Shelby County Indiana
Family History and Genealogy
Genealogical Society
Books for Sale
Updated 23 May 2014
"Shelby County Over the Years," Ron Hamilton. Click here for a full description and ordering information.
Forest Hill Cemetery readings, 575 pages including a full name index. May, 2001. $50 plus $6 s&h.
Marge Roberts, PO Box 67, Morristown, IN 46161.
Please make checks payable to the Shelby Co Genealogy Society
Chadwick's History of Shelby County, Indiana, by Edward H. Chadwick, B.A., assisted by well known local talent, B.F. Bowen & Co, Publishers: Indianapolis, IN, 1909. Shelby Co Historical Society, Grover Museum, 52 W Broadway, Shelbyville, IN 46176. $52.50 w/tax. Hard bound.
Marriage Records of Shelby County, Indiana: 1931 to 1947, extracted by Maurice Holmes, 1141N 450W, Shelbyville, IN 46176 (See additional books by Maurice Holmes listed at the bottom of the page.)
Odell's of Shelby County, by Joseph L. Smith, $15, 5256 61st St E, Bradenton, FL 34203-9745
Streets of Shelbyville: Downtown Shelbyville Business Locations 1900-1990. Dr and Mrs Clifton Latshaw. Shelby Co Historical Society, Grover Museum, 52 W Broadway, Shelbyville, IN 46176. $6.50 wo/tax. Spiral soft bound.SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS SCIGS
Please contact Marge Roberts (PO Box 67, Morristown, IN 46161) for the cemetery readings listed below.
Cemetery Books. Spiral bound. "Each contains a table of contents, list of
abbreviations used, map of Shelby Co, map of the township involved, written
location of each cemetery, map of each cemetery, all information given on
each stone, deed record (when found) for each cemetery, every name index,
and unmarked graves (those whose stones were found in a previous reading,
obituary information, family verification and various other sources)."
Above copied from "Fore Bear Pa's" vol X no III, August 1999
Title Cost Cost Plus
PostageAddison Township (excl Forest Hill Cem) 16.00 21.00 Brandywine Township 12.00 17.00 Hanover Township 14.00 19.00 Hendricks Township 9.0014.00 Jackson Township 13.00 18.00 Liberty Township 9.0014.00 Marion Township 8.0013.00 Moral Township 9.0014.00 Noble Township 13.00 18.00 Shelby Township 9.0014.00 Sugar Creek Township 8.0013.00 Union Township 8.0013.00 Van Buren Township 8.0013.00 Washington Township 11.00 16.00 Each of the above township books includes an index County-wide Index (full name of each person)
Does not include Forest Hill16.00 21.00 Forest Hill, including index 50.00 58.00 Shelby County Indiana 1992 History 53.50 61.50 Blue Ridge Cemetery, fully indexed 42.80 50.80
Obituary books. Linda Mohr and Barb Huff have both published some of their collection.
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