Joseph Hough, decd
Filed December 18, 1844
J Vernon
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hold this
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This 16 day of Aug 1957
3:00 P.M. and recorded
Will Record No. 5
Page 341 of the record
of Shelby County, Indiana
Fred Courtney
[Note: The above appears to have been made by a rubber stamp. I am sure there is a "story" surrounding the two recording dates, 1844 and 1957. -- PMF]
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know awl men by this presants that I Joseph hough of Shelby countey and Stait of indiania beeing Sencibel of the uncertenty of life and feeling it my Dutey to leev my estait out of Despute as to the devision among the eirs
first I direct that my funerl charges and Just Debts bee fully paid and satisfied
2 I give and direct that Hamnah Hough my belovd wife receiv one half the rents of awl my improov land and one half the rents of my wells beeing at half the exspence of repairing and each eir to have the other half as they hold it by this will and hannah Hough is to haiv the dweling hous and firewood as needded and to haiv that part of my moovabel property that She may maik chois of to the worth of one half in vallue and one half of awl the money in hand and on demand and on book as hir dower
3 I give and direct that Marah Hosier and Eliza Hosier and Rebeckah Mcfaden receiv in adition to what they haiv receiv one hundred dollars each as soon as the debts is collected or likely to bee collected
4 I direct that Nancey Ann Weeb and elinder Hough and elvirah Hough haiv the ballance of the moovabel property and money when collected equally devided betwn them them takin in consideration what each has received heretofore
5 I give and direct that Robert Hough hold and receiv a deed for the east half of the north west quarter of Section twenty five raing five town four teen Shelby county indiania
6 I give and direct that Jaims Hough hold and receiv a deed for the east half of the South west quarter of Sectione one raign Five town thirteen and also the west half of the north west quarter of the Saim Section Shelby county indiania
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7 I give and direct that Calvin Hough hold and receiv a deed for one hundred and twenty five acors of land lying on the west Side of the South west quarter of Section twelve raing five town thirteen and runing one hundred and twenty five rods east on each end Shelby county indiania
8 I give and direct the Zimry Hough hold and receive a deed for one hundred and twenty five acors of land begining at calvins north east corner thence east to the raing line deviding raing five and Six thense South sofar as to maik a west line to salvins line contain the Said one hundred and twenty five acors Shelby county indiania
9 I give and direct that Samuel Hough hold and receiv a deed for the land bying South of Zimry Houghs land to the Section line and east of calvins line and also the north west half of the north east quarter of Section thirteen raing five and town thirteen ex cept that part that may bee Sold in lots and not returnd Shelby county indiania
10 I direct that Zacariah Web and Hannan Hough bee the executors or adminestrators of this my last will and testament in testimoney whereof I set my hand and Seal
/s/ Joseph Hough
March the twenty fifth Eighteen hundred forty one
Signed Seald and published by the Said Joseph Hough as and for his last will and testament in the presance of us where unto wee haiv each Set our naims this 15th Day of May 1841.
Test. /s/ Edward Gird
Set Henry H. Boggefs
Nathaniel Cox
Linzey Boggefs
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State of Indiana }}
Shelby County SS }}
Before me Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby County personally Came Henry Boggess and Linzey Boggess two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and being by me duly Sworn Say they Saw and heard Joseph Hough sign seal publish and declare the foregoing instrument of writing As his last will and testament that they verily believe he was of Sound Mind and perfect Memory at the time of its execution and not under restraint or coercion. And that they signed their names thereto as witnesses in the presence of the Said testator and at his request and in the presence of Edward Gird & Nathaniel Cox the other Subscribing witnesses thereto and in the presence of Each other. And further Saith not
Henry H. Boggefs
Linzy Boggefs
Sworn to and Subscribed before me December 18th 1844
J Vernon
State of Indiana }}
Shelby County SS }}
I Jacob Vernon Clerk of the Probate Court of Shelby County Certify that the foregoing will was duly admitted to Probate before me And that a full and complete records thereof and the proof and examination of Henry H. Boggess and Linzey Boggess the witnesses by whom the same was proved are duly recorded in Letters of Administration Book A on pages 68 & 69
{{ }} Given under my hand and the seal of said Court
{{ Seal }} hereto affixed at Shelbyville the 18th day of December
{{ }} A D 1844
J Vernon
Notes: The text of the will and Joseph's signature are all in the same handwritting. The handwriting is easy to read; all the capital "I"s resemble a treble clef sign. All of the witnesses were able to sign their own names, which is remarkable for this date in Shelby County's history.
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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