Shelby County Indiana
Family Histories
Robbins / Robins
Transcript of family history written by Dr. Milton Robins
John Robins was born in Sussex Co NJ April 10 A.D.1760 and died in Greenfield OH Sep 10th 1841. He was married to Sarah Daily in the year A.D. 1780 and raised the following sons and daughters to become heads of families: Daniel, Philip, John, James, Isaac, Moses, Charles and Rachel who married John Jones and Hannah who married William Wiley.
Philip Robins, son of John Robins, was born in Washington Co PA Oct 5th A.D. 1785 and was married to Nancy Boyd in Highland Co OH on the 12th day of Sept A.D. 1809 and died on the 19th of Jan A.D.1835 Shelby Co IN. He raised the following sons and daughters to become heads of families: Milton, N. D., Rezin, Philip, Dr. Franklin, Margery, who married William Law, and Nancy Emily who married Samuel Sandifer.
Milton Robins, son of Philip and Nancy Robins, was born in Hillsborough OH Nov 16 1810 and was married to Frances Powell on the first day of March 1836. Frances Powell was born in Dearborn Co IN on the 8th day of Dec A.D. 1816, being the daughter of Erasmus and Polly Powell who were married in Dearborn Co IN on _______.
Said Erasmus Powell was born in Washington Co PA on the 25th day of Dec 1788 and died in LaPorte Co IN on the 28th day of Feb A.D. 1843. His wife Polly was the daughter of Isaac Allen and was born on the 25th day of Jan A.D. 1797, who, after the death of Erasmus Powell, was married to Wm Updegraff. Erasmus and Polly Powell raised the following named children to men's age: to wit: Harrison, Frances, Nathan, John, Wm, Samuel, Benjamin, James, Elijah, Erasmus and Sarah, who married Jacob Vernon, and Jane who married Samuel W. Elliott. Harrison and James died before marriage, and William married Elizabeth Elliott and lived until after the birth of his third child. Benjamin was married to Anne Smithers and died without heirs, his wife having died before him.
Nancy Robins was born in Dearborn Co KY (sic - Bourbon Co KY) March 6th 1791 and died Oct 10th 1858. John Robins, son of Philip and Nancy Robins, was born March 6th 1823 and died on the 29th of Feb A.D.1860 without heirs. Alfred Vernon Robins, son of Milton and Frances Robins, was born in Shelbyville IN Jan 8 A.D. 1837 and was married to Maggie Smith in Rushville IN June 9th A.D. 1859. James Robins, son of M. & F. Robins was born in Shelbyville IN Dec 9th A.D. 1838. Mary Frances, first and only daughter, was born July 8th 1841 and was married Jan 7th 1862 to George M. Senour. Milton Robins, third son of M. & F. Robins, was born on the ___ of March.
John Robins was born in Sussex Co NJ April 10th 1760. Died Sept 10th 1841. Philip Robins, son of John Robins, was born in Washington Co PA Oct 5, 1785. Died Feb 19th 1835 and left the following sons, to wit: Milton, Rezin, Newton, Philip, John, Samuel, Alfred and Franklin, and daughters Margery & Emily. Margery married William Law and Emily, S. B. Sandifer. Mother died Oct 10, 1858. Father died Jan 19, 1835. Mother was born March 5th 1791. Father was born Oct 5th 1785. Father and Mother were married Dec 12th 1809. John Robins (Jr) was born March 5th 1823. Died Feb 29th 1860, unmarried.
( A history of the Robins family
included in the Bible of Newton D. Robins, brother of Dr. Milton Robins, and written by Dr. Robins 1 Jan 1885. )
"About the year A,D, 1700, three brothers came from Wales to the United States, one settled in New England, one in New Jersey and one in South Carolina, and when they emigrated west they generally followed the same parallel of latitude and from there the numerous family of Robins are supposed to come. Our ancestors settled in New Jersey and the first actual knowledge we have of them were two brothers named John Robins {born April 10, 1760, died 1840} and Daniel Robins who were born in Sussex County, New Jersey about the year 1760. They moved to Washington Co Penn about 1778. Where they were married our Grandfather John Robins was married to Sara Daily [about] the year 1781. Both families moved to {Bainbridge} Ross County Ohio about 1790 but on account of the great sickness of the Sciota and Paint Creek bottoms near Chilicothe Daniel Robins moved to the Brush Creek hills on the Ohio river and John Robins moved to the west part of Ross County Buckskin Township Ohio where he raised a large family consisting of Daniel, Philip, John, James, Moses, Isaac and Charles and Mrs. Wiley (Hannah) and Mrs. Jones (Rachel). In an early history of Ross County I see John Robins' name is written John Reuben where he was one of the first Justices of the Peace in that county a position which he kept for many years. Our Father Philip Robins was born in Washington Co Penn. Oct 5th 1785 was married in Highland Co Ohio to Nancy Boyd on the [th day of March 1791] 12th day of December 1809 and died in Shelby Co Indiana on the 19th day of February 1835. Our Mother Nancy Boyd was born in Lexington or Paris Kentucky March 6 1791 married Dec. 12 1809 died in Shelby County Ind. Oct. 10th 1856.
Our parents moved from Greenfield Ohio to Shelby County Indiana Oct. 1821 where they settled on a farm or rather in the wilderness as there was no settlement near than 75 miles except those who came in the last few months. Both of our parents were earnest Christians and members of the M.E. Church. They were converted about the time of the Great Cane Ridge revival in Kentucky and were always true to their profession. Their house was the preachers home in an early day and their home a preaching place on the Columbus Circuit in early times. They have long since gone to their reward. They raised the following children to be heads of families To wit; Milton, Rezin, Newton D., Philip and Franklin Robins {and Mrs. Law & Mrs. Emily Sandefer} who have all followed their parents in their religious character. Our Grandparents were among the first Methodists of the United States and their home was the preachers home and place of preaching nearly all their lives & nine tenths of their children, grandchildren and Great Grandchildren are true to the example set by parents, Grandparents & Great Grandparents. The above was written by Milton Robins January 1st 1885 to be followed by the family records of N. D. Robins.
( In a different handwriting: )
There were at least 10 children of this family - the names were Milton, Rezin, Marjory, Newton Dudley, Phillip, John, Samuel, Franklin, Emily, died when 12 yr old.
F.R.P. March 4th 1896
F.R.P. is probably Frances Robins, daughter of Newton D. Robins, who married William Augustus Powell.
[ ] = scratched out
{ } = added or replaced
( ) = added by Anne W. Johnson
Contributed by Anne Johnson

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