Shelby County Indiana
Family Records

at New Bridge, one near Warrick, where the refugees had murdered a man & robbed the house. We killed two of these refugees at another of the skirmishes was near (Paramis?). All of these were with refugees. They had several other skirmishes the location of which he does not now remember. He does not remember either the day or the month when he entered the service at this time but thinks it was in October. He served three months, as a substitute as above stated. He was discharged at the end of three months verbally but received no written discharge.
The next engagement of this applicant was he thinks commenced in the month of June 1778. He resided at the same place as at the commencement of his first engagement. He volunteered as a private soldier of the Militia under the same captain Glover same sergeant Cook and Lieutenant (Roperant?). The engagements of the company were the same as before mentioned. The principal part of this engagement they were employed up North River between his home & twenty miles up. They were not during this time connected with the regular army but frequently as before saw them (paking?) & (repaking?) the much the same as before. He served at this time two months. He does not remember the day of the month when he entered the service or was discharged. (thinks it was early in June). He received no written discharge. He was in no battle or skirmish during this engagement but some short time after he volunteered he was marched to join the army in the expected battle of Monmouth but his company did not arrive till the battle was over. It was a remarkably hot day they assisted to bury the dead. Morgan & Wayne he thinks were both in this engagement. General Lee was also. He was guilty of misconduct. He was sent to attack the rear & Washington afterwards came on with a reinforce and met Lee fleeing, he having as claimant thinks deserted his own men. When he met Washington he used insolent language in conversation with him. He was afterwards (cashiered?) & bore no command afterwards. After this they returned to their old station near Warrick & were engaged the balance of the two months up the river as above states. He thinks he was discharged sometime in August.
In the fall of the year 1778 he thinks in September does not remember the day of the month residing at the same place under the same officers & in the same company as before he volunteered as a private soldier of the Militias (?) the service of the United States. His company was stationed at a block house on the public road heading from Philadelphia to Warrick on the line between N. York and N. Jersey between Warrick & (Punkton?) Plains. He does not remember the name of the block house. Here his company he served one month, their duty being to guard the said block house. The said regular army as before frequently passed and (relaxed?). The officers with which he was acquainted were
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