Shelby  County,  Indiana
Probate Records

Allen  C.   Girton

Shelby Circuit Court Probate
Box 73   No. 834
Jacob W. Girton&nbs; Guardian of  Allen C. Girton
Minor heir of Carrie F. Girton deceased
Filed Oct 4, 1914

State of Indiana Shelby County:
                    I,  W. P. Fately, swear that I am worth over and above my indebtedness, Two Thousand Dollars as I believe; so help me God.
W. P. Fately

Subscribed and sworn to before me, the 9’’ day of October 1914
Thomas Campbell   Notary Public     My Com Exp Dec 3d 1916


Guardian’s Additional Bond
              We, Jacob W. Girton, Warren Fateley and W. P. Fateley are bound unto the STATE OF INDIANA, in the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars for the payment of which we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.     Sealed and dated this 9th day of October 1914.

              WHEREAS, The above bound Jacob W. Girton has obtained from the Circuit Court of Shelby County at the September Term 1914, an order to sell the real estate belonging to said minor Allen C. Girton minor heir of Carrie F. Girton, deceased.

              In the above bound Jacob W. Girton will faithfully discharge his duties as Guardian of the persons and property of the above named minor, and render a faithful account of all moneys realized from the sale of said real estate, then said obligation is to be void, else to remain in full force.
Jacob W. Girton         W. P. Fateley         Warren Fateley (SEAL)                           



An Inventory and Appraisement of the Property belonging to Allen C. Girton, minor of Carrie F. Girton, deceased made by Jacob W. Girton, Guardian of said minor this 9th day of October 1914.

Oct 9
    Cash received for the estate of  David A. Fateley  out of personal estate    
Received from sale of wards estate upon order of Court    
Total Personal Estate

That said ward has no other property of any kind or character,
and nothing from any estate, that he owns no real estate of any kind.

State of Indiana
In the Shelby Circuit Court
County of Shelby

Petition to sell Real Estate

In the matter of the Guardianship of Allen C, Girton minor, Jacob W. Girton, Guardian

              Comes now Jacob W. Girton guardian of Allen C. Girton and represents and shows to the Court that said ward has a personal estate of probably $300.00 which is in the hands of Warren Fateley as administrator of the estate of David A. Fatley grandfather of said ward, and that the same will be turned over to this guardian in a short time.
              That the rental value of said wards real estate is of probable value yearly of $37.50, that he has received no rents from said wards real estate up to this time. That said ward resides with his father this guardian at his home in Washington township in Shelby County, Indiana.
              Said petitioner further represents and shows to the Court that his said ward is the owner in fee simple of the undivided Two Twenty Sevenths (2/27) part in value of the following described real estate, situate in Shelby County, Indiana, towit:-
The East half of the North West quarter of Section Thirty (30) in township Eleven (11) North range Seven (7) East, containing Eighty (80) acres more or less. That said wards interest in said real estate is of the probable value of $700.00; that said ward became the owner of said real estate as follows: That his Grandfather David A. Fately died intestate in Shelby County, Indiana, leaving his widow and three children, that this wards mother Carrie F. Girton was one of the daughters of the deceased, that his said mother died intestate in Shelby County, Indiana, leaving a husband, widower Jacob W. Girton and two sons and that his said ward Allen C. Girton is one of said sons, whereby he became and is the owner of the undivided 1/27 part in value of said estate.
              Said petitioner shows to the Court that all of the other owners of said real estate are selling their interest in said real estate, and he believes it will be to the best advantage of his said ward for him to join with said owners in selling said real estate, and he further believes that it will be better for his wards interest to loan said money for said ward, which he intends to do if said petition be granted as prayed for.
              Said petitioner further shows to the Court that he believes said real estate can be sold at a better advantage for his said ward at private sale without notice and for not less than the full appraised value thereof and for all cash on day of sale, and he asks for such other orders as the Court may deem proper in the premises.
Jacob W. Girton

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October A.D. 1914
              My Commission expires December 3d, 1916               Thomas H. Campbell
Notary Public



State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
              Before me, the undersigned Notary Public personally came  Albert F. Wray  and  A.G. Miller  who being first duly sworn say that they will honestly and impartially appraise the Real Estate of Allen C. Girton minor which may be exhibited to them.
              My Com Exp Dec 3d 1916               Thomas H. Campbell Notary Public

              An Inventory of the Real Estate belonging to Allen C. Girton minor heir of  Carrie F. Girton deceased daughter of David A. Fately deceased, and described as follows, towit:
              The undivided Two Twenty sevenths (2/27) part in value of the following described real estate towit: The East half of the North West quarter of Section Thirty (30) in Township Eleven (11) North in Range Seven (7) east containing 80 acres more or less.
              We the undersigned appraisers appointed by the Shelby Circuit Court to appraise the above described Real Estate, do say that the same is worth in cash the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars.
Albert F. Wray           A. G. Miller Appraisers

              Subscribed and acknowledged to by said appraisers, this 9th day of October A.D. 1914
Thomas H. Campbell
Notary Public



              Comes now Jacob W. Girton guardian of Allen C. Girton a minor and respectfully shows to the Court that he has pursuant to the order of Court made at its September Term 1914, and for Seven hundred and Forty and Seventy four hundredths dollars sold to Warren Fateley Shelby County in the State of Indiana the following described real estate situate in Shelby County Indiana towit The undivided Two Twenty sevenths (2/27) part in value of the following viz: The East half of the North West quarter of Section Thirty (30) in Township Eleven (11) North in range Seven (7) East, containing 80 acres more or less, that he sold said real estate for more than the full appraised value thereof and for the highest and best bid he was able to obtain said guardian agreed to pay the 2/27 part of fall taxes payable in fall 1914 that he made said sale for all cash and sold it in all things in compliance with the order of said Court. Said Guardian reserves 2/27 of ½ of the growing corn on said real estate.
              He reports the sale of said real estate and for all cash and he asks the Court to approve asks the Court to approve said sale and for the order and direction for him to prepare and report a deed conveying said real estate to said purchaser and he prays for such other orders as the Court may deem proper.
Jacob W. Girton              
              Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October 1914
Thomas H. Campbell
Notary Public



In the Shelby Circuit Court
March Term 1917

              The undersigned John W. Girton as Guardian of Allen C. Girton minor heir of Carrie F. Girton deceased, represents as shown to the Court that he was appointed by this Court at the October Term 1914 thereof, as the Guardian of the person and estate of his said ward. That he proceeded to make and Inventory and appraisement of the estate of his said ward, which was filed in this court on October 9th 1914.
Your Guardian charges himself with the
amount of said Inventory, in the sum of
Guardian charges himself with cash
received and not on Inventory in the sum of

Received from the Citizens Building
Association of Flat Rock Indiana,
as dividends on deposit

Total amount Chargeable
Your Guardian asks credit for the following amounts by him paid out
in behalf of said trust as evidenced by vouchers filed herewith,
Voucher No.
1.   Paid S.A. Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
$ 8.10
2.   Paid S.A Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
3.   Paid S.A. Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
4.   Paid Cecil B. Collins, Clerk, costs  
5.   Paid Wray & Sullivan, Attorney fees  
Total Credits      

                            Balance due ward $1335.77

              Guardian shows to the Court that said ward is his son and he makes no charge for his services as such Guardian; that the above balance is on deposit in the Citizens Building Association of Flat Rock Indiana, which Guardian believes is a safe depository and are paying at least six per cent per annum on such deposit; that Guardian’s bond in said trust is in the penal sum of $2000.00 with Henry McCarty Jr. and Warren Fately both of Washington Township, Shelby County, Indiana, as his sureties thereon; that Guardian believes that said bond is ample and that the said sureties thereon are each worth more than the penalty of said bond over and above their exemptions and indebtedness.
              Therefore Guardian asks the court that this report be approved in all things and that his said trust be continued, as his said ward is yet a minor under the age of twenty-one years.
Jacob W. Girton     Guardian

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of March 1917
M.O. Sullivan
Notary Public
                            Commission expires March 15th 1920



In the Shelby Circuit Court
October Term 1918

In the Matter of the Guardianship of Allen C. Girton, a minor
Jacob W. Girton, Guardian

              The undersigned Jacob W. Girton as the guardian of Allen C. Girton, minor heir of Carrie F. Girton deceased, respectfully submits the following as his final report and settlement of his said trust.
              He shows that by his last reporting said trust dated
March 13th 1917 he is chargeable with the balance of said
ward’s funds and assets on hand in the sum of

He now charges himself with the amount of interest and dividends
received on said balance since his last report from Flat Rock
Building Association all of which funds of said ward were
invested in Shares of Stock in said Association, in the sum of

Total amount Chargeable
Guardian asks credit for the following amounts by him paid out in behalf of said
trust as evidenced by vouchers filed herewith, to-wit:
              #1.  Paid S.A. Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
$ 9.00
              #2.  Paid S.A. Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
              #3.  Paid S.A. Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
              #4.  Paid S.A. Brown, Treasurer, taxes  
              #5.  Paid Gordon Thurston, clerk, costs  
              #6.  Paid Wray & Sullivan, Attorney’s fees  
Total Credits asked for                            
Leaving a balance due said ward in the sum of   $1435.83

              Said guardian shows that said ward became 21 years of age on the 23” day of August 1918. That said ward is his own son and that he makes no charge for his services as guardian in said trust. That he has this day had a full and final settlement with said ward and has paid over to him the above balance in Liberty Bonds, War Savings Stamps, Securities and cash, which said ward has accepted in settlement, and he has taken said ward’s receipt for said balance, which is attached hereto.
              Said Guardian therefore asks that this, his final report in said trust be approved and that he be finally discharged from his said trust.
Respectfully submitted
Jacob W. Girton, Guardian
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of August 1918
Albert F. Wray     Notary Public

Voucher No. 7
              I   Allen C. Girton, the ward named in the above and foregoing report say that I arrived at the age of twenty-one years on the 23d day of August 1918: that I have examined the above and foregoing final report of my said guardian and I believe the same to be true and correct and that the balance shown to be due me in said report is the correct amount due me; that my said guardian has this day turned over to me said above balance of $1435.83 in Liberty Bonds, War Savings Stamps and other Securities which I have accepted as cash and in full and final settlement of the amount due me from my said guardian, and I respectfully ask that the above and foregoing Final report of my said guardian be accepted and approved by the Court and that he be discharge from further duties in said trust. Dated this 24th day of August 1918
Attest: M.O. Sullivan
Allen Girton              

Wray & Sullivan   Attorneys for Guardian

Contributed by Barb Huff

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