Calvin's will was also recorded in Deed Book F, pages 470-471 in the Recorder's Office
Recorded in the office of
the Recorder of Shelby
County Indiana June
12th 1840 in Deed Book
F. Page 470 & 471.
Milton Robins Recorder
Filed 11th April 11th[sic]
AD 1840
S B Morris Clk
Fee $1.25 Paid
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In the name of God Amen I Calvin Kinsley being in sound mind and memmory but week in Boddy and Knowing the certainty of Deth and the uncertainty of life have thought Propper to make this my last will and testament
first I will my sole to God who gave it and my Boddy to grave second I Give and Bequeth to my Beloved wife Elizabeth Kinsley all my Real and personal estate Except such as I may otherwise order after all funeral charges are Paid and all my other Debts farely Discharged During her Naturel lifetime if she so long Remain my widdow but in case she should Marry a gain then in that case she is not to have but the one eaquel half part for the Remainder of her lifetime and the other half to Revort Back to my children as I may hereafter Direct and at her Deth it is all to go to my children as I may hereafter direct third I Give and Bequeth to my son Apollos Kinsley one Hundred Dollars bsids what I Before Gave him as his full Right of Dower fourth I Give and bequeeth to my Daughter Clarrisa Coy late Clarisa Kinsley ten Dollars to gether with what I had given her before as her full Right of Dower fifth I Give and Bequeth to my grand children William Young and Paley [Patsy] Young children of my Daughter Elizabeth Young formaly Elizabeth Kinsley to William Young ten Dollars and to Patey ten Dollars sixth I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter Eliza Montgomery child of Alma Montgomery formaly Alma Kinsley ten Dollars seventh I give and bequeeth to my grand Daughter Sarah Tracy Daughter of Emily Tracy formaly Emily Kinsley ten Dollars Eighth I give and Bequeth to my Daughter Orrilla Morris formaly Orrilla Kinsley one Hundred Dollars as her full Right of dour with what she had got before
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Ninth I give to Vallison C Thomas sone of Harriet Thomas formaly Harriet Kinsley ten Dollars tenth I give and bequeeth to my Daughter Sarah Jane Kinsley one hundred Dollars as hir full Rite of Dower Eleventh I give and bequeth to my Son Alison Kinsley one half of all my Remaining estate Real and personal after his mothers Death twelvth I give and Bequeth to my son Calvin Kinsley the other half of all my Real and personal estate after the Deth of his mother thirteenth I give to my son Alisol Kinsley one brown mare none by the name of Snip and one Cow and one eaqual and un devided half of the waggon and harnis to belong to him at the executing of this will fourtteenth I give to my son Calvin Kinsley one horse colt none by the name of Cosco and one Cow and the other eaquel and un devided half of the waggon and harnis to which he is to come in possesion of at the executing of this will
fifteenth I give to my Sons Alison Kinsley and Calvin Kinsley the privaledge of working and manage the farm in preferance to any other person if it is their wish to do so as long as they will pay or give their mother the one third part of produce and proffits of the farm and the fifteenth articl of this will to be and remain in force During the lifetime of my Wife Elizabeth Kinsley my further will is that all my Just Debts be paid and that such Property as can be Spared off ov the place or farm be sold to pay my Debts and to Defray other nefsary Expences and that my wife Elizabeth Kinsley and Apollos Kinsley be my Executors to Execute this my last will and testament in testamoney whereof I have here unto set my hand and afixed my seal this --- ninth day of November in the year of our lord Eighteen hundred and thirty nine
in the presants of us by Request of the testator
we hereby sign our Names
William Silcox Royal Barney Jr Calvin Kinsley {{ seal }}
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State of Indiana
Shelby County fs
Be it remembered that on the Eight day of April A.D. Eighteen hundred and Forty Personally appeared before me Sylvan B Morris Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby County William Silcox and Royal Barney Jr and being duly Sworn depose and say that they saw and heard Calvin Kinsley Signe Seal publish and declare the foregoing instrument of Writing as his last Will and Testament that he was of Sound minde & Memory at the time of hits Execution --- and that they signed their names their to as witnefses in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other
William Silcox
Royal Barney Jr
Sworn to and Subscribed before me at my office in Shelbyville the Eighth day of April AD 1840
Sylvan B Morris Clerk
Probate Court Shelby County
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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