Samuel B. & Margaret
Ann Scull
Minor heirs of
James Scull
Appointment of Guardian, John Scull
Page 501-502
August Term 1846
Now comes the said
John Scull and moves the Court to appoint him
Guardian of Samuel B. Scull and Margaret Ann Scull
minor heirs of James
Scull dec’d who are under the age of fourteen years, and thereupon the
Court appoint the said John Scull Guardian of the persons and estates of the
aforesaid minor heirs during their minority, and the said John Scull together
with Samuel Baxter executes and files a bond in the penal sum of two
hundred dollars conditioned for his faithful performance of his trust as such
Guardian and takes the oath as required by law. And this cause is continued.
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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