Shelby County, Indiana
Adjutant General’s Office
Washington, D.C. Feby 5, 1876
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of
application for Pension No. 212,184, and to return it herewith, with such
information as is furnished by the files of this Office.
It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office that Charles J. Young,
was enrolled on the 23” day of Sept, 1861, at Camp Dearborn, in Co. G, 37”
Regiment of Ind. Volunteers, to serve 3 years or during the war, and mustered
into service as a Pvt. On the 15” day of Oct, 1861, at Lawrenceburg, Ind. in
C. G., 37” Regiment of Ind. Volunteers, to serve 3 years, or during the war.
On the Muster roll of Co. G, of that Regiment, for the months of Nov
& Dec, 1862, he is reported Wounded in action Dec 31, 1862, absent.
Co. was in action at Stone River Tenn. on that date.
[Sub?] rolls to Aug 31, 1864 Absent in Hospital in Nashville.
My Co. roll dated Oct 27, 1864 reports him Present & mustered out
with Co. on that date.
I am, Sir, very respectfully
Your obedient servant,
S. N. Benjamin
Assistant Adjutant General
The Commissioner of Pensions
Washington, D.C.
State of
Indiana County of Shelby SS:
On this 20” day of November A.D., one thousand eight hundred and
seventy five personally appeared before me, B.S. Sutton Clerk of the Circuit
Court within and for the County and State aforesaid, Charles J. Young aged 35
years, a resident of Noble township in the County of Shelby in the State of
Indiana who being duly sworn according to law, declared that he is the identical
Charles J. Young who enlisted in the service of the United States at Franklin
County State of Indiana on the 23rd day of September in the year 1861
as a private in Company G. commanded by Captain Daniel S. Shafer in the 37”
Regiment of Indiana Volunteers and was honorably discharged at Indianapolis
State of Indiana on the 24 day of October in the year 1864; that while in the
service aforesaid and in the line of duty, he was wounded in battle at a place
called Stone River in the State of Tennessee on the 31st day of
December 1862
1. That about 9 o’clock in
the morning of said day he was wounded in the calf of the left leg buy a piece
of shell, while engaged in the battle as one of his regiment, and acting under
the Command of his officers, that
he is a farmer by occupation, and that his said wound gives him much pain, when
walking about in the discharge of his farm duties.
That said pain is increasing gradually, and has been as increasing for
the last year. That said leg is
numb and cold and at night, after a days labor, Smarts and pains him severely. That the muscles of said leg are drawn and contracted.
That while endeavoring to perform his farm duties, he is often compelled,
a number of times per day, to stop and rest said leg for some time, because of
said wound. That said wound and its
resulting injuries prevent him from performing an ordinary days labor.
2. That after receiving said
wound he was taken to hospital Number 20 at Nashville, Tenn, and was there
treated by Dr. John R. Goodwin, Surgeon of said Regiment.
That he remained in said hospital under treatment for eight months.
That he was there transferred to the convalescent camp at Nashville, Tenn,
there to the Cumberland hospital at said place, there to the Convalescent Camp
at Chattanooga, and remained there until he came to Indiana with his regiment,
where he was discharged as above set forth.
He has not been in the military, naval, marine or civil service of the
United States since 24 day of October 1864.
Since leaving the service he has resided in Franklin County, Indiana
until March 1874, since there he has resided in the County of Shelby in the
State of Indiana and his occupation has been that of a farmer and when enrolled
he was a farmer. And for the
purpose of prosecuting claim her hereby appoints Thomas B. Adams of Shelbyville
County of Shelby State of Indiana his attorney in fact, with power of
substitution, and with authority to receive his pension certificate.
He requests that his pension be paid at Indianapolis State of Indiana.
His post office address is St. Paul State of Indiana.
Charles J. Young his X mark
Two witnesses
who can write:
George H.
Also personally appeared Robert Templeton and George H. Templeton of St.
Paul P.O. County of Shelby State of Indiana, persons who I certify to be
responsible and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that
they were present and saw Charles J. Young put his signature to the foregoing
declaration and power of attorney; and they further swear that they have every
reason to believe from the appearance of the applicant and their acquaintance
with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that
they have known him for ten years last past; that prior to enlistment he was a
________. Since leaving the service
his habits have been uniformly good and his occupation has been that of a
Robert Templeton
George H. Templeton
Sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed before me, this 20 day of November
1875 and I hereby certify that the contents of the foregoing declarations of
claimant and affidavit of witnesses was made known to each of them before
administering the oath; and that I have no interest, direct of indirect, in the
prosecution of this claim.
Official Signature
Bellamy S. Sutton
Clerk of the Shelby Crt. Court
State of
County of
Decatur SS:
Personally appeared George S. Crawford, whose Post Office address is
Clifty, county of Decatur and State of Indiana, who being duly sworn upon his
oath declares as follows:
That he is a regular practicing Physician of 13 years standing, and that
Charles J. Young late a Private in Co. G, Reg. Of 37th Indiana Vols.
Came under his care on or about the 10th day of March 1880, and was
suffering as follows:
With a Lame Back in the region of the Lumbar Vertebra, on examination I
found on Right side of the Spinal Collum along the Lumbar Vertebra a hardened or
indurated condition on the Muscle and skin adhering to Muscles and facia and
impaired Motion forward or in other words I
found an old lesion as the result of a former injury of the parts or
region described. On the above date
found him in bed could raise only by the assistance of Two members of his
family. The treatment was
palliative which temporarly releved but on Exposure or sudden stretch of the
Back during his daily vocation flattened him or caused him to resume the
recumberent position have treated said Young off and on for seven years as
called. This man now is generally
debilitated and works in more or less pain constantly when performing manual
labor on account of impaired motion and condition of the back.
It is the opinion of this affiant by reason of the above the said Charles
J. Young was incapacitated to the following extent during each and every year
while under his care and treatment, for the performance of manual labor, viz:
1st yr ¼ time 1881 to 1883 1/3
time 1883 to 1885 ½ time at present time would rate him ¾ time.
Not space to give all the different attacks.
That dates and duration of affiant’s treatment are, viz:
Off and on from March 10th 1880 to August 20th
Affiant has no interest in this matter.
George S. Crawford M.D.
State of Indiana
County of Shelby SS
Jennie Smith a resident of the County and State aforesaid, being duly
sworn according to law, upon her oath declares:
that has known Charles J. Young since Jan 1863, when I first became
acquainted with him in Nashville in the State of Tennessee.
I Seen him frequently and know from his appearance that he was an able
bodied man except a wounded leg up to or about the month of March 1863 when he
received an injury to Back, as he informed me from a Kittle falling on him or
with him Straining his back, which laid him up.
He was in Hospital No. 20 in Nashville Tenn.
I helped to turn him and put Plasters on his back. And since his return from the army in Oct 1864.
I have lived with the family during all the time until the present and
Know that he has suffered with his back. I
have seen him Clear down with this that he would have to be turned over in bed
and I have helped to lift him more or less during all said time.
I have done his work feeding, gathering corn, hauling his wood when he
was unable to do anything. He can
not do any work Such as lifting and many time he is unable to draw his own
She further states that her knowledge of the above is obtained from the
following sources: viz. I have lived with the family since 1865 in Jan and have
personal knowledge, and that the affiant has no interest in this matter.
Signature of Affiant Jennie Smith her X mark
If the person making this affidavit signs by mark have two witnesses sign here.
Louis Peterson
Maryann Peterson wife
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 day of Dec 1887 and I certify
that the party whose name appears signed to the foregoing affidavit is the
person she represents to be, and a good credible witness, and that the contents
of the foregoing affidavit were duly read and fully made known to affiant,
making oath to the same, and that I have no interest in this matter.
Signature Wm. T. Thornburg
Justice JP (SEAL)
State of
County of
Decatur SS:
Charles J. Young a resident of the County and State aforesaid, being duly
sworn according to law, upon his oath declares:
That he cannot furnish the testimony of his regimental surgeon showing
treatment for injury to back while in the service for the reason he is informed
that all the Surgeons of his regiment are deceased; further at the time of
receiving his said injury he was at the hospital, and was treated by the
Surgeons of the hospital and not by the surgeons of the regiment.
That he cannot furnish the testimony of a commissioned officer showing
when where and the circumstances under which he incurred his alleged injury for
the reason he was not with his Company or regiment at the time but was at
That he cannot furnish the testimony of physicians or show treatment for
his disability at date of discharge and each year from that date to 1880 for the
reason he has treated himself by home remedies, and he further states that his
knowledge of the above is obtained from the following sources; viz Personal
& When people heard his complaint.
Signature of Affiant
Charles J. Young his X mark
P.O. Address Clifty, Indiana
If the
person making this affidavit signs by mark have two witnesses sign here.
William H.
William R.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24 day of Dec 1887 and I certify
that the party whose name appears signed to the foregoing affidavit is the
person he represents himself to be, and a good credible witness, that the
contents of the foregoing affidavit were duly read and fully made known to
affiant, making oath to the same, and that I have no interest in this matter.
J.W. Thomson
Clk Circuit Court
Affidavit For Any Purpose
State of
County of
Decatur SS
Charles J. Young a resident of the County and State aforesaid, being duly
sworn according to law, upon his oath declares:
That he is aged 58 or 59 years of age and that he is the applicant for
increase of pension on account of new disability Cert. No. 75299 and as such
applicant he cannot furnish testimony of a commissioned officer, comrades, or
regimental surgeon showing treatment of and origin of diseased eyes and
rheumatism the alleged disabilities for the reason his officers, comrades and
surgeons are all dead that have any knowledge of his case and he knows of no one
by whom he can establish origin and treatment of his disabilities in the
Since it is impossible for him to furnish the required proof, he asks
that the order directing him to appear before Dr. Thompson of Indianapolis be
rescinded as he does not feel financial able to pay the required railroad fare
unless there is some possibility of being able to establish his claim.
This has reference to that part of his claim filed under the June 27,
1890 general laws. He asks that his
claim be filed considered as he nearly totally blind and unable to earn a
support by manual labor and for the reason he cannot establish claim under
general laws. That the above
statement was written by J. F. Goddard of Greensburg, Ind. this day in affiants
presence and from his oral statements and in making said statement he did not
use, was not aided or prompted by any written or provided statement prepared or
dictated by any other person and not attached as we exhibit.
Signature of affiant
J. Young his
X mark
Address Clifty, Indiana
If the person making this
affidavit signs with mark have two witnesses sign here.
John H. Alexander
John W. Deem
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23 day of April 1895 and I certify
that the party whose name appears signed to be the foregoing affidavit is the
person he represents himself to be, and a good credible witness, and that the
contents of the foregoing affidavit were duly read and fully made known to
affiant, making oath to the same, and that I have no interest in the matter.
Alfred P. Gaines
Clerk Decatur Circuit Court
of June 27, 1890
This must be executed Before a Court of Record or some Officer thereof
having custody of its Seal.
State of Indiana
County of
Decatur SS:
On this 29th day of July A.D. one thousand
eight hundred and ninety personally appeared before me, Clerk of the
Circuit Court, a Court of Record within and for the County and State aforesaid
Charles J. Young age 55 years, a resident of the County of Shelby State of
Indiana who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the
identical Charles J. Young who was Enrolled on the 18 day of September 1861 in
Company G 37th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers.
Honorably Discharged at Indianapolis on the 27th day of
October 1864. that he is unable to
earn support by reason of Gunshot wound to left leg, injury to back & loss
of sight of left eye and impaired vision of right eye and rheumatism and result
my diseases of heart & 5 deafness.
He hereby appoints John F. Goddard of Greensburg, Indiana, his true and
lawful attorney to prosecute his claim and receive a fee of $10.
That his Post Office Address is Clifty County of Decatur State of
Charles J. Young his
X mark
who can write sign here
George S.
Merit C.
Also personally appeared George S. Dickey,
residing at Greensburg, Ind, persons whom I certify
to be respectable and entitled to
credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw Charles
J. Young the claimant, sign his name, or make his mark to the foregoing
declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said
claimant and their acquaintance with him for _____years and ______years
respectively, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and
that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.
George S. Dickey
Merit C. Welsh
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 29th day of July A.D. 1890
Jesse M. Thomson
Clerk D.C.C.
State of Indiana
County of Bartholomew SS:
In the matter of Pension Claim No 834818, of Charles J. Young a private,
late of Co. G. 37th Regiment Indiana Volunteers.
On this third day of Feb A.D. 1906, personally appeared before me, a
Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, duly authorized to
administer oaths Sarah A. Young age 58 years who residence is Clifty P.O. County
of Decatur, and State of Indiana, well known to be reputable and entitled to
credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case, as
follows: that I own 30 acres of
land adjoining the town of Milford, Decatur County, Indiana worth about sixteen
hundred dollars ($1600.00) The
appraisement for taxation is eleven hundred (11) thirty five dollars.
This land is in my own name and not a joint deed between myself &
Charles Young.
I owe one hundred dollars to Nelson Moury.
My personal property will not amount in valuation to exceed seventy five
The land is rented for one-half of the grain.
There is but twenty (20) acres of said land that in under cultivation.
My income from all sources will not exceed one hundred fifty dollars.
My taxes are about twenty dollars per year.
My insurance costs me about three dollars per annum.
I have no other income of any source. The
only property I have disposed of since my husband’s death is one cow.
I further declare that I am the claimant.
My postoffice address is Clifty P.O., Decatur County, Indiana
Sarah A. Young her X mark
If Affiant signs by mark, two persons who can
write sign here.
Maggie Rominger
Ira Wolverton
Sworn to and subscribed before me this third day
of Feb A.D. 1906
Rommie K. Ferry
Notary Public
My Com. Expires May 27, 1909
State of Indiana
County of Bartholomew SS:
In the matter of Pension claim No. 834818 of Charles J. Young late of
Company G 37th Regiment Indiana Volunteers.
On this 10 day of Feb 1907, before me Rommie K. Ferry A Notary Public
within and for the County and State aforesaid. Personally appeared Jane Smith
age 54 years, whose post office address is Clifty P.O. County of Decatur State
of Indiana well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who,
being duly sworn according to law, upon her oath declares, that I am a sister of
claimant and was present at the marriage of Charles J. Young and Sarah A. Walt,
June 8, 1863. And I know that
soldier or claimant were never previously married.
And that they lived together as husband & wife until date of
Soldier’s death September 4, 1905.
Claimant has no income other than the rents of the twenty-eight (28)
acres adjoining the town of Milford, Indiana.
The rents of said land amounts to one hundred thirty (130) dollars
annual. My husband and I live in
the house with claimant for which we pay no rent.
The Claimant has not disposed of any real estate since death of soldier,
but has sold one cow. The total
value of all property personal and real will not exceed seventeen of eighteen
hundred dollars.
There was no insurance on the soldier’s wife.
There is no incumberance on claimant’s property but claimant owes one
note of one hundred (100) dollars to Nelson Mourey.
The claimant has not remarried since death of soldier.
Jane Smith her X
Two witnesses required when mark is made.
Ida Herndon
Hugh Smith
his X mark
attest R.K. Ferry
Subscribed and sworn before me this 10 day of
February 1906.
Rommie K. Ferry A
Notary Public
My Com. Expires March 27, 1909
Act of
June 27, 1890 as amended by Act of May 9, 1900
State of Indiana
County of Bartholomew SS:
On this 8 day of Sept, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and 5 personally
appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the County and State
aforesaid, Sarah A. Young aged 587 years a resident of Clifty County of Decatur
State of Indiana, who, being duly sworn according to law, makes the following
declaration in order to obtain pension under the provisions of the Act of
Congress approved June 27, 1890, as amended by the Act of May 9, 1900.
That she is the widow of Charles J. Young who was private under the name
of Charles J. Young at Lawrenceburg, Ind. on the 23 day of Sept. 1861 as a
private in Co. G. regt 37, Ind. Vol. Inf. And honorably discharged Oct 27, 1864,
having served ninety days or more during the late war of the rebellion.
That the soldier was not in the military service of the United States
except as state above.
That she was married under the name of Sarah A. Wall to said soldier at
Nashville, Tenn. On the 8 day of June 1863, by G. B. Gunter; that there was no
legal barrier to the marriage; that she had not been previously married; that
the soldier had not been previously married.
That the said soldier died Sept. 4, 1905, at Clifty P.O. Decatur County,
Indiana, that she was not divorced from him; that she has not remarried since
his death; and that she is without other means of support than her daily labor
and an actual net income not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars per year.
That the said soldier left the following named children who are now
living and under sixteen years of age, to wit:
That she has not heretofore applied for pension.
That she appoints W. T. Rominger of Hartsville, Indiana her true and
lawful attorney to prosecute this claim. That
her post-office address is Clifty-Decatur County, Indiana.
Sarah A. Young her X mark
Attest: Clarence
Ira G. Wolverton
State of Indiana
County of Bartholomew SS:
In the matter of Pension Claim No. 834818, of Charles J. Young a private,
late of Co. G. 37 Regt. Indiana Vols.
& nbsp;
On this third day of February A.D. 1906, personally appeared before me, a
Notary Public, in and for the County and State aforesaid, duly authorized to
administer oaths, Ira Wolverton aged 62 years whose residence is Clifty P.O.
County of Decatur, and State of Indiana well known to be reputable and entitled
to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case, as
follows: That I am well and
intimately acquainted with Claimant and her late husband Charles Young up to his
death fourth of Sept. 1905. I lived
as a member of the family for five years. Claimant
owns thirty acres of land worth fifteen or sixteen hundred dollars.
Ten acres of this land is very broken, Clifty Creek runs through a part
of the land. There are but twenty acres that can be cultivated.
Said land is rented on the shares. And
Claimant’s share of said rents will not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars
per annum. Claimant taxes which was the last half of 1904 and Oct. 1905
was nine dollars & a few cents. The
total taxes for a year are about twenty dollars.
I have known claimant & soldier for about twelve years and that they
lived together as husband and wife until the death of the soldier, Charles
Young. Claimant has not remarried
since the death of her husband, Charles Young.
Claimant has one cow, one wagon, one buggy and an usual amount of
household goods, all worth about seventy five dollars.
There has been not personal property disposed of since death of deceased
except one cow.
I further declare that I have no interest in the case and am not
concerned in its persecution. My
post office address is Clifty P.O. Decatur County, Indiana
Ira Wolverton
Sworn to and subscribed before me this third day of Feb. A.D. 1906
Rommie K. Ferry
APRIL 19, 1908
Indianapolis, Indiana
July 26, 1910
Certificate No.
Class Widow
Pensioner Sarah
A. Young
Soldier Charles J. Young
Service Pvt.
Co. G. 37th Ind
The Commissioner of Pensions:
Sir: I have the honor to
report that the above named pensioner who was last paid at $12 to 16 Feby 1910
has been dropped because of remarriage 16 Feby 1910
Very respectfully
Jno. W. Dyer
United States Pension Agent
Contributed by Barb Huff, gr-gr-grand niece of Charles Young

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