Augustus Eitelgörge
Augustus Eitelgörge (German spelling), correct name Frederich Augustus Eitelgörge, was the first Eitelgörge immigrant to this country, found to date.
According to the Enchelmayer/Sauer Family Information posted on the Internet at http://www.enchelmayer.com, Augustus Eitelgörge was born 13 May, 1792 at Nordhausen in Prussia and he married Caroline Dorothea Iuella, born 2 December, 1792 also at Nordhausen. They married in 1813 and had at least one child, Caroline Johanna Christine Eitelgörge, born 28 June, 1814 at Nordhausen.
Augustus immigrated before 1829, the year he opened a small bakery on Fifth Street in Cincinnati, Ohio, according to “The History of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio” (http://www.heritagepursuit.com). He had been a baker in Prussia prior to immigration.
In the Shelby County, Indiana land records (Deed Book D, 1833-1834, A – F) is listed under “Grantee or Grantor” the name “Eitelgeorge, Augustus,” whose residence is given “Marion County, IN”, on page 48.
A name search of Eitelgeorge on the Internet in 2000 (HTML created by GED2HTML v3.6-WIN95, Jan 18, 2000) revealed a mother Mary “Polly” Hyde
and daughter Elizabeth Connor both buried in 1836 in the “Cemetery, Eitelgeorge Prop, Near Rome, Perry County.”
Mary was married to Terrence Connor.
On 22 May, 1837 Augustus Eitelgeorge was granted patent #200, “Mode of preventing steam boilers from bursting.”
August is found in the 1840 Federal Census for Shelby County, Indiana under the name
Frederick A. Itlegeorge (Hanover Township, Page 326). The ages listed in that census: one male, 20-30 years, one female, 20-30 years, one male and one female, each 40-50 years.
This appears to account for Augustus, Caroline Dorothea, and Caroline Johanna, but not the other male, probably a son.
Augustus died 12 September, 1845 at Hanover, Shelby County, Indiana. Caroline Dorthea died 12 December, 1881 at Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. Caroline Johanna married
Heinrich Augustus Muth around 1838. Muth joined the family bakery and took over after the passing of his father-in-law.
The bakery was famous for three generations and at one time was the oldest bakery west of the Alleghany Mountains.
It was a model business and came to be known as Muth’s Steam Bakery, which may give a clue to the Eitelgeorge patent of 1837, noted above.
Caroline Johanna Muth and Augusta Muth had four children, with descendents still in Cincinnati, Ohio. Caroline died 8 February, 1899 in Cincinnati.
The Muth family history is well documented in public records.
Jack V. Eitelgeorge
14 February, 2005

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