Last Will and Testament
John A.
I, John A. Henry of Shelby Co. In the State of Indiana
do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, and do hereby revoke any
and all former Wills and Codicils by me at any time hereto fore make.
Item One. I direct that all my just debts including funeral expenses to be
paid my Executrix here in after named out of the just moneys coming into her
hands after my death.
Item Two. I give and devise unto my beloved wife Mary E. Henry, the
following described Real Estate in Shelby County in the State of Indiana
towit: Lot Number (4) in Walkerville, (Except the East part thereof which
is described as follows towit: --
A part of Lot Number Four (4) in Walkerville, Shelby County Indiana Beginning at
a point twelve (we) chains and ninety two (92) links South and three (3) chains
and ninety six links West of the North Exit corner of the East half of the South
East Quarter of Section Thirty Two (32) in township Thirteen (13) North of Range
Seven (7) East: and running thence West Two (2) rods and Eight (8) inches:
thence North to the Shelbyville and Rushville Turnpike thence in a North
Easterly direction parallel with said turnpike Two (2) rods and Sixteen (16)
inches and thence South One (1) Chain and Eighty Three (83) links to the place
of beginning. The said real estate herein Willed to be held by her in fee
Item Three. It is my Will and desire and I hereby direct that my daughters
Cora Henry and Nora Henry whom I have not seen or heard from
since their infancy and whose names I do not now know more particularly shall
not take any part of my estate by and under this Will. It is my further
Will and desire that if either or both of my said daughters shall be dead at the
time of my death leaving a child or children surviving me, then in this case
said Grandchild or Grandchildren shall not take any part of my estate by and
this Will.
Item Four. All the residue and remainder of my property and Estate
whatever and wherever I give, bequeath and devise to my beloved wife Mary E.
Henry to be held by her absolute.
Item Five. I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife Mary E. Henry to be
the Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, I have hereunto set my hand
and seal the 19th day of November A. D. 1907.
John A. Henry ( seal )
Joe M. Keith
Charles Blair
Recorded Book 6
Pages 332 - 334
May 16, 1913
Election of Widow of Mary E. Henry, Executrix
The undersigned widow of John A. Henry deceased of Shelby Co. Indiana who
said settlement and whose last will and testament have been duly admitted to
probate and record in the Shelby Circuit Court of said County and State
hereby makes election, as such widow to take and accept the provisions made
by said will in her favor in lieu of her statutory right as such widow in and
to the personal property and real estate of which her said husband died,
signed, and which statutory right in consideration of the provisions of said
will by her acceptance as aforesaid is herby relinquished and released.
the 22 day of May 1913
E. Henry ( signed )
State of Indiana SS.
County of Shelby
On the 22 day of May 1913 personally appeared before the undersigned a Notary
Public in and said County and State Mary E. Henry, widow of John A. Henry,
deceasal to me will known and having had fully explained to her the contents
of the foregoing instrument, acknowledge that she executed the same as her
voluntary act and deed.
Witness my hand and Notary Seal at Shelbyville, Indiana, this the date last
above written.
August 13-1913
E. Tindall
Transcribed by Wanda

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