Certificate of Partnership
Shuster & Epstein
Shelbyville, Indiana

filed Apr. 5, 1922
Gordon Thurston,
Clerk Shelby Cir. Court

Certificate  Of  Firm  Or  Partnership  Engaged  In
Business  Under  Name  Other  Than  Their  Own.

                   X SS:

Name of Firm or Partnership
Shuster & Epstein, operating the shoe department of TGE Goodman Department Store

Kind of Business
Retail Shoe Store

Place of Business
Shelbyville, Indiana

Names of Members of Firm or Partnership, and where they reside, to-wit:

Israel Shuster                              Rushville, Indiana

Jack Epstein                                Rushville, Indiana

State of Indiana, Rush County, SS:

Jack Epstein deposes and says that he has personal knowledge of the facts above stated, that they and each of them are true.

Signed: Jack Epstein

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th day of March, 1922.  My commission expires Jan. 1st, 1925.

Signed: Samuel L. Trahue,
             Notary Public

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