Minor Heirs of
James Reed, dec'd
Box 179
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Edward L. Davisson Guardian of James Reeds heirs
Order Book No 9 page 274
Ex and Approved and Guardian Authorized to allow $40 per year per each heir
from 17th May 1865 to March 4th 1870
Filed March 22, 1870
D. D. Banta
J. G. Wolf Clerk
Edward L. Davisson Guardian of Mary J. and Mildred Reed
Minor heirs of James Reed Deceased would respectfully make to Court the following Report and accompanying request that his said wards was possessed of No Estate whatever that there was an existing claim of Bounty and Pension on account of the Services and Death of Said Deceased in the war of the Rebellion and that he has received on account of Said Claim for bounty the sum of fifty dollars and that the amount recovered for and on account of Pension from the 17th day of May 1865 to the 4th day of March 1870 amounts to the sum of four hundred and three dollars & 47 cents making a total of $453.47 and he has Expended on account of said claims to recover the Same To Geo. W. Gadd Atty in Pension $412.50
To Geo. W. Gadd Atty in Bounty | 5.00 |
Court charges in guardianship | 8.81 |
And that these causes has been attended with a great amount of Labor performed by said Guardian and that he has Expended various small sums of Money for which Service performed & Money Expended he asks the Court to allow him the Sum of Twenty five Dollars $25.00 Leaving a balance in hands of said Guardian of $402.16 And Said Guardian would further show to the Court that the Mother of said wards was on the 17th day of May 1865 Married to one
James L. Applegate a man of limited pecuniary circumstances though of Steady habbits and a propper person to have charge of Children and that said wards have resided with said Applegate & their Mother ever since their marriage and have been cared for Clothed and Schooled by them and that as a matter of Justice and Right ought to have an order from Court allowing said Guardian (after paying some Dr. bills known to said Guardian of small amounts for Services rendered Said wards in Sickness) to pay Said amount remaining on hand to the Said Applegate & wife taking their receipt for the Same which would be about $40 pr year for said Service for each ward and Said Guardian Respectfully asks that Said order be allowed.. Edward L. Davisson Guardian
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 22 day of March 1870
J.G. Wolf Clk
Guardianship of Minor heirs of Jas Reed Sr. Dec
E. L. Davisson Guardian Report
Order Book 20 page 115
Approved & discharged
K. M. Hord
Filed March 31, 1880
Fred H. Chueden Clk
Guardianship of Minor heirs of James Reed Deceased
Shelby Circuit Court
E. L. Davisson Guardian March Term 1880
Final Report
The wards in this Estate are namely
John R. Reed aged 21 | June 11 1874 |
James Reed aged 21 | October 29 1876 |
Mary J. Reed aged 21 | October 5 1878 |
Mildred Reed aged 21 | April 16 1881 |
And that the two last named wards were both married before the 25 day of September 1879
Mary J. to one Samuel Lane and Mildred to one John E. Applegate
That the only assets belonging or accruing was a claim for Pension and that said Pension collected was as follows to be equally divided while under the age of 16 years.
John R. | $166.99 |
James | 300.46 |
Mary J. | 439.66 |
Mildred | 623.32 |
| $1530.43 |
And that the continued agreement of the Mother the wards Mary J. and Mildred and this Guardian (the Mother
Elizabeth Applegate being a confined invalid) that the assets of these two wards should be a joint fund and should be used for their support in common and was so settled as shown by the joint receipt of the wards & their husbands in full.
Transcribed by Barb Huff

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