Shelby  County  Indiana

The  Conrey,  Birely  Table  Company

also known as

The  Davis - Birely  Table  Company

The  Shelby  Republican
Tuesday, August 29, 1899
Page 3
          The  Conrey-Birely  Table Company of this city, have filed their papers today increasing their capital stock to $500,000.  Two hundred thousand dollars of this stock will be preferred, and the remaining three hundred thousand dollars will be common stock.  Preferred stock only will be sold.  Preferred stock is guaranteed 7 per cent, payable semi-annually.  A large per cent of this stock is now taken by parties from a distance and as soon as all of the preferred stock is sold, and rightfully secured for switches for the westside factories, the company will start the cabinet plant and employ about three hundred additional men.
          This will give Shelbyville another great boom and place her right at the front as one of the leading furniture factory towns in Indiana.  We will have more to say upon this subject on Monday.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

The  Shelbyville  Republican
Tuesday, October 4, 1898
           The Conrey, Birely Table Company received a cablegram on Thursday from a firm in London, England, ordering 1,500 tables.  This firm is shipping goods to many European cities.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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