Shelby County Indiana
Family Records
David Smith
[This book has a lot of material taken from "The Hacker
Record", written by William Hacker prior to 1881.]
"My maternal grandfather, David
Smith, as he himself has left
it on
record, was born in Essex County, New Jersey, Feb. 23, 1743.
At the commencement of the trouble between Great Britain and
American Colonies, Grandfather Smith jealously espoused the cause of the
Colonies and stood a true and firm patriot to his country during all that
long and terrible struggle for freedom and for independence.
If Grandfather Smith ever had any brothers and sisters I
never heard of
them. My impression is, however, that whatever family his parents may have
had, they were all killed in some of the battles fought with the foraging
parties of British by the irregular companies of New Jersey Militia, and out
of the whole of them Grnadfather and his family alone escaped.
David Smith's immediate ancestors on arriving in America
settled in
Morris and Essex Counties, East Jersey, which lies immediately on the
opposite side of the Hudson River from New York. It was then known as East
Jersey, but now embraced in the counties of Morris and Essex. Here David
Smith grew to manhood. The names Smith, Ball, and
Alexander were so numerous
that in the attempt to follow the line of descent I soon became lost and
confused and was forced to give it up.
Grandfather Smith was not above five feet six inches in
height, very
slender, average weight one hundred forty pounds. Light complexioned, and
straight in his general makeup.
He, David Smith, married Lydia Ball, who was born on Morris
County, New
Jersy, about 1744. She had at least one full sister and a half sister.
own sister, Deborah, married Gabrial Wright. After Great-grandfather Ball
died the widow-mother of Lydia and Deborah married a Mr. Alexander, by whom
she had at least one daughter, named Sarah, born about 1763. This chid grew
up an intelligent woman, highly educated, and on Oct. 3, 1784 married Christopher Raymond
Perry, a celebrated Naval Officer in the War of the
In all the terrible efforts to repel the English invaders
from our soil,
Grandfather Smith, with his two brothers-in-law, Gabriel Wright and
Christopher Perry, sustained an honorable part. Smith and Wright first in
the Boston and Massachusetts campaign of 1775 and during 1776 and 1777 in
those bands of "jersey Blues"** which aided Washington with his
troops so materially in holding the British in check and finally driving
them out of the country, and thus relieving the inhabitants of New Jersey of
their lawless infaism. While Perry with his little war sloop on the sea was
no less successful in cutting out many a vessel laden with supplies for the
enemy, by which ammunition, clothing, etc., were obtained for the American
Ann (or Nancy) Smith was the first born of the children of
Lydia (Ball)
Smith and David Smith. Lydia Ball and David Smith were married 1762-63, and
Ann was born about 1764, as she was said to be about fourteen when her
parents moved in Virginia.
Gabriel Wright came with Grandfather Smith and many of their
to Virginia in the spring of 1778 and settled in Rockingham County, where he
lived for a few years. From there in 1792 he came with his family to Ross
County, Ohio. In 1805 David Smith and family moved to Green County, Ohio,
where after a few years the wife became almost a helpless invalid and in
1815 she died at about seventy years of age. She was laid to rest in what is
now known as the Latman Cemetery, located perhaps a half mile northwest of
the villiage of Fairfield, Green County, Ohio. In 1825-26 David Smith came
to Shelby County, Indiana, where he made his home with the children of his
daughter, Ann (Smith) Sleeth. In December, 1835, at the age of ninety-three
years, he died and was buried by the side of his daughter in the cemetery at
Marion, about six miles from Shelbyville."
** David Smith accepted as
"Patriot" under this account of his
service in the Hacker
Four Revolutionary Soldiers and Their Descendants: Alexander
Sleeth, Gabriel Wright, David Smith,
John Hacker, pgs 15-17, by Eloise M. Roberts, Avard, Oklahoma, 1924
Contributed by Judi Pegg

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