March 1884

Shelby Circuit Court

Guardianship of:

Albert E. Wicker
Benjamin W. Wicker
Laura E. Wicker
Jeremiah Wicker

Box 244

Albert F. Wray


Letters of Guardianship
for the minor heirs of
Juvanda Wicker

Circuit Court
filed January 15, 1883



The undersigned applicant for Letters of Guardianship on the persons and estate of:
Albert E. Wicker aged 18 years 1882
Benjamin W. Wicker aged 14 years 1882
Laura E. Wicker aged 12 years 1882
Jeremiah Wicker aged 10 years 1882

minor heirs of Juvanda Wicker, late of Shelby County, Indiana: said minors resided in Shelby County, in the State of Indiana, and are joint owners of Real Estate situate in said county, of the probable value of ___________ Dollars, which will rent annually for about the sum of ___________50/100 Dollars, said wards also owned personal property to the value of ____________ Dollars.

State of Indiana, Shelby County, ss:

Albert F. Wray, being duly sworn, says that the material facts contained in the above statement and Application for Letters of Guardianship on the persons and estates of the persons therein named, are correct and true, as he verily believes; and further saith not.

/s/  Albert F. Wray

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of January, 1882.

/s/  F. H. Chenden, Clerk                 
Of the Circuit Court of Shelby County


In Guardianship of                  X   In Circuit Court,
Albert E., Benjamin W. and    X   December Term, 1882
Laura E. Wicker, minors.        X   Shelby County
Albert F. Wray, Guardian       X

Albert F. Wray as the Guardian of the above ‘named’ minor heirs of Juvanda Wicker, deceased, files the following as his inventory of the personal Estate of said wards.  He shows that said wards are the owners of no real estate whatever that has come to his knowledge.  That the only personal estate belonging to said wards is a small amount of money being their interest in the proceeds from the sale of said decedent’s interest in house and lot in the City of Shelbyville, the whole amount of said ward’s interest being $42.06 of which Guardian has received $12.60 and the other is equivalent to cash being in note secured.  He therefore charges himself with sum of $42.00 which is all of ward’s property or funds whatever.

/s/  Albert F. Wray

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of February, 1883.

/s/  Fred H. Chenden, Clerk


Albert E. Wicker,            X March Term, 1884
Benjamin Wicker, et al   X
A. F. Wray, Guardian     X

Received of the above named Guardian the sum of $14.00, in full of the costs accrued in the guardianship of the above entitled estate.
Shelbyville, Ind., March 21, 1884.

/s/  A. J. Gorgas, Clerk


Received of Albert F. Wray, Guardian of Albert E. Wicker, Benj. Wicker, et al, the sum of $10.60 to pay said wards share of liens and encumbrances & indebtedness against said lands, the undersigned being the trustee for all the adult heirs in making the sale of said land and settling said liens and indebtedness.

/s/  David L. Wilson, trustee.
February 10, 1883.


Received of A. F. Wray, Guardian, the sum of Two and 44/100 dollars balance due Albert E. Wicker, Benj. Wicker, et al minors on final settlement of Guardianship.
March 21, 1884.

/s/  Jeremiah Wicker


In Re Guardianship       X
Albert E. Wicker,          X
Benjamin W. Wicker,    X   In Cir. Court
Laura E. Wicker,           X   March Term, 1884
Jeremiah Wicker           X
Albert F. Wray, Guard. X

To the Hon. the Judge of said Court:  The undersigned Albert F. Wray, as Guardian of Albert E. Wicker, Benjamin Wicker, Laura E. Wicker, & Jeremiah Wicker, minor heirs of Juvanda Wicker, deceased, would respectfully submit to the Court the following as his final report of said trust.  He shows that he was appointed to said trust the 15th day of January, 1883.  He shows that the only property or funds belonging to said wards is the proceeds from the sale of a small interest in some real estate the interest of said wards being the sum of $42.00.  He claims the following credits:

No. 1 pd A. J. Gorgas, Clerk       $14.00
No. 2 pd. The wards part of liens
 and encumbrances and indebtedness
 existing against said lands.      $10.60
Said Guardian claims for his
 services in taking out letters
 and looking after interest of
 said wards.                       $15.00
Total Credits                     
Balance due wards                   $2.40

Guardian shows that the oldest of said wards is 18 years of age and the youngest 10 years of age.  that they all reside with their father Jeremiah Wicker in Hanover Township, who is a farmer and able to keep them.  He shows further that said wards have no other property of any description, either present or prospective that has come to his knowledge.  That he has paid over to said father the said balance of $2.40 and files his receipt therefore herewith as the voucher No. 3.  That nothing demands the continuation of said guardianship longer and he therefore asks the approval of this report and that he be finally discharged from said trust.

/s/ Albert F. Wray

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of March, 1884.

/s/ A. J. Gorgas, Clerk


Transcribed by Melinda Moore Weaver

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