Will and Testament
Martha J. Reece
James W. Haymond
William Newton
Filed 13 day of Jan 1873.
John Elliott
Recorded No 1 page 362.
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Know all men by these presents that I Martha Jane Reese of Shelby County and State of Indiana being in ill health and of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time or hertofore[stet] made
And as to my worldy estate real or personal of which I shall die seized and possefsed or to which I may be entitled to at the time of my decease I devise and bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner in the manner following to wit ---
My will is that my real estate be sold and all of my just debts be paid and out of the money for which the Land is sold for five hundred dollars shall be paid to William Newton and one hundred dollars to his daughter M Charulla[?] and [three words have been crossed out --- I can't read them] and fifty dollars to Mrs Elmira M Blue one hundred dollars to Elizabeth Y[T?] Prill one hundred dollars apiece to Amanda Rosebrooks two Daughters one hundred dollars to Henry Prill the balance of my property to be divided among my legal heirs
and lastly I do nominate and appoint William Newton to be the executor of this my last will and testament
In testimony whereof I the said Martha Jane Reese have to this my last will and testament contained one two pages of paper and to the last page subscribed my name and affixed my seal this the tenth day of October 1871
Signed sealed published and Martha J Reece {{ Seal }}
declared by the said Martha Jane
Reese as and for her last will and
testament in the presence of us
who at her request and in her
presence and in the presence of each
other have subscribed our names
as witnefsed thereto
Wm Newton /s/
James W. Haymond /s/
[The above is two pages were found inserted in a "standard" will packet in the courthouse vault. The will itself is handwritten and the writing appears to be that of Milton Robbins. -- PMF]
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BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 13th day of January 1873 William Newton and James W Haymond two of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing last Will and Testament of Martha J Reece late of said County, deceased, personally appeared before John Elliott Clk of the Court of Common Pleas of Shelby County, in the State of Indiana, and being duly sworn by the Clerk of said Court, upon her oath declared and testified as follows, that is to say: that on the 10th day of October 1871 they saw the said Martha J Reece declare the said instrument in writing to be her last will and testament, and that the said instrument in writing was at the same time at the request of the said Martha J Reece and with her consent attested and subscribed by the said William Newton & James W Haymond in the presence of said testator and in the presence of each other as subscribing witnesses thereto, and that the said Martha J Reece was at the time of the signing and subscribing of said instrument in writing as aforesaid, of full age, that is more than twenty-one years of age, and of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not under any coercion or restraint, as the said deponent verily believes and further deponent says not.
James W Haymond
Wm Newton
Sworn to and subscribed by the said Jas W Haymond & Wm Newton before me,
John Elliott Clerk of said Court, at Shelbyville
the 13th day of January 1873
In attestation whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court,
John Elliott Clerk /s/
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
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