Guardianship of
Sarah Ann, James R. and
Lafayette F. Means
Probate Order Book 1
Common Pleas
County Clerk Shelbyville, IN 46176
Shelby County Courthouse Probate Order Book 1 (1853-1855)
June Term 1853
Page 76
Court of Common Pleas of Shelby County Indiana
John Means
Guardian of the heirs of
Alexander Means dec’d
Now comes the said guardian and files an Inventory herein which reads in the
words and figures following to wit; (here insert it) And said guardian also
files the receipt of Eliza J. Means and her husband James L. Copeland
for the sum of Eighty one dollars and thirty four cents, in full for amount in
the hands of said guardian due to his said ward, and asks the court to decree a
settlement of said guardianship as to the said Eliza J. Means, now Eliza J.
Copeland, and the premises being seen. It is ordered and decreed by the
court that said receipt be and the same is hereby taken as and for a final
settlement and discharge of said guardianship herein as to the said Eliza I.
Copeland, and as to the said residue of said heris, this
cause is continued
John Means
Guardian of the Heirs of
Robert Means Jr decd
Now comes the said guardian and files an Inventory herein which reads in the
words and figures following to wit; (here insert it) and on motion this cause is
Page 118
John Means
Guardian of
Sarah Ann Means James R. Means
and Lafayette Means
Now comes the said John Means and tenders to the court his
resignation as such guardian herein, which is accepted by the court. It is
therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that the letters of
guardianship heretofore granted and issued to the said John Means
be and
the same are hereby set aside avoided and forever held for nought.
Joseph Means
Guardian of
Sarah Ann Means James R. Means & Lafayette Means
Now comes Joseph Means and on motion he is appointed guardian of the
persons and Estates of said Sarah Ann Means James R Means and
Lafayette Means minor heirs of Robert Means Jr decd, who executes bond with John Means
as his security and took the oath prescribed by law, and thereupon letters were
granted to him in due form of law which reads as follows (herein __) And the
Court adjourns till Eight Oclock tomorrow morning
James M Sleeth
Page 254
March Term 1854
John Means
Guardian of the Heirs of
Robert Means deceased
Now comes the said guardian and files an Exhibit of his said guardianship
herein which reads in the words and figures following to wit (here insert it)
And the said John Means moves the court to take up his said Exhibit and
the vouchers here now filed and decree a final settlement of his said
guardianship, and thereupon the court took up said Exhibit and vouchers, and the
same being carefully examined and compared, are in all things fully approved and
allowed by the court, and it appearing to the court that there is in the hands
of said John Means of the moneys belonging to said heirs the sum of fifty
eight dollars and seventy nine cents, which said sum he is ordered to pay over
to the present guardian of said heirs and file his receipt therefor with the
Clerk of this court, which when done will constitute a final settlement of the
guardianship of said John Means for said heirs
Page 255
March Term A.D. 1854
John Means
Guardian of
Alfred Means
Now comes the said guardian and files the Receipt of his said ward, which
reads in the words and figures following to wit: ~ “London Feb 15, 1854, “Recd
of John Means my guardian the sum of ninety three dollars and 2/100cts
Eighty one dollars and 32 cents, being my distributive share of the Estate of Alexander
Means est (deceased) and the balance of rents and profits
(signed) Alfred Means
Which said receipt is taken as read for a final settlement of said
guardianship as to the said Alfred Means.
Transcribed by Jeri Corbitt

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