Will of
John Caster
I John Caster of Sugar Creek Township Shelby County
Indiana make this my last will and testament to wit:
First I will and bequeath to my well beloved
wife Rebecca Caster all my real and personal Estate and all
property of every kind and all money due or that may become due to my Estate, so
long as she remains my widow.
Second That t is my will and desire that my well
beloved children should assist each other and also assist their mother to pay all
indebtedness against my Estate and that each keep a correct account of all sums
of money paid out by them, which sums shall be renumerated to them out of the
proceeds of the farm after the Debts have been all paid and the necessary
expenses of the family
Third It is my will and request that all my
children shall have an equal share of my Estate after their mothers
decease. And whereas, in as much as my son Zeno Caster
has received One hundred and seventy five Dollars ($175.00)*, Sarah
Bassett, my daughter, has received fifty Dollars ($50.00), Leander
Caster, my son, has received One hundred Dollars ($100.00) and my
son John Caster has received One hundred Dollars
($100.00), said amounts of money are to be taken in account in the settlement of
my Estate. And it is my will and desire that if any of children, or heirs,
shall be contrary or try in any manner whatever to brake this my last will and
testament, he, she or they shall forfeit this, her or their interest in my
Fourth It is my request, and express desire that
the farm upon which I now live shall be sold to the highest bidder after a
reasonable time after the decease of my beloved wife Rebecca Caster and the
proceeds thereof be divided equally as I have bequeath and requested in their my
last will and testament.
Fifth I request and hereby nominate and appoint
my trusted friend West C. E. Wanee to act as my executor in
this my last will and testament, to collect all dues, money, accounts and
everything that may be coming to my Estate and to pay all just debts, all claims
and demands against my Estate. And adjust in every way according to law
any writings that my be necessary.
Sixth I, John Caster being of sound
mind, now at this time make this my last bequest and will for the benefit and
wellfare of my beloved wife and children to whom I have willed my Estate as
stated in the foregoing will.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this April 16th day in
the ( ) of Our Lord 1883.
| his | |
John | X | Caster Testator |
| mark | |
Signed and sealed in our presence and we have also signed and set our seals in
the presence of the Testator as Witnesses in this the last Will and Testament of
the said John Caster.
Daniel T Culbertson |
Witnesses. |
Lewis C. Means |
W. C. E. Wanee |
* William Caster, my son, has received One hundred and thirty five
Dollars ($135.00)
State of Indiana Shelby County ss
Be it
remembered that on the 28' day of April 1883, in vacation of the Shelby Circuit
Court Daniel T. Culbertson one of the subscribing Witnesses to the
within and foregoing will and Testament of John Caster late of said county
deceased personally appeared before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Shelby
County in the State of Indiana and being duly sworn by the Clerk of said court
upon his oath declared and testified as follows that is to say: That on
the 16' day of April A D 1883 he saw the said John Caster sign his name to said
instrument in writing as and for his last Will and Testament and that the said
instrument in writing was at the same time, at the request of said John Caster
and with his consent attested and subscribed by the said Daniel T. Culbertson,
West C. E. Wanee and Lewis C Means in the presence of said Testater and in the
presence of each other as subscribing Witnesses thereto and that the said John
Caste was at the time of the signing and subscribing of said instrument in
writing, as aforesaid, of full age (that is more than twenty one years of
age) and of sound and disposing mind and memory and not under any coercion or
restraint, as the said deponent verily believes and further deponent says not.
D. T. Culbertson
Sworn to and subscribed by the said Daniel T. Culbertson before me Fred H.
Chueden Clerk of said Court at Shelbyville the 28' day of April
1883. In attestation whereof I have here unto subscribed my name and
affixed the seal of said Court
Fred H. Chueden Clerk
State of Indiana, Shelby County ss:
I Fred Chueden Clerk of the Circuit Court of Shelby County Indiana,
do hereby certify that the within annexed Will and Testament of John Caster has
been duly admitted to Probate and duly proved by the Testimony of Daniel T.
Culbertson one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, that a complete Record of
said Will and of the Testimony of the said Daniel T. Culbertson in proof
thereof, has been by me duly made and recorded in Book one (1) at pages 645=46,
of the records of Wills of said county.
In attestation Whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the Seal
of said Court at Shelbyville this 28' day of April 1883.
Fred H. Chueden Clerk Circuit Court Shelby County
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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