Estate of
Isaac Wood, dec'd
Probate Order Book 4
Page 393
Saturday, 18th Day March Term 1863 Mar. 21st
Saturday Morning, 8 ˝ O’clock, March 21st 1863
The Court met pursuant to adjournment
Present – Same as on yesterday
Grant of Letters of Adm’r
In the Matter of the Estate of Isaac Wood, deceased
Now comes
into Open Court Enoch Wood, and on his application the Court appoint him
administrator de bonis non of the Estate of Isaac Wood, late of Shelby County,
State of Indiana, deceased; and the said Enoch Wood now executes and files his
bond as such administrator, in the penalty of fifteen hundred dollars, with
Isaiah Wood as surety, which bond is approved by the Court; and thereupon the
said Enoch Wood takes and subscribes the oath prescribed by law, and receives
his Letters of Administration, duly sealed with the seal of the Court, and
attested by the Clerk. And said Bond, oath and Letters read in the words and
figures following, towit: (Here insert)
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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