Pg 2. "Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D.C., Mar 22, 1870
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 147,797, and to return it herewith, with such information as is funishd by the files of this office.
It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that David E. Barnard was enrolled on the 21 day of July, 1862, at Rushville, Ind in Co. C, 16 Regiment of Ind Volunteers, to serve 3 years or during the war and mustered into service as a Corpl from the 21 day of July, 1862, at Indianapolis, Ind., in Co. C, 16 Regiment of Ind Volunteers, to serve 3 years or during the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. C of that Regiment, for the months of July and August 1863, he is reported "Corpl" "Ab. on sick furlough since Aug 20/63" (Retuen for said Mo's. not on file) "Rejoined Regt Nov8/63 - reinstated and returned to duty by order of I.J. Lucas Comdg Cav Dir" and Bond as Present on sub rolls to M.O. Roll dated June 30/65 when rept'd "I" "Sergt" "Present & M.O. with Co that date at New Orleans La." No evidence of "disease in July 63". Cause of above reinstatement not given - no evidence of desertion.
I am, Sir, very respectfully Your obedient servant,
J.?. Martin
Assistant Adjutant General
The Commissioner of Pensions, Washington, D.C.
Pg 3. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions
Sirs: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the inclosed envelope, which requires no stamp.
Very respectfully,
G. M. Salzgabig, Commissioner
[The next space is a "rubbing" or imprint made from David's "dog tag":
110855 ACT MAY
Then in the space to the right of this is a circular stamp of the U.S. Pension Office dated May 25, 1915]
No. 1. Date and place of birth? Answer: Nov 2nd 1840, Fayette Co, IN.
The name of organizations in whichyou served? Answer: Co. C 16th Regiment of Indiana Infantry Volunteers.
No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment? Answer: Manilla, Rush Co, Indiana.
No. 3. State your wife's full name and her maiden name. Answer: Jennie Barnard Jennie Swain
No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer: Oct 28th 1869 at Louisa Swain's, Rush Co, Indiana by Thomas B. Gary.
No. 5. Is there any official or church records of your marriage? in the Rush County Court Records
No. 6. Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the date of the marriage, and the date and place of her death or divorce. If there was more than one previous marriage, let your answer include all former wives. Answer: only the one marriage
No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you....[see #6] Answer: She was never married but the one time.
No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation? Answer: Yes, am now living with my wife.
No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead. Answer:
Allie S. Barnard born Nov 8, 1870
Omar P. Barnard born April 18, 1873
Marshall S. Barnard born May 19, 1882
Roy F. Barnard born Dec 10, 1883
Date: May 24, 1915 (Signature) David E. Barnard
Pg 5: 3-173 W Div. W.W.C. Ex'r N.D.Ctf. No. 110,855
Department of the Interior
David E. Barnard, Co C., 16 Reg't, Ind. Inf. Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D.C. March 16, 1899.
Will you kindly answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below? The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your family.
Very respectfully,
H. [?] Evans, Sr., Commissioner
No. 1. Are you a married man? If so, please state your wife's full names, and her maiden name.
Answer: Jennie Barnard Jennie Swain
No. 2. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer: Oct 28th, 1869, Posey Twp, Rush Co, Indiana, by Thomas B. Gairy.
No. 3. What record of marriage exists? Answer: Marriage record filed in Rush Co. Circuit Court.
No. 4. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce. Answer: only marriage
No. 5. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth. Answer: Three children: Omar P. born April 18th, 1873; Marshall S. born May 19th, 1882; Roy F. born Dec 10th, 1883.
Date of reply, March 28th, 1899. David E. Barnard (Signature)
Stamped U.S. Pension Office, Apr 25, 1899
Pg 6: War of 1861 Form No 1459-1M-9-91. DECLARATION FOR INVALID ARMY PENSION
State of Indiana, County of Rush, ss:
On this 30th day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven, personally appeared before me Marcius A. Jones, a notary public within and for the County and State aforesaid David E. Barnard aged 56 years, a resident of near Manilla in the County of Rush in the State of Indiana who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical David E. Barnard who enlisted in the service of the United States as Manilla County of Rush State of Indiana on the 21st day of July 1862, as a Corporal in Company "C" of the 16th Regiment of Indiana Inf. Vols. commanded by Col. T. J. Lucas and was honorably discharged at Indianapolis State of Indiana on the 20th day of July 1865 That his personal description is as follows: Age 21 years; height 6 feet 11 inches; complexion Light ; hair dark; eyes Hazel. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty, at or near a place called Thibadeaux State of Louisiana on or about the First day of March 1865
(1) From exposure in service he contracted rheumatism which has resulted in heart disease and which has gronw worse from year to year and rendered him nearly totally unable for manual labor.
He also asks an increase of his pensioned disabilities for the reason that his present rate of Pension is not commensurate with the disabilities for which pension is now allowed, as he believes, that he is pensioned for Chronic disease of Stomach & liver resulting in disease of rectum and bowels.
By Certificate No. 110,855, at the rate of $14 per month, payable at the Indianapolis, Indiana Pension Agency.
That he has not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above.
Since leaving the service he has resided in Rush County, Indiana and his occupation has been that of a farmer and merchant. That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sound physical health, deing when enrolled a farmer. The he is now nearly totally disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries above described, received in the service of the United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States for said new disabilities and for Increase of Pensioned disabilities.
Pg 7 He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation Geo. S. Jones of Manilla State of Indiana his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. That he has received and applied for a pension. His post-office address is Manilla County of Rush and State of Indiana.
David E. Barnard, Signature of Claimant.
Two witnesses that can write: Thos. H. Jones Cynthia A. Jones
Also personally aappeared Thomas H. Jones, P.O. Manilla, County of Rush, State of Indiana and Cynthia A. Jones, P.O. Manilla, County of Rush and Stateof Indiana, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw David E. Barnard, the claimant, sign his name (make his mark) to the foregoing declaratioin and power of attorney; and they further swear that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have known him for ten years last past; that his habits have been uniformaly good, and his occupation has been that of a farmer and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
Signatures of two identifying witnesses: Thos. H. Jones Cynthia A. Jones
Sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed before me, this 30th day of January 1897, and I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing declaration of claimant and affidavit of witnesses was made known to each of them before administering the oath; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. Official signature, Marcius A. Jones, Notary Public
The above Declaration was filed by Geo. S. Jones, Manilla, Indiana. It was received by the U.S. Pension Office on 2 Feb 1897.
State of Indiana
County of Rush
On this 4th day of September A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, personally appeared before me Benjamin F. Tingley, Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for the County and State aforesaid, David E. Barnard, aged 28 years, a resident of
Sumner*], in the County of Rush, in the State of Indiana, who being duly sworn according to law, declares he is the identical David E. Barnard, who enlisted in the service of the United States at Sumner, County of Rush, State of Indiana, on the 21st day of July, in the year 1862, as a Corporal in Company "C" commanded by Captain P. J. Beachlard in the 16th Regiment of Ind Vols in the war of 1861 and was honorably discharged on the 30th day of June, in the year 1865; that while in the service aforesad and in the line of his duty, at Vicksburg, Miss., on or about the 4th day of July, 1863, From hardships and exposures during the seige and capture of Vicksburg, diarrhea was superinduced at and brought on which continued and became chronic. By reason of said disease he is broken down in health and constitution and suffers with dyspepsia, constant pain in the breast, shoulders, stomach and sides. And general prostration of his whole nervous system. By reason of said disability he is unable to perform but little manual labor.
He was not employed in any civil branch of the Government service, between March 3d, 1865 and June 6, 1866. Since leaving the service he has resided mostly in Posey Township in the County of Rush, in the State of Indiana and his occupation has been farming a part of the time and present [?] clerking in store when able; when enrolled he was a farmer. And for the purpose of prosecuting his claim, he hereby appoints Jacob WRIGHT, of Indianapolis, State of Indiana, his attorneys in fact, with power of substitution, and with authority to receive his pension certificate. He requests that his pension be paid at Indianapolis, State of Indiana. His Post Office address is Sumner, County of Rush, and State of Indiana.
David E. Barnard, Signature of Claimant
Witness: William W. Worth, Robert L. Beboub [?]
Pg 9: State of Indiana County of Madison ss:
John C. Cullen, a resident of the County and State aforesaid, being duly sworn, according to law, upon his oath declares: That he is the identical John C. Cullen who was late an Insgn. of 1th Reg't Ind Vols., and that David E. Barnard was a member of the aforesaid organization, and that on or about the 4 day of July 1863, the said David E. Barnard while in line and discharge of duty, at Vicksburg, State of Miss., from exposure during the siege contracted cemf [?] diarrhea for which affiant rendered him medical service[?]. Said disease of the bowels continued up to the time of discharge.
Affiant has no interest in this matter.
Officer's Signature: John C. Cullen, M.D.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14 day of December 1870; and I certify that the party whose name appears signed to the following affidavit is the person he represents himself to be, and a good and credicle witness, and that the contents of the foregoing affidavit were duly read and fully made known to affiant, before making oath to the same, and that I have no interest in this matter.
Official Signature: T.[?] G. Fleming, clerk
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington D.C., Mch 11, 1899
Respectfully referred to the Chief of the Record and Pension Office, War Department, requesting additional military and medical history of the soldier, if on file.
No other report on file.
N.D. Ctf No.110855
Name: David E. Barnard, Co C, 16th Reg't, Ind Inf.
bottom signature is illegible and also covers the description -- something like Comissioned Officer.
War Department
Washington, Mar 14, 1899
Respectively returned to the
with the information that in the case of David E. Barnard, Co C, 16th Reg't, Ind Inf.
He is reported on roll Aug 31/62. Taken prisoner at Richmond, KY, Aug 30 - Oct 31/62 to June 30 '63 present - Oct 31/64 Absent in Indiana on Recruiting service since Aug 30/64.
Pris of war records show him captured and paroled at Richmond, KY, Aug 30/62.
Military records furnished. Nothing add'l (except as above) to report therewith.
The medical records show him treated as follows: David E. Barnard, Corp, C [missing] Jan 26, 63 to - Debility [missing] Sgt. [?] June 22 to 25, 65 Bronchitis Ac., ret'd to duty.
Nothing additional found.
By authority of the Secretary of War:
F.C. Anisworth [sign], Chief of Office
W A R O F 1 8 1 2
Act July 14, 1862
Brief in the case of David E. Barnard, Corp'l of Company C. 16" Regiment, Ind. Inf.
Post Office Address of Applicant
Sumner, Rush Co, Ind.
Enlisted July 21', 1862, Dishcarges June 30", 1865.
Application field Sept, 10th, 1869.
Declaration and identification in due form
Alleges: Contracted Ch. Diarrhea, July 1863.
Rolls show: no evidence of disease in July 1863. Sick furlough since Aug. 20/63.
W. A. Ingold, late 1st Lt. (AG favorable) testifies that claimant from severe hardships in July 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss. contracted Ch. Diarrhea, which continued to date of discharge. Apl. 25/70.
Testimony of John C. Cullen, M.D. late Surgeon of reg't: rolls favorable/claimant contracted Diarrhea in July 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss. from exposure during the siege, for which affiant rendered him medical service. Said dis. continued to date of discharge. Dec. 22/70.
Benj. F. Folger, M.D. testifies to soundness prior to enlistment, and when he came home he was suffering with Ch. Diarrhea and weakness for which affiant rendered him medical service. Said disease still continues. April 5th, 1870.
Indianapolis Board, Aug. 3rd [missing], finds Ch. C[missing]ion of liver & stomach. Disability 1/2. Uncertain duration.
Admitted May 13th, 1871, to a Pension of $4 per month commencing July 1st, 1865.
Disability: Eis[?] before payments. Disabled by Ch. disease of liver & stomach.
L.S. Mortimer [sign], Examing Clerk.
Name and residence of Agent: J. T. Wright, Indianapolis, Ind.
The following page is all handwritten. The left margin is stamped U.S. Pension Office Feb 2 1897. A stamp at the top says LAW DIVISION Feb 11 [remainder illegible].
State of Indiana, Rush County, ss: In the matter of Pension Claim No. 110855 of David E. Barnard late Co. "C", 16th Reg't Ind. Inf. Vols. War of the Rebellion. Personally appeared said David E. Barnard before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, who being by me duly sworn, declares in relation to said claim as follows towit: That he is the claimant above named; that Lieutenant W. A. Ingold was the only Commissioined Officer present with the said affiant's Company in the Spring of 1865, when affiant's Company in the Spring of 1865, when affiant was afflicted with his alleged rheumatism in the service aforesaid; that he has written to said Lieutenant at this last known address but cannot receive any word from him nor of his present whereabouts, if living; that there was no Orderly Sergeant of said Company other than this affiant; that he was not treated in said service by any Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon for said rheumatism and that he cannot therefore furnish any better testimony as to origin in the service than that of John W. Collins filed herewith: that he was first treated for said rheumatism after leaving the service, by Dr. James Maulsby of Knightstown, Ind., at the residence of his father's, where he now resides, near Manilla, and at the residence of Addison L. Folger near by, where he went for the purpose of having said doctor treat hem, about the Winter of 1867 and 1868; that said Doctor Maulsby is now dead; that Doctor J. W. Green of Arlington next treated affiant for said rheumatism for time to tome, almost every year from about the fall of 1868 to about 1880 or 1881 when he began treatment with Dr. W. E. Barnard of Manilla by whom he has been treated about every year or nearly so since 1880 or 1881 and part of the time affiant still took occasional treatment of said Dr. J.W. Green; that both Dr. Maulsby and Dr. Green are now dead, and he cannot therefore furnish other medical evidence as to treatment since said army service than that of said Dr. Wm. E. Barnard and of Dr. ________ Green of Martinsville, Indiana, Sanitarium where he was treated for rheumatism about three or four years ago, and Dr. Lot Green of Rushville, Ind. Claimant further states that from the time of the incurrence of his rheumatism inthe Spring of 1865 to discharge his back continued to be lame at times more or less; that he went to school at Chicago in the fall of 1865 after discharge and continued in the schoolroom all winter and that while in school he did not suffer much with rheumatism that he can now remember of, but that in the following Summer while working at the Carpenter trade among strangers whose names he does not now remember, he was again affected with said rheumatism in the Summer of 1866, and in the fall of 1867 the said rheumatism became more generally distributed over the system and affected the back, shoulders, arms and right leg, when he sought treatment of Dr. Maulsby as aforesaid andhe has suffered every year since and sometimes severly. He asks that the testimony filed with his claim be considered in lieu of the first class testimony which he is unable to furnish for reasons above stated.
He further states that he has dictated this affidavit to Geo. S. Jones, at Manilla, Ind. on Jan. 21st, 1897, who reduced his oral statements to writing in his presence without the aid of any written or printed statement not filed herewith as an exhibit.
David E. Barnard [signature]
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of January, 1897, and I certify that I acquainted affidavit with the contents the foregoing affidavit before he executed the same, and that I have no interest direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim for a pension.
Marcus A. Jones [sign], Notary Public
(Note: Since making the above affidavit, the affidavit of Lieutenant William A. Ingold has reached me and is filed herewith - Geo. S. Jones, Attorney for claimant.
The last page states that David E. Barnard, 110855, Manilla, Ind, was last paid at the rate of $90 per month to July 31, 1933, and that all further payments were cancelled because of his death 8-28-33.
Transcribed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Note from Karen Pruitt: Swain's Mill was situated on Little Blue River
just below the Wesleyan Church in Posey Twp, Rush County. There are still Swain's in the area. An enlarged postcard photo is hanging in the Shelbyville-Shelby County Genealogy library. There is also an old newspaper clipping on the mill at the library telling of its history. This mill served folks in both Rush and Shelby counties as it was near the county line. The area around the mill was called Sumner; there was a Sumner P.O. back in those days. This area is now served out of the Arlington post office.

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