Minor Heirs
Catharine Criss, Dec'd
Box 104
Settled 1873
Joshua Criss
Harriett Criss
Richard Criss
William Criss
Ann Criss
Ellen Criss
Minor heirs of Catharine Criss dec’d
Edward Daniels Guardian
See Probate Order Book 12 page 17 for Report and discharge of Guardian
Inventory of Edward Daniels Guardian of Richard Criss
et al heirs of Catharine Criss decd
Filed in Open Court March 19, 1868 J.G. Wolf Clerk
Order Book 7 page 552
Shelby County | Shelby Common Pleas |
State of Indiana | March Term 1868 |
Edward Daniels Guardian of the persons and estate of Joshua Criss, Richard Criss, Harriet Criss, William Criss, Ann Criss and Ellen Criss, minor heirs of Catharine Criss deceased, files the following inventory and Valuation of the estate both real and personal of said wards
Cash $29 each aggregate | $174.00 |
Cash rent of their lands for the year 1866 | 47.53 |
Total personal | $221.53 |
Real Estate and undivided interest in the following real estate in Shelby County Indiana towit the south West ¼ of Section 4 in Township 11 North R 8 E being about the undivided ¾ part of the ?1/9 part of said described tract of the value of about $550.00
Annual rents thereof is probably about Edward Daniel $50.00 Edward Daniel
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of March 1868
J.G. Wolf Clerk
Box 104
Shelby Common Pleas
Final Report of Estate of Edward Daniels decd of the Guardianship of heirs by Lem Vanscoyc
Examined Approved & Administrator ordered to pay $51.45 cents, balance remaining in hands of Daniels, Guardian decd, belonging to Richard, Ellen, William & Ann Criss into Clerk of Court & discharged
R. L. Coffey
Filed August 16, 1873 John Elliott Clk
State of Indiana In the Shelby Common Pleas Court
Shelby County March Term 1873
Edw Lemuel A. Vanscoyc as Administrator of the Estate of Edward Daniels reports and shows to the Court that heretofore on the 30th day of December 1867 the said decedent then in life was appointed by this Court Guardian of Joshua Criss, Harriet Criss (then) but now Harriet Madison, Richard Criss, William Criss, Ann Criss and Ellen Criss, then minors heirs of Catharine Criss decd.
That afterwards on the 14” day March 1868 said Edward Daniels, now deceased filed in the Shelby Court his inventory as such Guardian of the effects of said wards, that has come to his hands and to his knowledge in which inventory he charged himself with $29.00 recd by him belonging to each of said wards making in the aggregate the sum of $174.00 that he had received rent of said wards lands for the year 1866 being
47.53 |
| $221.53 |
He charges the Estate of said Daniels with interest on same from
March 1st 1868 to June 25th same year 3.68
| $225.21 |
and Hereas such Administrator claims credit for same estate of Daniels for the following amounts paid out by him for said wards per vouchers herewith filed
| 1868 |
1st | paid Love & McGuire Atty fee in business of said wards | $5.00 |
| interest on same to June 25, 1868 | 2.70 |
2 | paid F. G. Robertson County Treas tax on said wards property | 37.45 |
| interest on same to June 25, 1868 | 1.08 |
| April 3d 1868 |
3 | paid to A.H. Brown collector succession tax | 7.00 |
| interest to June 25 1868 | .07 |
| He shows that he is informed and believes on such information that
said Decedent on his trip to Shelbyville to take out letters of Guardianship
nessingly necessarily spent | 2.00 |
| That he paid for Stamp for his Bond as such Guardian that about
March 19th 1868 he went from St. Paul Ind to Shelbyville to file his
inventory and report as such Guardian and in doing so necessarily
spent in traveling expenses | 2.00 |
| And that he paid B. F. Love for making said report to this Court | 5.00 |
| And that about April 3d 1868 said Daniels again went to Shelbyville Ind
to pay the succession tax charges against his said wards estate and again
spent about tw | 2.00 |
| In traveling expenses. He spent for Revenue Stamp | 1.00 |
| And that said Daniels up to this time lost at least three days necessarily
spent in that business of said guardianship and that the same was worth
$2.00 per day making the sum of | 6.00 |
| For which he claims credit
Total Credits | $69.60 |
| After deducting the $69.60 of credits from the $221.53 for
charges there remains | $151.93 |
With which he is chargeable.
Which was ordered and that before the 25th day of June 1868 said Joshua Criss arrived at the age of 21 years and on that day said Edward Daniels paid him in full settlement with him of and for all effects in said Guardians hands of which he was the owner and paid him in full and took his receipt therefore which is herewith filed. That there was on such settlement due said Joshua Criss by the above statement of acct the sum of $25.32, but that said guardian paid him as shown by said receipt the sum of $26.85 and as to the guardianship of said Joshua Criss he asks that the estate of said Edward Daniels be discharged and files receipt and by reason of the premises he directs from the above charge of $151.93,
the said share of said Joshua Criss being | $ 25.32 |
Leaving the sum of | $126.61 |
With which is then stood chargeable, but he claims credit for the following amounts paid out for said 5 remaining wards
1868 Oct 8 | F. G. Robertson County Treas taxes 5/6 amt of voucher | $ 9.60 |
| interest to this date | 2.30 |
1870 Feb 1st | paid F. G. Robertson Co. Treas 5/6 amt of voucher | 13.33 |
| interest to date | 2.44 |
1871 March 8 | paid J. Spurlin Sheriff of Shelby Co on fee bill | 14.52 |
| interest on same to date 1.75 |
| Paid J. Elliott Clerk costs of guardianship | 8.15 |
| He shows that he is informed that said Daniels spent traveling expenses
necessarily in procuring the partition of said wards lands including one days time | 3.00 |
| And Administrator shows that he has necessarily spent one days time in
this report and spent 70 cents on traveling expenses in making the same and he
claims credit therefore for the sum of | 2.70 |
| paid B. F. Love Clerking fee for making this report | 6.00 |
| | $63.84 |
| Amt of credits brot from 3rd page due the 5 wards June 25th 1868 == | $126.61 |
| Interest for same from June 25th 1868 to this date |
35.78 |
| | $162.39 |
| Amt of Credits brot from 3d page |
63.84 |
Total | $ 98.55 |
He shows that said Harriett has arrived at the age of 21 years and is now the wife of
Irwin Madison and that her full share of said funds is the 1/5 of said sum of $98.55 being $19.71 and that he has settled with her with the amount of her said husband in full for all her demands against said estate of said Daniels for funds and effects belonging to her against said estate and paid her $19.71 in full of all demands and files the receipt of her and her said husband herewith, therefore and asked that said estate as to her be discharged from said Guardianship. And he charges himself with 4/5 of said $98.55 being $78.84 in favor of Richard Criss, William Criss, Ann Criss and Ellen Criss the remaining 4 of said wards owned by them in equal proportions.
May 19 1868 | And he charges said claims credit for | $21.00 |
| With interest on same to this date | 6.09 |
| Total credits | $27.09 |
Deduct from $78.84 the Credits $27.09 and there remaining $51.75 belonging to said four wards being $12.94 for each of said wards, and he has paid to the Clerk of this Court for said wards Richard, Ann, William & Ellen Criss the sum of $12.94 each and that to the best of his information he has paid all costs of said guardianship and accounted for all the moneys and effects of said wards paid over to his possession of said deceased guardian and as to said 4 wards he asks that said estate be finally discharged.
L.A. Vanscyoc Administator
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18 day of March 1873
John Elliott Clk
Received of Edward Daniel Guardian of Minor heris of William Criss deceased the sum of Five dollars. January 3rd 1867
Love & McGuire Attys
No. 29
Treasuers’s Office
Shelbyville, Ind. Dec 30, 1867
Received of Catharine Chriss by E. Daniels Guard—Thirty-six Dollars and 15 Cents, in full 6/8 part for State, County, School, Library, Special School, Township, Sinking Fund, County Volunteer Bounty, Road and Dog Tax for the year 1865-6 & 7, on the following described Property,
Poll and Personal
Description of Land | Sec | T | R | Acres |
| W ½ SW | 4 | 11 | 8 | 80 |
36.15 | | | | | Noble |
1.30 | Cost |
$37.45 |
F. G. Robertson Treas Shelby Co
No 81
Collector’s Office, 6 District of Ind
Received of Edward Daniels for Wm. Chriss Heirs as Guardian Seven Dollars for Excise Tax on Successessor to Real Estate being amount assessed on _____ list for Mch 1868
A.H. Brown, Collector
Received June 25th 1868 of Edward Daniels My Guardian Twenty Six dollars and Eighty five cents in full of all the money in his hands for me as his ward I having arrived to the age of Twenty one years old.
Joshua Chriss
Received of Edward Daniel twenty one Dollars for for rest of William Criss four
youngest heirs. May 19th 1868
Cintha Criss her X mark
Attest Jas. A. Kirkpatrick
Wm. H.R. Reed | Common Pleas Court |
Jno C. Echart Et al | March Term 1870 |
Ex Parte Partition |
Edward Daniels Guardian |
Rec’d of Lemuel VanScyoc for Edward Daniels Guardian, the sum of Fourteen dollars and fifty two cents in full of Fee Bill rendered March 1870
March 8, 1871
Ithamer Spurlin Shff S.C. LS
Received of Lem Vanscyoc admr of Estate of Edward Daniels decd the sum of six dollars for making out report of the guardianship of said decedent of the minor heirs of Wm. Criss decd
March 10th 1873 B.F. Love Atty
State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:
I, Alexander Miller J. G. Wolf, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said county, certify that Edward Daniels, of said County has been appointed Guardian of the person and property of Joshua Criss, Harriet Criss, Richard Criss, William Criss, Ann Criss and Ellen Criss minor heirs of Catharine Criss, late of said county, deceased, and has qualified as such.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said Court,
the 30” day of December, 1867.
J.G. Wolf Clerk
Guardianship of Joshua Criss Et al
March Term, 1873
Edward Daniels, Guardian
Received of the above named Guardian Lemuel A. Vanscyoc Administrator of the Estate of Edward Daniels, dec’d the sum of $8.15 in full of the Costs accrued in the above entitled Guardianship on Settlement thereof.
Shelbyville, Ind. March 17” 1873
John Elliott Clerk
We the undersigned Harriet Madison formerly Harriet Criss but now wife of the undersigned Irwin Madison and the said Irwin Madison hereby acknowledge that we have settled with L.A. Vanscyoc the Administrator of Edward Daniels decd, the former Guardian of said Harriet and that We the undersigned have received from him paid to said Harriet with the consent of her said husband the sum of Nineteen Dollars and seventy one cents in full of all moneys and effects with which said Estate of said Daniels is chargeable on account of said Guardianship this March 17, 1873.
Harriet Madison Erwin W. Madison
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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