Harriet J. White, minor heir
Thomas N. Donnell, Guardian
Box 86
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana Shelby County |
In the Shelby Common Pleas Court |
November Term 1870 |
Thomas N. Donnell Guardian of
Harriet J. White, a minor, reports to the Court that he never received any money, property, or effects belonging to said ward.
That said ward is now over 21 years of age and since she arrived at the age of 21 years on the 17th of August 1870, he procured her written statement signed by her stating the above facts, which is herewith filed.
He shows that he has paid the costs of said guardianship and herewith files voucher therefore and asks to be discharged.
T. N. Donnell
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 10 of November 1870
J. G. Wolf Clerk
State of Indiana Shelby County |
Shelby Common Pleas
Thomas N. Donnell being sworn on his oath says that Harriett J. White, minor heir of
Jeremiah White and Elizabeth White
Andrew Ensminger deceased is aged about twenty years that she resides in Shelby County, Indiana, that her personal effects is of the probable value of one Hundred Dollars.
That she owns no real estate from which she can derive any rents or profits during the life of
Mary Ensminger widow of Andrew Ensminger deceased unless the pretended Last Will of said Ensminger be set aside.
And that said [Harriet] Mary J. White is without guardianship of her person or estate.
T. N. Donnell
I the above named Mary J. Harriet J. White hereby choose the above named Thomas N. Donnell as my guardian.
Harriet J. White her X mark
August 10th 1868
Attest B. F. Love
Guardianship of Harriet J. White
Thomas N. Donnell Guardian
Received of Guardian the sum of $5.90 in full of Costs accrued in the above entitled Guardianship, on final Settlement thereof.
Shelbyville November 10, 1870
J. G. Wolf Clk.
I Harriett J. White
hereby state to the Common Pleas Courts of Shelby County, Indiana that I am over twenty one years of age and that T. N. Donnell who was by this Court appointed my guardian has never received any money, property or effects belonging to me and therefore is not chargeable with any Money as my guardian.
August 17th 1870 Harriett J. White
Transcribed by Barb Huff for Bob McKenzie

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