Sugar Creek Township
Township 13N, Range 5E, Section 13
Plat of Houghsburg
The Town of Houghsburg is situated on the East bank of Big Sugar Creek in Shelby County, and on the West half of the North East Quarter of Section 13 in Township 13 North of Range 5 East. The South East corner of this plat is ….. poles North of the South East corner of said half quarter. The size of each and every lot in Houghsburg is 8 poles East and Wes and 4 poles North and South. The width of each and every alley is one pole. The width of the several Streets are as they are written on them. July 10th 1838. This plat is drawn from a scale of six poles to an inch.
Signed: Joseph B. Nickel, C.S.S.C.
We do certify that the within is a true and correct plat of Houghsburg. Given under our hands this 16th day of July 1838.
Signed: Fletcher Tevis
John D. Tevis, proprietors
State of Indiana §
Shelby County §
Personally appeared before me the undersigned
Milton Robins, the Recorder of said County
Fletcher Tevis and John D. Tevis, the proprietors of the within named town of Houghsburgh and acknowledged it to be their voluntary act and deed and that the same is a true and correct plat of said town and requested that the same might be recorded in the recorders office of said County as required by the statutes of Indiana in such case made and provided. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of July 1838. M. Robins, Recorder
Recorded July 16th 1838. M. Robins, Recorder.
(see original plat in Book “H” page 257)
Copied by Melinda Moore Weaver

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