, daughter of my
son Peter Smith deceased, Hezekiah Cary Smith
and Elizabeth Woodruff and Amanda McClain
my daughter an equal share of all my estate both real and personal after the
decease of my self and my beloved wife, Sarah Smith.
I hereby declare that the true meaning and interest of this my last will in bequeathing property to my
daughter and grand daughter, that in case of their decease that said property shall in no case what-
ever decend to their husbands, but shall in all cases remain the property of my daughters and grand-
daughters children and blood kin at law.
And, I hereby make and ordain Nathaniel Thompson and Joseph Smithers executors of this
my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disannulling all former wills by me made at any time:
in witness so where of I Hezekiah Smith the testator, have hereunto set my hand and seal this
fifteenth day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifty nine……
signed Hezekiah Smith, SEAL
Signed, Sealed, published and delivered by the above named Hezekiah Smith as his last will and
testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the
presence of the testator and in the presence of each other.
David Smithers
Elijah A. Powell
State of Indiana, Shelby County
Submitted by Jean Hehn
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