Shelby  County,  Indiana
Courthouse  Records

Last  Will  &  Testament
Emaline   Goodwin


Last Will and Testament of Emaline Goodwin wife of W.A. Goodwin of Noble Township Shelby County State of Indiana.

            I Emaline Goodwin of Noble Township Shelby County State of Indiana being of Sound and disposing mind and memory do hereby make my last will and Testament.

            Item 1st  I bequeath to Herman Goodwin my youngest son, his bed and bed clothing, phonograph, and other small articles now claimed as his own.

            Item       To my daughter Daisy G. My book case. To my Grand daughter Mary Crafton my sewing machine and one set of Silver knives and forks.

               To my Granddaughter Bertha Crafton my dresser, and to my daughter Sallie Kelley my side board and Kitchen Cabinet and one set of Silver Knives and forks and to my daughter-in-law Dollie Goodwin I bequeath my new Dining Room table also to my grand daughter I bequeath my Silver Spoons.  And the remainder of my Household goods I bequeath to my daughters, Daisy, Sallie and my daughter-in-law Dollie Goodwin to be divided share and share alike.

            Item 2nd. I bequeath to Herman Goodwin my son – under conditions hereinafter set forth, all the real estate and personal property monies & so forth I now own or all that I may hereinafter become owner of, to have and to hold during his natural life and at his death the remainder to be divided among my natural heirs Sallie, Daisy and the heirs of my son Alva J. Goodwin (deceased)

            Item 3rd.  I hereby appoint Claude Shaw of Noble Township – Shelby Co. State of Indiana as Executor & Trustee of this Will and direct him to care for and invest the proceeds of my estate in the best manner possible in order that the following expenses may be paid and life of my son may be made comfortable and pleasant.

            1st  All the expenses of my own and my son’s Herman’s last illness and our Physicians bills to be fully paid and suitable monument to be erected to memory.

            2nd  All funeral expenses both for myself and my son Herman be fully paid.

            3rd  All of the expenses – within reason of my Son Herman – during his natural life-same to include board washing clothing and a reasonable amount of spending money – Said Herman to select his own quarter and boarding place.

            4th  Said Shaw is to pay all necessary expense to keep said real estate in good condition – all taxes and charges against my real estate and all court cost that may accrue against my estate during the life of his trusteeship.

            5th  In case the proceeds Interest and Rentals are not sufficient to carry out this bequest of this Will and to properly care for said Herman Goodwin, the trustee is hereby given the Authority to sell such part of real estate as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this will.

            6th  It is my wish that in case of Said Herman inheriting from his father any monies or real estate that the Trustee of this will act as his Guardian or trustee for the same.

            Item 4.  In case of death of said Claude Shaw or his refusal to act as said executor of this will – that the Court appoint someone who would be acceptable to said Herman Goodwin.

            All of which is hereby acknowledged as my last will and Testament on this 10th day of March 1916.

                                                                                                            Emeline Goodwin

            Witness -          Henry Wasson

            Witness -          Fred E. Wiley



State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:

            Be it remembered that on the 4th day of November A.D. 1916 the ____judicial day of the October Term of the Shelby Circuit Court in said year, come into open Court Wilbur W. Israel and produces in Court an instrument in writing purporting to the last Will and Testament of Emeline Goodwin, deceased, and now moves the admittance thereof to probate and record, and in proof of said Will introduces Fred E. Wiley one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, who being duly sworn by the Clerk of said court, on oath, declare and testify as follows, that is to say:  That on the 10th day of March 1916 he saw the said Emeline Goodwin sign her name to said instrument in writing as and for her last Will and Testament and that this deponent, at the same time, heard the said Emeline Goodwin declare the said instrument in writing to be her last Will and Testament, and that the said instrument in writing was, at the same time, at the request of the said Emeline Goodwin and with her consent attested and subscribed by the said Fred E. Wiley and Henry Wasson in the presence of said testator, and in the presence of each other, as subscribing witnesses thereto, and that the said Emeline Goodwin was, at the time of the signing and subscribing of said instrument in writing, as aforesaid, of full age (that is, more than twenty-one years of age) and of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not under any coercion or restraint, as the said deponent verily believes, and further deponent says not.

                                                                                                            Fred E. Wiley


            Sworn to and subscribed by the said Fred E. Wiley before me Cecil B. Collins Clerk of said Court, at Shelbyville Indiana, the 4th day of November 1916.


                                                                                                            Cecil B. Collins Clerk


            Whereupon it is ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that said instrument in writing purporting to be the last Will of Emeline Goodwin deceased, is the last Will and testament of said Emeline Goodwin deceased, and is hereby admitted to probate and record in this Court.

                                                                                                            Cecil B. Collins Clerk


State of Indiana, Shelby County, SS:

            I, Cecil B. Collins Clerk of the Circuit Court of Shelby County, Indiana, do hereby certify that the within annexed Will and Testament of Emeline Goodwin has been duly admitted to probate, and duly proved by the testimony of Fred E. Wiley one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, that a complete record of said Will, and of the testimony of the said Fred E. Wiley in proof thereof, has been by me duly made and recorded in Book 7 at pages 172 & 173 of the record of Wills of said County.

            In Attestation Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed the seal of said Court, at Shelbyville Indiana, this 4th day of November 1916.

                                                                                                Cecil B. Collins Clerk

                                                                                                Circuit Court Shelby County

(For Election of widow see page 265)

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