Shelby Circuit Court December Term 1892
Guardianship of Clara Newton
Mary Newton Guardian
Filed Feby 3, 1893 J. R. Sedgwick Clerk
R. W. Harrison Atty
State of Indiana |
Circuit Court |
Shelby County |
December Term 1892 |
Guardianship of
Clara Newton |
Mary A. Newton
Guardian |
Inventory |
Comes now the said Guardian and shows to the Court that she has this day received from the sale of wards interest in Real Estate towit: the one seventh part of the proceeds of sale of property on East Mechanic street One Hundred & Eighty five and 5/7 Dollars. Said wards interest having been sold under an order of Court. Said ward being the owner at the time of said sale of the 1/7 part in fee simple of said property.
And said Guardian has no information or Knowledge of any other money's belonging to said ward, nor of any other property of any kind or character all of which she swears as she verily believes.
Mary A. Newton
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of Feb 1893
Robert W. Harrison Notary Public
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the matter of the Guardianship of Clara Newton, Mary Newton, Guardian
Final Report Examined & Approved & Guardian discharged W. J. Buckingham Judge
Filed February 2, 1895
J. W. Powers Clerk
In Circuit Court December Term 1894
In the Guardianship of Clara Newton Minor heir of John H. Newton deceased
Mary A. Newton, Guardian
Final Report
The Undersigned guardian of the person and estate of Clara Newton Minor Heir of John H. Newton deceased, would respectfully submit the following report of her said trust.
She shows that she was appointed as such guardian on the 3d day of February 1893, and filed her inventory on said day. By which she was charged with the sum of $185.72
That brings said Wards Interest in said Estate. |
Interest on same to date |
$19.98 |
Total Receipts |
205.70 |
From which she asks the following credits |
No. 1
Paid J. A. Rink Jan 2nd 1895 for Cloak |
$10.00 |
No. 2
New York store Shoes, Dress goods &c 1-93 |
Guardian claims credits for Money paid out for said Ward for which she had No Receipts as follows;
For her part Lot at Cemetry |
$10.00 |
For work done on teeth |
10.00 |
Shoes and dress |
4.50 |
Pin money $5.00 Insurance on property |
5.00 |
Total amount for which she has no receipt |
34.50 |
No. 3 Paid J. W. Powers Costs |
13.85 |
No. 4 Paid Ward This 30 day of January 1895 in settlement |
136.85 |
Total expendure |
$205.70 |
Said Guardian shows to the Court that said ward was Twenty-one years old on the 27 day of September 1894 that said Guardian has made full settlement with said ward as shown by Receipt No. 4 filed with this Report, and she ask the Court to approve this Report and that she be discharged from said trust.
Mary Newton
Subscribed and sworn to this 2nd day of February 1895
J. W. Powers Clerk
January 30th 1895
Received of Mary Newton Guardian, the sum of One hundred and thirty six dollars and Eighty five cents in full of the balance due me out of and from said trust, I now being twenty one years of age.
This 30th day of January 1895
Clara A. Newton

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