July 18, 1863
Blair, clk
Recd of Joseph Means Guardian of the heirs of Robert Means decd two dollars and fifty cents in fee for services as atty, in settling said trust, July 18, 1863 ~
Davis, Hight & G___
back: Joseph Means Guardian Settlement Box 52 July 1863 487 Filed in open Court July 18, 1863 A. Blair clk. E Rec
In the matter of the Guardianship of Sarah A. Means James Means & Lafayette Means
Shelby Common Pleas Court Settlement
Joseph Means Guardian of said wards shows to the court that they have all arrived at full age, and he has settled with them and has paid to them each the sum of fifty nine dollars in full
of their and each of their shares of all money & property in his hands belonging to them and he now files their receipt therefor No 1 ~
He has paid to A. Blair all costs in said trust | No 2 - $9.15 |
He has paid attorneys fee | 3 $2.50 |
And he asks to be discharged from said trust July 18 1863
Joseph Means
Next page:
State of Indiana
Shelby County ss.
On this day James Means and William M. Joyce came personally into open court, and being duly sworn say that the matters and statements contained in the within report so far astated therein they believe to be true.
Wm. M. Joyce
James Means
subscribed and sworn to in open court, July 18 1863
A. Blair, Clerk
Contributed by Jeri Corbitt
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