The amount devid desired to be willed to my Heirs | Isaac Lemaster | |
I will to my Daughter Elizabeth Flemming
| | $5.00 |
I will to my Daughter Phebe Richart
| | 5.00 |
I will my son Elijah Lemaster
| | 5.00 |
I will my son Richard Lemaster
| | 5.00 |
I will my daughter Cassandrew Boon
| | 5.00 |
I will my son Michael Lemaster
| | 5.00 |
I will my son Benjamin Lemaster
| | 5.00 |
I will my son Isaac Lemaster one plow, one hoe, one pair horse gears,
one Drawing knife, one axe, one hand saw ,one wagon.
I will my grand Daughter Sally Kirk | | 50.00 |
Also a bed and bed cloathes, one cow, one wheel
I will my Daughter Sally Hendricks one Hundred acres of Land it being
a part off of the north west quarter of Section eleven in Township Twelve in Range Six east it being the farm I purchased of William
Dawson, Provided the said Sally Hendricks will pay to my grandson
Coleman Storm by having two years notice the sum of one hundred dollars
Also to Phebe Richart fifty dollars
I also will to Sally Hendricks one bed, one coverter, one blanket, two
sheets and two Pillows
I will my grand Daughter Maranda Pancake at my death and My wife's death the farm I now live on 80 acres also ten acres north of it making ninety in all - also the brown filly I now own and a good new saddle and the cupboard and table we now have, one bed 4 cotton and wool coverlets , 2 blankets, 4 sheets and 2 pillows one kittle one pot
one oven one skillet, one coffy mill, one looking glass, 2 choice cows, one spinning wheel, one bedstead, one
Bureau, one half of the cupboard ware choice - the balance of my property to be sold after my Death and devided equally amongst the heirs accept what the old Lady my wife may Reserve for her own use.
S. B. Morris Clerk