1849 they proceeded with the assistance of the Commissioners to examine the said Land and premises above described and report to your honor that in their opinion the said Land can not be divided without manifest damage to the owners thereof and therefore partition thereof is not made.
Jonathan Johnson John Gadd Commissioners
Jonathan Johnson Commissioner | $1.50 |
John Gadd | 1.50 |
Appraisement of Land
John Vanarsdol et al
William Reed et al
Filed in open Court August 8th 1849 J. Vernon Clk
State of Indiana Shelby County Sct
Personally appeared before me a justice of the peace in and for the County of Shelby James T. Reed and John Gadd the appraisers appointed to appraise the South half of the East half of the North West quarter of Section fourteen in Township fourteen North of Range seven East and also the South half of the West half of the North West quarter of Section fourteen in the Township and Range aforesaid, and were Sworn to make a just and true appraisement of the property described above according to their best skill and judgement
Sworn this 10th day of July 1849
Jonathan Johnson Justice of the peace
We the undersigned appointed to appraise the premises above described having been sworn according to law do report that on due consideration and examination of the premises we are of opinion that the said lots of land with the improvements is worth Eight hundred Dollars and do appraise the same accordingly. July the 10th 1849
John Gadd James T. Reed
Commissioners Report of Sale
John Vanarsdal et al | Sale of Real Estate |
VS | Shelby Probate Court |
Wm. Reed et al | November Term 1849 |
Filed in Open Court November 12th 1849 |
To the Honorable Judge Wright
Jonathan Johnson the Commissioner appointed at your Honorable Court to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of James Vanarsdol late of Shelby county Indiana Reports that on the 17th day of August in the year 1849 after having given due notice of the time and place proceeded on the premises at public auction to sell the following described tracts of Land of and belonging to said estate to wit—
The south half of the east half of North west quarter of Section fourteen North of Range seven East and also the south half of the west half of the North west quarter said section Township and range aforesaid to Alexander Cory for the sum of $1200.00 The one third part of which was paid cash in hand by the said Cory and that I have taken his promissory notes for the residue thereof $400 due and payable on the 17th day of February 1850 and one for $400 due and payable on the 17 day of August 1850 both without any benefit whatever from valuation or appraisement laws with Alexander Rittenhouse as his security the said sum of $1200 being more than the appraised value thereof and the said Alexander Cory being the highest and best bidder for the same he therefore prays your Honor to confirm the said Sale to the said Alexander Cory and he will ever pray.
Jonathan Johnson Comm’r
Sworn to in Open Court November 12th 1849
J. Vernon Clk
Final Exhibit
Jonathan Johnson Commissioner to Sell Real Estate
Filed in Open Court June 15th 1853 J. Vernon Clk
The accounts of Jonathan Johnson a Commissioner of this Court for the sale of the Lands in which James Vandarsdoll late of Shelby County state of Indiana died seized charges himself with the following sums of Money arising from the sale of the same towit:
Amount of sale of Land | $1200.00 |
Interest on the same |
45.72 |
| $1245.72 |
Said Commissioner Claims credit for the following amounts paid out by him for expenses and Among the heirs as follows to wit:
No. 1 |
D. Harris heir |
$ 30 |
00 |
No. 2 |
J.Vanarsdoll heir |
30 |
00 |
No. 3 |
B. Johnson heir |
33 |
00 |
No. 4 |
Wm. Ferris |
30 |
00 |
No. 5 |
J. W. Elliott printer |
3 |
33 |
No. 6 |
J. T. Reed |
1 |
50 |
No. 7 |
Lucy Vanarsdoll widow |
130 |
00 |
No. 8 & 9 |
James Vanarsdoll heir |
66 |
00 |
No. 10 |
Jno. Gadd |
3 |
00 |
No. 11 |
Wm. Reed |
33 |
00 |
No. 12 |
Wm. Ferris heir |
62 |
56 |
No. 13 |
Mercy Crane heir |
92 |
56 |
No. 14 |
D. Harris heir |
62 |
00 |
No. 15 |
B. Johnson heir |
62 |
00 |
No. 16 |
E. H. Davis |
15 |
00 |
No. 17 |
Jacob Vernon |
29 |
83 |
No. 18 |
Lucy Vanarsdoll |
250 |
02 |
No. 19 |
John Vanarsdoll |
53 |
75½ |
No. 20 |
Jas. Vanarsdoll |
29 |
00 |
No. 21 |
Manly Vanarsdoll |
95 |
00 |
No. 22 |
Paid Balance to Clerk |
9 |
90 |
No. 23 |
Wm. Reed heir by J. Fox |
60 |
00 |
Comr’s fee’s |
56 |
00 |
$1249 |
70 |
Jonathan Johnson Commr.
Sworn to and subscribed in Open Court before me June 15, 1853 J. Vernon Clk
Rec’d of Jonathan Johnson Comm’r for the Sale of the Lands of James Vanarsdol deceased Two Dollars in full of the share of said Estate coming to me in right of my wife Anne Reed formerly Ann Vanarsdol Dec’r 5, 1853
Jacob Fox Attorney in fact
Sept 11th 1849
Received Thirty Dollars of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the Real Estate of James Vanarsdol being a part of my interest in said Estate.
Daniel H. Harris
October 20th 1848
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the Real Estate of James Vanarsdol deceased Thirty Dollars being a part of my interest of said Estate.
John Vanarsdol
October 6th 1849
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the Real Estate of James Vanarsdol deceased the sum of thirty three Dollars
Bruce Johnson
Mr. Jonathan Johnson Sir please to pay Chandler R. Huntington thirty dollars of the money that is coming to us on the estate of James Vanarsdol Deceased and this shall be your receipt for the same. Oct 29th 1849
William Ferris
Mercy Ferris
Shelbyville Ind Jany 5th 1850
Received of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner for the sale of Real estate James Vanarsdoll deceased Three dollars & thirty three cents in full for advertising the sale of said Real Estate in the Gazette.
Jesse W. Elliott
By. E. H. Davis Atty
Received of Jonathan Johnson my fee for appraising the Real estate of James Vanarsdol deceased Dec the 20th 1849
James T. Reed
May 13th 1850
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the Real estate of James Vanarsdol deceased one hundred and thirty dollars being a part of my dower in said Estate.
Lucy Vanarsdol her X mark
May 13th 1850
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the Real Estate of James Vanorsdol deceased thirty three dollars being a part of my interest in said Estate.
James Vanorsdol
May the 13th 1850
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the real estate of James Vanorsdol deceased thirty three Dollars being a part of my interest in said Estate.
James Vanorsdol
Dec 24th 1849
Received of Jonathan Johnson Com. for to sell the Real Estate of James Vanorsdol deceased my fees for two days as appraiser.
John Gadd
Sept 19th 1850
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the real estate of James Vanarsdol deceased thirty three dollars being a part of my Interest in said Estate.
William Reed Anna Reed by Jacob Fox Agent by Power of Attorney
Feb 14th 1851
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the real Estate of James Vanarsdol Dec’d Sixty two Dollars and fifty six cents being a part of
my our interest in said estate.
William Ferris Mercy Ferris
Feb 14th 1851
Received Jonathan Johnson Commissioner appointed to sell the real estate of James Vanorsdol deceased Ninety two Dollars and fifty six cents it being a part of my interest as Guardian for the Minor heirs of William Vanorsdol deceased in said estate.
Mercy Crane Guardian
Collins Crane Attorney
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner to sell the real estate of James Vanorsdol deceased the sum of Sixty two dollars being a part of the Interest of Daniel & Jane Vanorsdol in said Estate
Daniel H. Harris by P. N. Harris
Received of Jonathan Johnson Commissioner for the sale of the Real Estate of James Vanorsdol deceased the sum of Sixty two Dollars. July 7th 1851
B. Johnson
Rec’d of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of James Vanorsdall deceased Fifteen dollars in full of my fees as Attorney in said cause original petition Report of sale writing deed and making final settlement.
May 11th 1853 E. H. Davis Atty
John Vanorsdol et al Petition for Partition
William Reed et al
Received of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner the sum of twenty nine dollars and Eighty three cents in full for the costs accrued in the above entitled cause. November 12th 1851.
J. Vernon Clk
Rec’d of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner for the sale of the lands of James Vanorsdol deceased the sum of Two hundred fifty dollars and 2 cents in full of my share of the proceeds of the sale of said Lands. November 1st 1852
Lucy Vanorsdol by B. Johnson
Received of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner for the sale of the Lands of James Vanorsdoll deceased the sum of fifty three dollars 75 ½ cents in full of my share of the proceeds of the sale of said lands. November 1st 1842
John Vanorsdol By B. Johnson
Received of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner for the sale of the Lands of James Vanorsdol deceased twenty nine dollars and twenty nine ½ cents in full of my share of the proceeds of the sale of said lands. November 1st 1852
James Vanorsdol By Bruce Johnson
Rec’d of Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner for the Sale of the Lands of James Vanorsdol deceased the sum of Ninety five dollars and ___ cents in full of my share of the proceeds of the sale of said lands. November 1st 1852
Manly Vanorsdoll By B. Johnson
Of the $7.70 there is to be paid to
| Wm. Ferris | $2.44 | ½ |
| D. Harris | 3.00 | ½ |
| Mercy Crane Guardian | 2.44 | ½ |
| Wm. Reed paid to Jacob Fox | 2.00 | ½ |
| | $9.89 |
Rec’d May 16th 1851 of Alexander Cory Sixty Dollars for Jonathan Johnson as Commissioner of the Estate of James Vanorsdol deceased to be paid to William Reed one of the Heirs of the said James Vanorsdols Estate.
Jacob Fox
Contributed by Barb Huff

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