Last Will and Testament of
Catharine Mow
Know all men that I Catharine Mow Being now of sound mind and memory But knowing the uncertainty of this life and wishing to make known unto my beloved children how I Wish and will that the earthly goods and property that Providence has blessed me with may be Disposed of after my Decease so that there may Difference or Disputing among my beloved Children after my Departure from this life Therefore my wish & will is (First) that my clothing Be equally Divided among my four Daughters Viz Hannah Vantrefse Rebeccah Deibert Henrietta Colemaman and Parnella Snider so that each may get as Equal a part as posible[sic] and if they could not agree in making the Division among themselves Then my wish is that they get some Disinterested person or persons to make the Division for them. Second My Wish and will is that the Ballance of my effects be it what it may be Equally Divided among six of my Children Viz John Adam Mow Hannah Vantrece Samuel Mow Rebeccah Diebert Henrietta Coleman and David Mow and the reason why my Daugher Parnela Snider is excluded from any share in the Ballance of my effects is that she received her full portion of the Estate when I sold my right of Dower to the Real Estate that my late Husband Samuel Mow was in possefsion of in his natural lifetime Now I Wish it Exprefsly understood that my wish and will is That my children should agree among themselves and not Differ about what little I leave to them at my Decease In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day of May in the year of our Lord 1840
Signed in presence of
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John M Coleman
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State of Indiana
Shelby County fs
I Sylvan B Morris Clerk of the Probate Court of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana do certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the last will and testament of Catharine Mow late of the said County deceased and that John A Mow hath duly proved the same according to law and is duly authorized to take upon himself the administration of the estate of the said testator according to the said will
Witnefs my hand and the seal of the said Court the
30th day of September in the year of our Lord
One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty one
Sylvan B Morris /s/ Clerk
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming, filebox 18, Shelby Co courthouse vault

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