Shelby County Indiana
Letters, Journal Entries, etc.
C. W. Amos, Proprietor
New Palestine, Indiana
Febuary l3th, l949.
Mr Scott Hamilton.
Golden City, Mo.
Dear Sir:- This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter that I received a few days ago, first I am going to give you the names of Grand Father Hutchison's children, the boys were Floyd - Smith - and Joseph, the girls were Lucinda which was my mother, Sarah and Nettie, Grand Fathers children are all gone, I am the only one left of my mothers family, now while I am past 80 years old I can remember all of the Hutchison family, I remember uncle Joe as we always called him and remember aunt Bith your grand mother of course her right name was Tabitha, your mothers maiden name was MC'Canse as I remember and I think I am right, now Grand Fathers grand children are not very many, three of uncle Floyds, one I think of aunt Sarah's and myself and who is ever left of uncle Joe's children. Now I think that I am right that your great grand mothers name was Elizabeth McCanse and she married my grand father Amos for his second wife and if I remember correctly she was around 100 years old when she died.
Your mother if I remember right I mean your grand mother had a brother named Dave McCanse I have played with him when I was a litle boy at that time he was a young man and as I remember he died some where in northern Indiana, I knew and remember your unc1e Perle but I do not remember Ezra neither do I remember your mother or her sister I think that they were pretty young when uncle Joe moved to Missouri but I to believe that uncle Joe had a public when he left Indiana for Missouri but I could be wrong about that but it seems that he did but it is a long time to try to remember back, a good many things has come in to my mind since I have read your 1etter, but as things come to my mind I will try to tell you what I know.
I do know a man that married a McCanse but I do not remember whether she was a sister to your grand mother or not but I think that she was and I also know their son who lives in this vicinity and I will see him within a few days and think that I can get some information from him about the McCanse family, I remember that he told me that they had an old family bible at their house and it had quite a few names giving the births and deaths of the McCanse family and that it might be interesting to me as grand father Amos married a McCanse so I will get that old bible and possibly I can get some information that I can pass on to you.
Theo Bush that you speak of his mother was a daughter of aunt Sarah Reed who was a sister of your grand father. Grand father Hutchison was married twice but no children by the second wife.
Now I believe that I have answered about all that you have asked me about but if there is any thing else that you would like to know I will be more than glad to answer them. Let me hear from you often as I am glad to renew relationship as well as friendships with people.Sincerely Yours.
C. W. Amos.Notes from the contributor, Deborah Bay, 5 May 2000:
As a side note, the Scott Hamilton that the letter is addressed to is my great uncle (my grandmother's brother). Uncle Scott died in January -- the first death in our family of the new century. I don't know for certain, but I think the McCance family Bible records that are on the Shelby [Co, IN] webpage are from the Bible mentioned in this letter. I think it was published in the early 1800s. My grandmother had transcribed the names years ago, so my uncle photocopied that list plus those pages from the Bible and sent them to me.