County, Indiana
Harper's Ferry
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Thursday, January 28, 1886
H A R P E R ' S F E R R Y.
Special correspondence of the Democrat.
HARPER'S FERRY, Jan. 25, 1885 [typo?]
Church at New Bethel next
John Chesser
spent Sunday in Hope.
Some of our boys will
graduate this winter.
Charley Trowbridge
spent Sunday with friends west of town.
John B. Conover
and wife spent Sunday with Barbara Hawkins.
Marcus and
Dillard Conover spent Sunday with their grandparents.
J. D. McFerran
is spending a few days with friends in Carroll county.
Rebecca Cowan
is visiting her son, Martin, in Carroll county at present.
Mrs. Phoebe McFerran
spent Sunday with her mother, north of town.
Magill stock
down this way is at a big discount. In fact his friends are few and far
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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