Guardianship of
Miranda Brown
Order Book 17
page 197
Box 150
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
No. 598
Petition to Sell Real Estate
Filed March 12, 1876 Wrights Attys for Guardian
In the Guardianship of Miranda Brown
William D. Branson
Guardian of Miranda Brown, minor heir of Henly Branson, deceased, shows to the Court, that said Ward is not the owner of personal property consisting of money amounting to about the sum of Fifty dollars. That the same has been collected by him as her Guardian, being the proceeds of the rents of her Real Estate for three years last past and is now in his hands.
That she has no personal Estate dependant upon the settlement of any Estate, or the Execution of any trust.
And said Guardian further shows that his said ward is the owner of the undivided one-Eleventh of two-thirds part of the following described Real Estate, situate in Shelby County, Indiana, to-wit:
The East half of the West half of the North West quarter of Section Eight (8) in Township thirteen (13) North of Range Eight (8)
East; Also the South half of the North West quarter of section sixteen (16) and the North East quarter of the North west quarter of said
section sixteen (16) in said Township and Range.
Also the South East quarter of the South West quarter of the South West quarter of
Section Nine (9) in said Township and Range, Excepting four (4) acres, described as follows, to-wit:
beginning at the North East corner of said tract last described tract, and running West forty (40) rods; thence South Sixteen (16) rods; thence East forty (40) rods, and thence North to the place of beginning, all of said tracts containing one hundred and Ninety six (196) acres more or less.
That the annual rental value of his wards interest in said Real Estate will not exceed the sum of Twenty dollars.
And Said Guardian further shows that his said ward resides in Shelby County, Indiana, with her Grandmother
Nancy Branson and is nineteen years of age.
That the interest of said Ward in and to said Real Estate is so small and unprofitable that it would be for her interest have the same sold, and the proceeds thereof loaned out at interest or re-invested in other property.
That the persons holding title to the remainder of said Real Estate desire to either purchase the interest of said Ward or to have partition thereof.
That he believes they are willing to pay a fair price therefore, and that it would be for the interest of said Ward to make sale thereof, in preference to having partition for the reason that great cost would be attendant thereon.
Wherefore said Guardian asks for an order to Sell said land on such terms as the Court may direct, and for all proper relief.
William D. Branson
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12” day of March 1878.
B. S. Sutton Clk
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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