I Ralph Colescott of the City of Shelbyville in the State of Indiana do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament in manner following towit
Item 1st
I bequeath to my wife Paulina all my house hold goods kitchen furniture and provisions on hand in any dwelling house kitchen and outhouses at the Time of my death to be taken by her in liew[sic] of the Two Hundred Dollars in personal property provided for in a marriage Contract now existing between her and me.
Item 2nd
I direct that my executor to be herein after named shall proceed as soon after my death as he reasonably can and sell at either public or private sale as he may deem best for the interest of my estate the residue of my personal property and all my real Estate wherever situate including the lands which I now own in Jasper County in the State of Illinois giving such credits on such sales as will Insure the highest and best price for said property and said Executor Shall collect the proceeds of such sales as speedily as he can and also all debts due to me and after paying the costs of proving this will and of such sales I direct that the sums of money remaining in his hands shall be disposed of as follows viz:
Said Executor shall pay all my Just debts funeral Expenses and place a suitable Monument over my Grave:
He shall pay to my wife Paulina Five Hundred Dollars within Three months after my debts and the further sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars within fifteen months after my death according to the terms of the Marriage contract now existing between us and which said sums are to be received and taken by her in full discharge of are or any rights or claims which she might as such widow have in my real Estate whereever situate:
Said Executor shall pay to my son James Z. Colescott Fifteen Hundred Dollars and he shall pay to my son Fredrick A. Colescott. Seven Hundred Dollars and he shall pay to the children of my son John M. Colescott now deceased or to their legal Guardian two Hundred Dollars said sums then[?] to be paid being for the purpose of Equalizing my children in their advancements out of my Estate as near as is proper:
The remainder if any my said Executor shall pay equally to my children Mary E. Colescott, Fredrick A. Colescott James Z. Colescott and John M. Colescott said Grand Children taking the shares of their deceased parents that is One Fifth of such residue to each [?]:
Item 3rd
I direct that after the death of my wife Paulina, my Executor shall as soon as convenient proceed and sell at public or private sale as he may deem best the House and lot on Jackson Street in the City of Shelbyville Indiana in which I now reside and which is to be held by my said wife for her life, on such Terms as he shall Judge best and after paying the Cost of such sale he shall pay the residue Equally to my children then living and to my Grand Children then living such Grand Children Taking the shares that their deceased parents would take if living. ~ ~ ~
Lastly. I Constitute and appoint my friend Cyrus Wright the Executor of this my last will and Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and seal this 31st day of July A D. 1875.
Ralph Colescott {{ seal }}
Signed, Sealed published and declared by the said Ralph Colescott as his last will and Testament in our presence:
In Witness whereof we have hereto subscribed our our names in the presence of said Testator and in the presence of each other ~ Elbridge G. Mayhew
George M. Wright
Cyrus Wright
Whereas I Ralph Colescott on the 31st day of July 1875 made my last will and Testament of that date I do hereby declare the following to a codicil to the same
I Constitute and appoint my friend Matthew Sedgwick the Executor of said last Will and testament instead of Cyrus Wright therein named as Executor who died on the 22" day of October 1875 since The date of said last will and Testament
I witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this 23rd day of August A D 1876
Ralph Coalscott
Signed and Acknowledged by the said Ralph Coalscott as a codicil to his said last will and Testament in our presence and signed by us in his presence.
Martin Updegraff
Geo. H. Dunn
State of Indiana Shelby County ss
Be it remembered that on the 2nd day of November 1876, that being the 28th judicial day of the October Term of the Shelby Circuit Court in said Year Came into open Court George H. Dunn one of the subscribing Witnesses to the within and foregoing Codicil to the last Will and Testament of Ralph Colescott late of said County deceased and being duly sworn by the clerk of said Court, upon his oath declared and Testified as follows that is to say that on the 23rd day of August A. D. 1876 he saw the said Ralph Colescott sign his name to said Codicil to his last Will and Testament and that this deponent at the same time heard the said Ralph Colescott declare the said instrument in writing to be his codicil to his last Will and Testament and that the said instrument in writing was at the same time at the request of the said Ralph Colescott and with his consent attested and subscribed by the said George H. Dunn & Martin Updegraff in the presence of said Testator and in the presence of each other as subscribing Witnesses thereto and that the said Ralph Colescott was
at the time of signing and subscribing of said Instrument (in writing as aforesaid of full age ( that is more than twenty one Years of Age) and of sound and disposing mind and memory and not under any coercion or restraint as the said deposed verify believes and further deponent says not.
Geo. H. Dunn.
Sworn to and subscribed by the said George H. Dunn before me Bellamy S. Sutton Clerk of said Court at Shelbyville the 2nd day of November 1876.
~ L S ~
In attestation whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court.
Bellamy S. Sutton
State of Indiana Shelby County ss.
I Bellamy S. Sutton Clerk of the Circuit Court of Shelby County Indiana do hereby certify that the codicil to the within annexed Will and Testament of Ralph Colescott has been duly admitted to probate and duly proved by the Testamony of George H. Dunn one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto that a complete Record of said Codicil to said will and of the Testamony of the said George H. Dunn in proof thereof has been by me duly made and recorded in Book (1) at pages 454. 455. 456. 457. of the records of Wills of said County. In attestation where of I have hereunto
Subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court
~ L S ~ at Shelbyville this 2" day of November 1876.
B. S. Sutton Clerk.
Be it remembered that on the 2" day of November 1876 that being the 28" Judicial day of the October of the Shelby Circuit Court in said Year Came unto open Court George M. Wright one of the Subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing last will and Testament of Ralph Colescott late of said County deceased and being duly sworn by the Clerk of said Court upon his oath declared and Testified as follows: that is to say: that on the 31st day of July A. D. 1875. he saw the said Ralph Colescott sign his name to said instrument in writing as and for his last will and Testament and that This deponent at the same Time heard the said Ralph Colescott declare the said instrument in writing to be his last will and Testament and that the said Instrument in writing was at the same Time at the request of the said Ralph Colescott and with his consent attested and subscribed by the said George M. Wright. Elbridge G. Mayhew and Cyrus Wright in the presence of said Testator and in the presence of Each other as subscribing Witnesses thereto and that the said Ralph Colescott was at the time of the signing and subscribing of said instrument in writing as aforesaid of full age (that is more than twenty one Years of age) and of sound and disposing mind and memory and not under any coercion or restraint as the deponent verily believes and further deponent says not.
George M Wright
Sworn to and subscribed by the said deponent before me Bellamy S. Sutton Clerk of said Court at Shelbyville the 2nd day of November 1876
In attestation Whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court.
LS Bellamy S. Sutton Clk
State of Indiana Shelby County Ss.
I Bellamy S Sutton Clerk of the Circuit Court of Shelby County Indiana do hereby certify that the within Annexed Will and Testament of Ralph Colescott has been duly admitted to probate and duly proved by the testamony of George M. Wright one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto that a complete Record of said Will and of the Testamony of the said George M. Wright in proof thereof has been by me duly made and recorded in Book (1) at pages 454. 455. 456. 457 of the Record of Wills of said County.
I[n] attestation whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court at Shelbyville this 2"day of November 1876.
{ { seal } } Bellamy S Sutton Clk

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