Minor heirs of

William Coleman decd

Box 55

Shelby County Court House
Shelbyville, IN

Shelby Common Pleas -            
July Term 1868.            

The undersigned states to the Court that Mary E. Coleman, aged about twenty years, Nancy A. Coleman, aged about Eighteen years, Sarah M. Coleman, aged about fifteen years, and Davidella Coleman, aged about eleven years, minor Heirs of William Coleman, decd. and residents of the County of Shelby; that they are all without Guardianship of their persons or estates; that their estates consist of personal property of the probable value of $154.68 cts. and of 4/5th the following described real estate subject to the interest of the widow therein, situate in the said County, to wit The South East quarter of the South East Quarter of section 7, in Township 11 of Range 7, and the West half of the North West quarter of Section 17, in Township 11, of Range 8, containing in all one Hundred and twenty acres of the probably value of $3600..00 that the annual rents and profits of the interest of said wards in said tracts of land are probably worth $104..00.

Sarah X Coleman

                    subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July 1863.

A Blair Clerk /s/                                            


Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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