Last  Will  &  Testament

Henry  Nail
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In the name of God  Amen
I  Hennery Nail  of the State of Indiana & County of Shelby being low in body but Sound of mind and memory, do make this as my last will and testament

I Submit my Soul to God to give it and and my body to be decently buried
2 "
all my just debts to be paid
and than I will all my Children an Equal part of my whole Estate by deducting from Each Ones share  somuch as they may have received heretofore
I will unto my beloved Wife  Polly Nail  the use of the farm I now live on to raise the younger Children on and Somuch of the property as is necefsary for their support during her Natural life and at ther death to be devided amongst my Children Or their heirs So as to give each One an Equal Share together with what they my have recd heretofore given under my hand and Seal this 1st day of Oct. 1827
/s/   Henry Nail   {{ Seal }}

Lewis Morgan
Richard Williams

[The above document is written in the same hand as the signature of Henry Nail. - PMF]

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State of Indiana
Shelby County   }}  fs
                    Be it remembered that on the 15th day of October 1827.  Personally appeared before me Hiram Alldredge Clerk of the Probate Court for Said County, Lewis Morgan and Richard Williams the Subscribing witnefsed to the within will, who took an oath that they Saw Henry Nail, Sign,  Seal,  publich and declare the writing to which his named is annext, as and for his Last will and testatment, that they believed that he was of perfect Sense and memory at the time of Executing the Same And that they Signed their names as Witnefses there to in his presence ----
Given under my hand the date above written -----
Hiram Alldredge,  Clerk   P. C. S. C

Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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