Box 1248
Joe Vanarsdall
of Shelby County
Respectfully submitted to the Superin-
tendent of the Madison State
Hospital as a true copy of the records of the
above inquest, with the request that said
patient be admitted into said hospital, as
provided in the Acts of 1927, Chapter 69,
and all acts supplementary and amendatory
hand and the seal of the
Shelby Circuit Court,
this 5th day of May, 1940.
/s/ Morris De Prez
Clerk. |
Jul 29 1920
of Shelby County, Indiana
informant respectfully represents that one Joe VanArsdall now
residing in said county, is insane and a fit subject for custody and treatment
in a State Hospital for Insane, as he verily believes, and he therefore asks
that necessary steps be taken to examine into his condition, as the law provides
in such cases. Your information further states that to his best knowledge
and belief, the legal settlement of said Joe VanArsdall is in Indiana, that said
Joe Van Arsdall was born in Indiana. That his present address is Shelby
Co. Ind. (Shelby Co. Jail). In making this petition, I do hereby certify
that I am a friend of said Joe VanArsdall; that I am a legal resident of
Shelbyville Ind, Shelby County, and that my address is Shelbyville, Ind.
In case of emergency, notify Paul VanArsdall, 1642 Lafayette Ave,
Columbus, Ind., telephone 559 R. Telegraph station Columbus Ind.
Of Joe VanArsdall
Born January 17th, 1899. Place Shelby Co Ind
Color White Sex
Male Divorced
Birthplace of father Kentucky
Birthplace of mother Indiana
Common school Religion Methodist
Occupation Farming Where last
employed and how long? M. O. Bland, Shelby Co Ind
3 years.
Estate: Value None
Guardian: Name None
How long have you known this person? 8 years
Have you known this person intimately? Yes
When was first sign of insanity observed by you July 28 --
What was the first sign of insanity by you? Violence upon the
person of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Bland.
Uncontrollable Temper
Was the present attack gradual or sudden in its onset? Sudden
State what leads you to believe this person is insane. Highly
nervous state and excitable, wanting to do bodily harm to his benefactors.
What moral deficiencies have been shown? Apparently None other
than tendency to assume and assert authority.
What was the mental and moral disposition in health?
Number of previous attacks of mental disorder? frequent for
the past six months
Has this person been a patient in any hospital for insane? No
Has this person suffered serious physical injury? No
Has this person suffered any serious illness?
Yes. State when and of what nature:
About thirty five years ago had some Spinal ailment and Spasms
Has this person suffered any great mental shock or
strain? No
Explain fully: At present confined in Shelby County Ind. Jail
Has this person been addicted to any drugs? No
Is this person paralytic? ____ Violent?
X Destructive?
Excited? X Depressed?
_____ Homicidal? X
Suicidal? _____
Is there any physical defect or deformity? No
Has person ever suffered from syphilis? Unknown. Has
there been a Wasserman Test? No
Venereal excess? Unknown
Is person epileptic? No Was person feeble-minded in
childhood? Yes
Give name and address of following relatives. (If dead, state cause of
death and age at death.)
Cause |
Age at Death |
Name |
Address |
Father |
James VanArsdall |
Shelbyville, Ind |
Cerebral Hemorage |
72 |
(Maiden Name) |
Cordelia Rhodes |
Shelbyville, Ind |
Stroke |
82 |
Father's father |
John VanArsdall |
Kentucky |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Father's mother |
Mary Terhune |
Kentucky |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Mother's father |
John Rhoades |
Indiana |
Unknown |
63 |
Mother's mother |
? Phares |
Indiana |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Brother |
Paul VanArsdall |
Columbus, Ind |
Everett VanArsdall |
Shelbyville, Ind R 4 |
Earl VanArsdall |
Shelbyville, Ind R 3 |
Roy VanArsdall |
Waldron, Ind |
Sister |
Mina Harrell |
Fountaintown, Ind R 1 |
Vania Ray |
Shelbyville, Ind R 3 |
Una Armstrong |
Flat Rock, Ind R 1 |
Which of person's parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts,
if any (give name),
ever had the following diseases:
Insanity None
Epilepsy None
Spasms None
Fainting spells None
Nervous prostration None
Hysteria None
Feeble-mindedness None
Tberculosis None
Syphilis Unknown
Was eitherof person's parents or grandparents intemperate in the use of
alcohol? Yes
Was either of the person's parents or grandparents addicted to the use of opium,
cocaine or other narcotics? No
The statement of P R Wilson, M.D., the attending physician, is filed
herewith and made a part hereof.
undersigned citizen of said county, upon oath, declares that the foregoing
allegation, personal history, family histor and history of person's insanity,
are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.
/s/ Leonard
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29 day of July, 1940
Bessie E Hain
Notary Public or County Clerk
O. R. Wilson, M.D.
July 29, 1940
I did carefully and personally examine Joe VanArsdal and believe his to be
suffering from mental disease, and I am of the opinion that he is a proper
person for admission to a State Hospital. I have observed the following
facts regarding his mental and physical condition: Physically sound,
mental reactions today are normal, converses rationally, answers
questions. Recommend pt for observation because of fits of rage against
I, Samuel Kennedy, M.D., of Shelbyville in the County of Shelby, Indiana,
do hereby certify that I am duly licensed to practice medicine in Indiana; that
I am not related, by consanguinity or marriage, to Joe VanArsdall of said
County, who is alleged to be insane and whom I have carefully and personally
examined this 30 day of July 1940; that I am of the opinion that he is mentally
ill and is a proper person for detention, care and treatment in a State
Hospital; and that I have formed my opinion that he is mentally ill from the
following facts observed by me. He talked to me a part of the time
rationally. However he could not talk coherently a part of the time.
I have also received the following information from others relative to the
patient's condition: He is violent at times. He aimed a gun and
threatened several persons with it.
I, R. W. Gehres, M.D., of Shelbyville in the County of Shelby, Indiana,
do hereby certify that I am duly licensed to practice medicine in Indiana; that
I am not related, by consanguinity or marriage, to Joe VanArsdall of said
County, who is alleged to be insane and whom I have carefully and personally
examined this 30th day of July 1940; that I am of the opinion that he is not
mentally ill and is not a proper person for detention, care and treatment in a
State Hospital; and that I have formed my opinion that he is not mentally ill
from the following facts observed by me. During my conversation with this
man it was immediately evident that there was a rather marked emotional
instability but otherwise no evidence of insanity. He was perfectly
rational and logical in is remarks; completely coherent and demonstrated no
fixed or transient delusions. I have also received the following
information from others relative to the patient's condition: The deputy
who accompanied me during the interview has known this man for 30 years.
From his history my conclusion is that the man if probably a moron with a
history of occasional "angry fits."
In the matter
of the application for the commitment of Joe VanArsdall to the Madison State
Comes now
Leonard Worland, who filed application for the commitment of Joe VanArsdall to
the Madison State Hospital, alleging therein that said Joe VanArsdall is a
resident of Shelby County and has his legal settlement in the state of Indiana,
and is insane. And having read such application and heard such other
evidence as was deemed necessary to a full investigation of the facts stated in
such application, I, James A. Emmert, Judge of the Circuit Court of the County
of Shelby, Indiana, do hereby find and determine that the said Joe VanArsdall is
insane and is in need of hospital care, and do hereby order him committed to the
Madison State Hospital; and this shall be sufficient warrant and authority for
his admission, confinement and detention for care and treatment in said hospital
until he shall be restored to health, or removed or discharged according to
law. And the clerk of this court is hereby directed to apply forthwith to
the superintendent of the Madison State Hospital for the admission of the said
Joe VanArsdall, and to transmit with said application to said superintendent,
for his information, copies of all statements and certificates submitted, and to
certify thereto under seal of this court.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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