Guardianship of
Jessie C., Myrtie
M., Ida M.
and Carrie Brown,
minor heirs
James R. Brown, Guardian
Box 78
Examined & Approved W. A. Johnson Judge
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
State of Indiana | In the Shelby Circuit Court |
Shelby County
SS | December Term 1893 |
Guardianship of Jesse C., Myrtie M. Brown, Ida M. Brown
& Carrie Brown,
James R. Brown Guardian
James R. Brown as Guardian of said minors shows to the Court that he was
appointed to said trust by this Court on the 19th day of April 1893, and he
files the following Inventory of said wards Estate. He shows that his said wards
are the owners in equal proportions of the undivided one sixtieth (1/60) part in
value of the following Real Estate in Shelby county Indiana towit: The West half
of the North East Quarter of Section 30, in Township 11, North of Range 7 East
containing 80 acres more or less.
Also the West half of the East half of the North East Quarter of Section 30,
in Township 11, North of Range 7 East containing 40 acres more or less.
Also the North half of the
North East quarter of Section 36, in township 11,
North of Range 6 East containing 80 acres more or less.
That said wards interest in said Real Estate is of the probable value of
$165.00 and of the probable annual rental value of $10.00
That as this Guardian believes said wards will be entitled to a distributive
share in the personal Estate of Brison B. Armstrong deceased upon final
settlement thereof, but that said Estate has not yet been settled and he does
not know what the amount of said wards distributive share therein will be. That
said wards have no other personal Estate to the knowledge of this Guardian,
wherefore said Guardian asks that the foregoing be approved as the best
Inventory of said wards Estate that he is able at this time to make and that his
trust be continued.
James B. Brown
Subscribed & sworn to before me this 26" day of December 1893
H. C. Morrison Notary Public
Shelbyville, Ind. Apr 13" 1894
Mr. Jas. R. Brown
Dear Sir;
Enclosed you will find Clerks check for $11.40 the amount due your wards from
Armstrong Estate. You can get the money or some at any Bank. Please acknowledge
Respectly H. C. Morrison
Application for Letters of Guardianship
Application for Letters of Guardianship For the Minor Heirs of Hannah Brown
James R. Brown Guardian
Circuit Court Filed April 19th 1893 J. R. Sedgwick Clerk
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
The undersigned, Applicant for Letters of Guardianship on the persons and
estate of
Jesse Clarance Brown age 13 years, April 1, 1893
Myrtie May Brown aged 10 years June 21, 1893
Ida May Brown aged 8 years, November 20th 1893
Carrie Brown aged 6 years May 13th 1893
Minor heirs of Hannah Brown late of Shelby County, Indiana, and are the Joint
owners of Real Estate situate in said County, of the probable value of one
hundred and fifty dollars, which will rent annually for about the sum of Twenty
Dollars. Said wards also own personal property of the probable value of Fifty
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
James R. Brown being duly sworn, says that the material fact contained in the
above statement and application for Letters of Guardianship on the persons and
estates of the persons therein named are correct and true as he verily believes,
and further saith not.
James R. Brown
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13th day of April 1893
J. R. Sedgwick Clerk, Circuit Court Shelby County
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Final Report
Guardianship of Jesse C. Brown, Myrtie M. Brown, Ida M. Brown and Carrie
James R. Brown Guardian
Filed June 10, 1895 J. W. Powers Clerk
Examined approved Guardian Discharged W. J. Buckingham Judge
State of Indiana | In the Shelby Circuit Court |
Shelby County
SS | May Term 1895 |
James R. Brown as Guardian of said minors submits to the Court the foregoing
report of his said trust.
He shows that he was appointed thereto by this Court on the 19" day of
April 1893.
Said Guardian charges himself with amount received for said wards on the 13th
day of March 1894 on sale of real Estate by order of this Court. |
$165.00 |
He charges himself with amount received as rents on said wards land. He
charges himself with amount received in April 1894 as said wards distributive
share of the Estate of Brison B. Armstrong their deceased grandfather. |
Total charges |
$181.95 |
Said Guardian asks credit for the following amounts paid out for said wards.
No. 1 |
Paid J. R. Sedgwick Clerk costs |
10 |
40 |
No. 2 |
Paid Love & Morrison Attys |
15 |
00 |
Amount of credits carried forward |
25 |
40 |
Amount of credits brought forward |
25 |
40 |
No. 3 |
Paid Love & Morrison Attys |
2 |
00 |
No. 4 |
Paid J. W. Powers Clerk costs |
2 |
80 |
No. 5 |
Paid Love & Morrison Attys |
5 |
00 |
Guardians claim for Expenses necessarily
paid out while attending to
said wards business |
6 |
76 |
Total credits |
44 |
96 |
Balance due wards |
$ 139 |
99 |
Amount due each ward |
35 |
00 |
Said Guardian shows that he has paid out the following amounts for said
[wards] in addition to the credits herein above claimed
No. 6 |
Paid S. Stapp & Son for medicines for Jesse C., Myrtie M. and Ida
M. |
$ 11 |
00 |
No. 7 |
Paid S. Stapp & Son Drs. For medical services rendered Jesse C.,
Myrtie M. & Ida M. |
100 |
00 |
No. 8 |
Paid Samuel D. Hawkins for board, clothes & medicines furnished
ward Carrie |
35 |
00 |
Said Guardian shows that said wards Estate has been all Expended as herein
above shown. That they have no other Estate real or personal to his knowledge.
That his said wards Jesse C., Myrtie and Ida were sick for about 4 months with
typhoid fever and he was compelled to Expend more than the amount in his hands
for medicines and medical attention for them, and that he had to expend for said
ward Carrie the full amount of her said funds in the purchase of clothing
medicines and the payment of board for her. That he never received any interest
on said wards money and never used the same himself having been compelled to use
the sum as herein above shown, and for these reasons he charged himself with no
interest on said wards money. That said wards are the Guardian’s own children.
That this guardian and his wife are the owners as tenants by Entinties of 75
acres of land of the probable value of forty Dollars per acre with a mortgage of
one Thousand Dollars on same and that he is indebted about $300.00 in addition
to said Mortgage and that he is the owner of personal property of the value of
$500.00 That he has a second wife who is the step mother of said wards wherefore
he asks that this his report be approved and that he be finally discharged from
said trust.
James R. Brown
Subscribed & sworn to before me this 10" day of June 1895 J. W.
Powers Clerk
Guardianship of Jesse C. Brown et al
March Term 1894
James R. Brown Guardian
Received of the above named Guardian the sum of $10.40 in full of the costs
accrued in the guardianship of the above entitled estate.
Shelbyville, Ind., March 13" 1894
J. R. Sedgwick Clerk
Received of James R. Brown Guardian of minor heirs of Brison B. Armstrong
Fifteen dollars for services as atty Proceeding to sue Real Estate in March Term
1894 of Shelby Circuit court. March 13" 1894
Love & Morrison
Received of Jas. R. Brown Guardian of Clarance Brown, Myrtie Brown, Ida Brown
and Carrie Brown minors Five Dollars for making inventory of this date.
Dec 26 1893
Love & Morrison
Guardianship of Jesse C. Brown et al
May Term 1895
James R. Brown Guardian
Received of the above named Guardian the sum of $2.00 in full of the costs
accrued in the guardianship of the above entitled estate.
Shelbyville, Ind. June 10th 1895
J. W. Powers Clerk
Received of James R. Brown Guardian of Jesse, Myrtie, Ida and Carrie Brown
Five dollars for making report of said trust of this date. June 10" 1895
Love & Morrison
No. 1540
Hope, Ind. July 20, 1894
Received of James Brown Guardian of Jesse Clarance Brown, Myrtie May Brown
and Ida May Brown Eleven Dollars in full for medicines for said wards.
$11.00 | S. Stapp & Son |
No 1539 | Hope, Ind., July 20, 1894 |
Received of James Brown Guardian of Jesse Clarance Brown, Myrtie May Brown
and Ida May Brown One Hundred Dollars on full for medical Attendance.
S. Stapp
Received of James R. Brown Guardian of Carrie Brown the sum of $35 Thirty
five Dollars for Doctor Bill paid by me and for Boarding and Clothing said ward
in full to date this 8th day of June 1895.
Samuel D. Hawkins
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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