Estate of
William Drake Sr., decd
Wm Drake Sr. Dec.
Files Decr 7th 1842
S B Morris clk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana
Shelby County
To the Judge of the Probate Court of
Shelby County
Your Mimorialists Joseph Dungan & Elias Drake Senr
represent that William Drake late of said County departed
this life on or about the [blank] day of September last
intestate disposed of a quantify of Personal
Estate and leaving Phebe Drake his widow
and a number of children & grandchildren heirs
at law him surviving, That Administration
of the estate of said decedent should be granted
& that the said Phebe Drake waives her right to Administer
They therefore pray that Administration thereof
may be granted to Elias Drake a Son of the
December 7th 1842
(signatures) Elias Drake
Joseph Dungan
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wm. Drake Dec.
Filed Dec 21 1842
S B Morris Clk
State of Indiana Shelby County
Before Me Sylvan B Morris
Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby County Personally
came Elias Drake Administrator of the Estate of
Wm Drake Senr Deceased and being by me duly Sworn
an Oath Says that the within is a Just & Full
inventory of all the personal Estate of Said Dec.
so far as the Same has come to be bound to be
(signature) Elias C Drake
Sworn to and Subscribed December 21th 182
(signature) S B Morris Clk.
An Inventory of the personal property of
William Drake Sen Deceast late of Shelby
County Indiana taken this 8th? day
of December 1842.
one note against William Low due Nov the 14th 1842
| $ 23.00
one note do due Nov the 14th 1843
| 23.00
one bed and bedding
| 6.00
one bed and bedding
| 5.00
one chest
| 1.00
one tin Reflector [?deflector]
| 1.00
one table
| 75
one looking glass
| 37½
Five Chairs
| 1.25
one fire Shovel
| 50
one lot of Iron ware
| 2.00
one cupboard and ware
| 4.00
one water bucket
| .25
one smoothing Iron
| .25
one two year old heifer
| 4.00
We the undersigned appraisers do certify that the
above is a true inventory of personal estate of the said
decedent according to the best of knowledge & judgments.
(signatures) George Haney
Nicholas X Copple
Before me the undersigned associate judge this day
personally came the above name appraisors and
being by me duly sworn an oath say that the above
inventory is true to the best of their knowledge and
December 8, 1842 (Signature) Ira Bailey
Associate Judge
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
William Drake Deceased
Elias Drake Admr
Inventory $72.37
Box 15
Nov 10 1845
Filed In Open Court Feby
28th 1843
(signture) S B Morris
An inventory of the personal
property of William Drake Sen
DeCCeast late of Shelby County in.
Diania taken this 8th day of DeCember
one note against william low Due
November the 14th the 1823
one note Due Nov the 14 1843
| $ 23.
one bed and bedding
| $6.00
one bed and [bed]ing
| 5.00
one chest
| 1.00
one tin fleCtor
| 1.00
one table
| .75
one looking glass
| .37
five Chairs
| 1.25
one fire shovel
| .50
one lot of iron ware
| 2.00
one Cubbard and ware
| 4.00
one ratten buCket
| .25
one smoothing iron
| .25
one two year old heffer
| 4.00
| $ 49.37
| $ 72.37
received of Elias C. Drake admines
strater of william Drake de bonis non DeCest
lat of Shelby County folling
property a bove named
(signature) Phebe Drake
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
William Drake Decd
Final Exhibit
Elias Drake
Filed: Sept 1st 1843
in open court
J Vernon Clerk
settlement 3rd day
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The account of Elias Drake Administrator of all
and Singular the goods of Chattels rights Credits &
effects which were of William Drake Senr late of
Shelby County Indiana deceaased. Sheweth
That the personal estate of said decedent amounts as per
Inventory thereof on file in Clerk's office to
| $72.37½
The said Administrator claims credit for amount
of property taken by the widow of said
William Drake
at the appraisement as allows by law
| $72.37 ½
The said Administrator claims credit for amount
of property taken by the widow of said
William Drake at the appraisment as allows by law
| $70.37 ½
Clerk fee
| $ 8.70
leaving a balance in favor of Adm of the sum of
| $ 6.90
(signature) Elias Drake
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
William Drake decd
Adm Report
Filed in open Court
August 12th 1844
J Vernon Clk
To the honorable the probate judge of Shelby
County at the Augst term 1844 the administrator
of the estate of William Drake decst do certify
that I have afsets in my hands to settle the
estate but cannot collect on account of stay
(signature) Elias Drake.
Sworn to in open court August term 1844
(signature) J Vernon Clerk
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana
by } Citation
Elias C. Drake
Retrievable 2 Monday
of August 1844
Filed. August 2nd 1844
(signature) J Vernon Clerk
Received this citation June 6th
1844 Executed this citation
By Reading July 30th
1844 Apollos Kinsley
Shff SC
ShereffS fees
| 37
| 1/2
12 miles
| 72
| 10
| $ 1.
| 19
| [1/2]
STATE OF INDIANA, Probate Court of Shelby County,
THE STATE OF INDIANA to the Sheriff of Shelby ------- County, Greeting.
you are hereby commanded to cite Elias C Drake ------- Adminstrator
of the estate of William Drake, Sen deceased, to appear
before the Judge of the Probate Court of Shelby County, on the first day of the next term, to be holden
at the Court House in Shelbyville, in and for said County of Shelby, on the second Monday of August
next; then and there to file an account current of his said administration, and
the vouchers for money by him expended in the settlement of said estate preparatory to a
final settlement of said administration with this Court. And, further, to stand to and perform whatever our
said Court shall adjudge in the premises. Aand (sic) have you then and there this writ.
Witness, Jacob Vernon ---- Clerk of said
Probate Court, and the seal thereof, the 5th day of June
A.D. 1844
(signature) J. Vernon Clerk.
Transcribed by Mary Harrell Sesniak, edited Phyllis Miller Fleming
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