Towns of Shelby County Indiana
Jerico / Jericho
VanBuren Township
Van Buren Township Map
Unknown southern section of Township 14 North of Range 6-7 East
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, August 23, 1877
From Jerico.
The threshing season is about over. The average yield was almost 10 bushels per acre.
Almost everybody in this section attended camp meeting the last two Sundays.
Our young folds enjoyed an ice cream supper at Jas. Kemp's a few evenings ago.
Jeff. Wickliff is preparing to erect a mew dwelling.
A few evenings ago the owner of the Centenial buggy went fishing down Brandywine. After fishing to his hearts content, he hitched old "sugar lump" to the buggy and was oon on his way home. The horse became frightened, ran away, throwing Mr. W. rather roughly to the ground, skinning his nose and otherwise injuring him. The horse continued running until the buggy was demolished. He thinks of taking the buggy to Richmond, Va., for repairs.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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