The Shelbyville News
Saturday February 21, 1948
Page 8
By Hortense Montgomery
We found disagreement about the platting and the founders of Marietta; 1835 founders John Heistand, David Engles, John French, S. Robertson and Redding Money. Mr. Chadwick in 1909 says June 19, 1838 by James Wray.
We believe Rev. Sluter must have had an eye for scenery for nearly always he calls attention to the attractive country and here he notes that Marietta had the advantage of a high commanding position on the Edinburg pike. The old railroad passing through Marietta to Edinburgh was taken up about 1860 or 1862 and if it had been any advantage to the town that advantage was lost.
In later years an addition was made to the town and is known as Engles Addition. The first merchant was William Cooper and the first general store was that of S. Robertson. Mr. Heistand who was a large lumber cutter built a saw mill but it, with a grist mill, was burned. Mr. Dan Slagle rebuilt the saw mill but it too was burned. Samuel Elliott rebuilt the grist mill long before Civil War days.
During the 1880’s the village had several business houses and was quite prosperous. Years ago Marietta had one of the Grange societies but its building burned and the order went out with the passing of the national organization. The village now has a population of about 200. Among the older citizens are Sherman Becker, O. M. Bland and Elmer Snepp. Squire Jones served his community by keeping well-written records and he was followed by Squire Becker, grandfather of Mrs. Howard Scott, who is now a teacher at the Shelbyville Colescott school. John Scott is a past county auditor and Josie Jones has been one of the valuable citizens of the community for she has served in all the community’s welfare projects.
There are now two groceries in the town owned by O. Z. Rogers and Earl Drake, and two garages owned by Floyd Jackman and Mr. Johnson. W. E. Pile has a blacksmith shop and James Rohm and Charles Pile each have a filling station . An upholstering business is carried on by Irvin Pile and Delbert Kanouse carries on an extensive market business.
The school children go to the township consolidated school. There is one church, the Methodist. We wondered if there might be a women’s club in the village but we find that the Women’s Society of Christian Service, of the church and the township Home Economics Club give opportunity for the religious, cultural and practical affairs of the village women.
Contributed by Barb Huff
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 13, 1917
Page 1
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ritchey and daughter, Miss Edith Mohr, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spurlin and son, Emerson, at dinner, Sunday.
Mrs. Nora Ritchey and daughter, Miss Edith, and Mrs. Cora Drake, were guests of Mrs. Cora Spurlin, Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spurlin and daughter, Miss Edith, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Spurlin and daughter, Erva, Sunday.
John Emmons continues to improve.
Samuel Hillman is on the sick list.
Mrs. Melvin Collins and daughter, near Smithland, called on Mrs. Julia Kerr, one day last week.
Lewis Spurlin took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spurlin, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shutt and daughter, Evelyn, of near Smithland, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drake.
Mrs. Hazel Ennis, of Shelbyville, is here the guest of her mother and sister, Mrs. Rose Warble, and Miss Flora Ritchey.
Miss Flora Ritchey, who had a tumor removed from her face recently, is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis were guests of Mr. and Mrs. william Kerr one night last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cook and daughters, Geraldine and Virginia, and son, Woodrow, of Columbus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Anderson are caring for a fine girl baby, weight eight pounds. Name, Pauline Waneta.
Liberty Berry is staying with Lewis Spurlin and family at present.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coers attended a club meeting at Shelbyville Thursday afternoon.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Democrat
Shelbyville, Indiana
February 12, 1915
Page 2 column 5 - 6
Mrs. Milda Spurlin is somewhat better at this writing.
Mrs. Sarah Davis remains very poorly. She was recovering from pneumonia, when she suffered from a relapse.
William Kerr transacted business at Shelbyville, Friday.
Little Chester McKinney continues to improve, we are pleased to state.
Miss Gladys Marchall spent one day last week with Miss Grace Ritchey.
Mrs. Mae Creek and daughters spent one day last week with her mother, Mrs. Anna Slagle.
George Zimmerman was at Shelbyville Thursday on business.
Mrs. Elva Spurlin and son, Delva, Mrs. Leonard Bland, Mrs. Ethel Spurlin spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Clara Spurlin.
Harry Spurlin has quit the barber trade and will now devote his time to farming.
Protracted meeting still continues at the M.P. church. It is drawing great crowds and much good is being done. Let God's word reach the heart of each weary sinner, is the wish of the writer.
Lewis J. Hamner made a business trip to Shelbyville Tuesday afternoon.
Lewis Davis spent the day Tuesday at Jollity on business for his firm.
Mr. and Mrs. John Emrich and daughter, Miss Anna, of west Shelby township, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spurlin and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spurlin are the proud parents of a fine eight and one-half pound boy baby, which arrived at their home Monday afternoon February 8.
Miss Sylvia Spurlin has been unable to attend school on account of illness.
James Cox, the mayor of Marietta, attended the old fiddlers' contest at Shelbyville Monday night.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily
Tuesday, January 26, 1886
Special Correspondence of the Democrat.
MARIETTA, IND., Jan. 25, 1886.
The winter is passing
swiftly by.
Hez Richey is confined to his bed with rheumatism.
Mr. John Ferrier was the guest of Miss Law Sunday.
John Lamar and wife were the guests of James Giles Sunday.
Misses Kanedy has been visiting Misses Garrison for the past week.
The wife of Mr. Hill is sick with the lung fever, but is getting better slowly.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, of Canada, a boy weighing ten pounds.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, January 19, 1886
Special Correspondence of the Democrat.
Marietta, IND., Jan. 18, 1886
Hez Richey is sick.
Buck Davis found a valuable ring the other day and on inquiring for the owner found it was his wife.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, October 1, 1883
---Wheat about all sown.
---Moses Hall has moved to Greene county.
---Charley Slagle visited friends in Cincinnati last week.
---Elijah Snyder and wife have returned here for a short time.
---Sol Steinbrook occupies the house made vacant by David Anderson.
---Frank Law has registered at the Guile House since my last report.
---James Ricketts and family were the guests of Dr. Stewart Sunday.
---James Munson has purchased A. F. Salla's farm, paying $80 per acre.
---James Abernathy has taken the contract for painting the new church.
---James Richey has packed his grip sack and skipped out for parts unknown.
---David Anderson has moved into the house formerly occupied by Mose Hall.
---M. E. Robertson and D. W. Treon visited relatives at Indianapolis last week.
---The plasterers are at work lathing the church house and will soon commence plastering.
---Married -- Sunday, the 30th, ult., William Hildebrand to Miss Cramer, Rev. B. Sturgis officiating
---Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Stewart have returned from a trip with relatives in
Switzerland county.
---William Story has succeed[sic] in obtaining $400 back pay as pension, and will hereafter draw $2 per month.
---The Misses Laura Frederick, Nettie Shane and Lillie Robertson were visiting Miss Maggie Lamar Sunday.
---The chimneys that were erected at the new church have been taken down, and will be rebuuilt by a more experienced hand. The mechanics who did the work did not understand their business, or did not care, we don't know which; but he got $8 all the same.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Monday, September 17, 1883
Special Correspondence of the Democrat
MARIETTA, Sept. 12, 1883.
---- Ira Chesser, while fooling with a revolver, was greatly frightened and somewhat injured when one of the chambers exploded, sending a ball through his right hand.
---- Married---On Sunday, the 16th inst., Mr. William Scott and Miss Jennetta Finley, both of Jollity. Rev. B. F. Sturgis pronounced them husband and wife ina pleasant manner.
---- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Spurlin, a son, that tips the beam at eight pounds.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Republican
Thursday, August 23, 1877
From Marietta.
Sickness is increasing in our town. Sol. McClain's wife and two children have been sick for a few days. A number of others are on the sick list.
Charlie Single has regained his health and is again in the mill.
A few days ago we had a centennial celebration of the battle of the Cowpens; Arch Treon, John Lamar and Co.; represented the Americans and Wm. F. Higgins, The Munson and Co., the British. The Britons marched through the cornfield and surprised the Americans in their works, and they fled in confusion; Noah Moor and Jim Jones plunged into the river and waded through at the risk of life. --- They rallied, however, and returned to the conflict, and drove the British before them. It is said the Americans lost two axes, and the Munson, on the part of the British, turned a summersalt over a large stump. The sequel to the affair is this: A number of our townsmen went across the river to repair a fence for a neighbor who was too indolent to do the work himself and about as many more thought they would have some fun; so they took their shot-guns and revolvers and went over the river and got in the cornfield and began to shoot; this frightened the other party and created considerable excitement. Both parties acknowledge that they were scared.
Dr. J. A. Comstock is filling his door yard; Thomas Griffin has the contract of hauling one hundred loads of dirt for him.
Peter Slagle, of Clark county, Ohio, is visiting his uncle, D. H. Slagle, of our town.
A certain woman in our town thinks a great deal of our new blacksmith; at least she talks considerable about him.
Frank Law, from Tipton county, is visiting his father, Joel Law, of our community; he reports crops good in Tipton.
Wanted -- About twenty-five boys and as many men to come to Marietta to play marbles; we have room for that many yet; come soon and get choice of ground.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
Plat of Marietta
The Town of Marietta is situated on the South West Quarter of Section Thirty-two, in Township Twelve North of Range Six East in Shelby County Indiana. The East corner of Lot No. 1 being South one half degree West from the needle points sixty-three and 7/10 poles from the center of Said Section. Main Street runs North 25 degrees east from the needle points. Water and Poplar Streets run North 65 degrees West. The length of the lots and also the width of the lots, streets and alleys are as they are marked on the plat in feet.
Scale 66 feet to the inch. J. B. N., C.S.S.C.
State of Indiana §
Shelby County §
Personally appeared before me, Milton Robins, the recorder within and for said county, James Wray the Proprietor of the Town of Marietta in Shelby County, Indiana of which the annexed is a correct plat and acknowledged the same to be his act and deed for the purpose of laying out said Town plat, and he further requests that same be entered on record in my office agreeable to the law in such case made and provided.
Given under my hand and seal this 19th day of June 1839.
Signed: Milton Robins, Recorder
(see original plat in Book “H” page 763)
Contributed by Melinda Moore Weaver

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