Final Settlement
of the Estate of
Lettie Jane (Brown) (Mitchell) Graham
recorded in Shelby Co. Probate Order Book 42, pp. 188-189
Morning 8 1/2 OClock January 15th 1894
the Hon. Wm. A. Johnson Sole Judge of this court
of Lettie Jane Graham dec'd. } Final Settlement
A. Mitchell Executor. }
Comes now William A. Mitchell as
Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Lettie Jane Graham dec'd and proves
to the satisfaction of the court by the affidavit of Edward A. Major Business
Maniger of the Shelby Democrat a weekly news paper of general circulation
printed and published in the city of Shelbyville Shelby County Indiana that due
and legal notice of the pendency of said Report had been given by publication
in said newspaper for two successive weeks prior to the day set for the hearing
of said Report which notice and affidavit read as follows towit: (Here insert)
and it is further proven to the satisfaction of the Court by the affidavit of
said Executor that a like notice was by him posted at the Court House door in
the city of Shelbyville more than two weeks prior to the day set for the
hearing of said Report, which affidavit read as follows to wit: (here insert)
and said Excecutor now submits to the court for confirmation and approval his
final Settlement ... herein filed in the Clerks office of this Court December
19" 1893, and the same reads in the words and figures following to wit:
State of Indiana Shelby County S. S.
Shelby Circuit Court December Term
the matter of the Estate of Lettie Jane Graham dec'd William A. Mitchell
Now comes William A. Mitchell as
Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Lettie Jane Graham deceased and
shows to the court that on the 18" day of April 1892 the said decedent
departed this life testate, that by the terms of her said will she bequeathed
to her four children Thomas Swanagan John Swanagan Sarah Solomon and Ruth
Solomon all of her Real Estate and to this Executor William A. Mitchell who was
also a son of the decedent all of her personal property, after the payment of
her debts. That this Executor has paid
and discharged all the debts and liabilities of said decedent and being the
sole beneficiary therein has not made out or reported any sale bills or Inventories,
That he has paid out on account of his trust the following amounts to wit:
| Thomas Swanagan
| $50.00
| Ruth Solomon
| $20.00
| J. E. Keeling MD
| $20.00
| J. F. Taylor MD
| $5.00
| J. E. Keeling
| $21.28
| D. B. Wilson
| $100.00
| White & Co.
| $60.00
| Mary A. Sexton
| $5.00
| Hord & Adams
| $ 5.00
| Clerks fees
| $15.75
| W. S. Ray
$ 3.00
said Estate has been fully administered and all debts and liabilities have been
paid and he asks to be discharged from his trust
W. A. Mitchell
and sworn to before me this 18" day of December 1893
Erastus M. McDaniel
Notary Public
[The record continues with approval of the account and discharge of the Executor.]
(signed) Wm A. Johnson
Submitted by Don T. Mitchell, great grandson of William A.

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