Laid out by Joseph Davison & Ivory Leggett. The half mile stake on the line between Section 26 & 25 in Township 11 North of Range 5 east is in the center of the main cross streets Main Street runs North 84 degrees 15 inches East with the Section line. All cross streets run North 4 degrees 50 inches West. The regular size of the lots is 60 feet in front of Main Street and 120 back. The alleys are 12 feet wide. Jackson Township Shelby County Indiana Jan. 30, 1885. Scale 80 feet to an inch.
Signed: J. B. Nickle, C.S.SC.S.
State of Indiana §
Shelby County §
Before me, Wm. H. Sleeth, the Recorder within and for said County personally came Joseph Dawson and Ivory H. Leggett, the proprietors of the within named Town of Scottsville and acknowledged the within to be a true and correct plat of said Town and that the streets and alleys and lots are of the width and size as marked on said plat. Given under my hand and seal this 23rd day of February 1835.
Wm. H. Sleeth (seal)
Recorder of Shelby County
Recorded 23rd February 1835
Wm. H. Sleeth Recorder of Shelby County.
Transcribed by Melinda Moore Weaver

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