BOX 797
No. 114
In the matter of the Township
Trustee’s petition
to have dependent children placed in Home.
James H. Williams
Esta Keller, Harry Keller,
Clara Keller and Daniel Keller
State of Indiana
County of Shelby
In the
Juvenile Court
May Term 1915
To the Hon. Alonzo Blair Judge of the
undersigned James H. Williams, represents and shows to the Court that he is the
township trustee of Addison township, Shelby County, Indiana, and has been such
trustee since January 1st, 1915; that as such Trustee it is his duty
to look after the poor children of the Township who have been deserted or any
child that has neither father nor mother to depend upon.
further shows to the Court that the following named children are now dependent
upon the township for their support and maintenance, that their father George
Keller is now in the Michigan City serving a sentence with no immediate prospect
for his release; that the mother of said children Etna Keller
is a pauper of
this township, and has been assisted as such pauper during the past six months,
and is wholly destitute and without means to support the children: That
said children names and ages are as follows; Esta Keller Ten years old,
Keller Seven years old, Clara Keller Five years old and Daniel Keller Twenty
months old.
trustee further shows that said children are entirely dependent upon the
township for support and maintenance, said parents being unable to furnish any
support for said children. Said Trustee represents and shows to the Court
that he believes it will be to the advantage of said four children to be placed
in the Gordon Orphan Home of said County.
therefore asks the Court for an order directing him to place said children and
dependents in said Orphan’s Home, and he asks for such other orders as may be
proper in the premises. J. H. Williams
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
19th day of July A.D. 1915.
H. Campbell Notary Public
expires December 3d, 1916
Contributed by Barb Huff

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