Whalon Gibson
will of --

          _ In the Name of God, Amen _
I Whalon Gibson of the County of Shelby and State of Indiana, do make this my last will and Testament as follows, To wit --
I hereby direct my executor as hereinafter named as soon after my desease as circumstances will admit to pay and discharge all of my just debts,
After the payment of my just debts, I will and bequeath the residue of my property both real and personal (except as hereinafter mentioned) to my Son Castaline A. Gibson*, subject however to the following conditions and specifications towit -- that that for and during the natural life of my beloved wife Elizabeth Gibson he the said Castaline A Gibson pay to the said Elizabeth Gibson during her natural life time the proceeds of the rents of all my real estate, and Interest on the money that may come into her hands after the payment of my just debts - and further that after the death of my said wife Elizabeth Gibson he pay out of the property hereby devised within to my Daughter Elizabeth M. Poe who in now residing in Illinois, the sum of Twelve Hundred dollars --
And further I will and bequeath to my beloved wife for her sole use and disposal all of my furniture and House Hold property --
And further should my said Son Castaline A Gibson wish to sell and dispose of any of my real estate, hereby willed to him before the death of my said wife, he can do so, the Interest however of the proceeds so realized from the sail of said real estate to be paid by him to my wife Elizabeth during her natural life. And further I do hereby order and direst my executor as hereinafter named upon my death, and the death of my wife Elizabeth, to erect at their joint graves -- a monument costing Five Hundred dollars -- And I do hereby constitute and appoint Castaline A. Gibson my Executor under this my last will and Testament to carry with effects its provisions

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and sealthis 12th day of March A.D. 1866.
Whalan Gibson   ~ seal ~ 

We the undersigned have signed our names to this will at the request of Walan Gibson the Testator who in our presence signed the above will, and we in his presence sign our names to this will as witnesses and in the presence of each other ---
Frank Smelser
Benjamin Farmbrough

State of Indiana
Shelby County   ss:
Be it remembered that on the 27th day of April A.D. 1866 personally appeared before me the undersigned Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of said County Benjamin Farmbrough one of the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing to wit the last Will and Testament of Whalan Gibson late of Shelby County deceased now produces and offers said Will for probate and record before me said Clerk....

*In the estate papers, Whalon's son signs his name "Casterlin"; notice the deceased signs his name "Whalan".

Copied from the estate papers of Whalon Gibson, dec'd, filebox 87, Shelby County Court House vault, Shelbyville, IN, by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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