Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
Year in Review
The Daily Evening Democrat
Shelbyville, Indiana
Monday, January 2, 1882
That Have Occurred During 1881, Compil-
ed Under the Head of the Month in
Which They Were Recorded--Something
That Will Prove Valuable to Our Read-
ers for Reference in the Future.
The following is a brief summary of the events of the year that is past, and will be of value to the readers of the Democrat, who by reference to the same can ascertain the date of many of the interesting events of the year 1881. Just a bare hint, in the shape of a headline or two, is all that is given, but that is sufficient to recall the event to the mind of the reader.
J A N U A R Y .
Reception of Mr. and Mrs. Pink; death of Mrs. Elizabeth Kirk; marriage of Mr. Eugene Sullivan, of Detroit, to Mrs. Ellen McCarty; Philip Phillips' tizzle at Opera Hall; marriage of Miss Hannah Levinson to Mr. Charles Faas, of Chicago; death of Mrs. Mary L. McCorkle, removal of Dr. J. S. Rice to Minnesota; death of Jeremiah Bennett; death of Mrs. Levi Parrish; attempted suicide of George Hawkins at the court-house; marriage of Mr. Charles Reiman and Miss Anna Sweitzer.
F E B R U A R Y .
Death of little Frank ("Dutch") Doolittle; the trial of the contempt cases; death of Mrs. Samuel Lange; marriage of Mr. Simeon Carney, of Washington township, to Mrs. Helen F. Hargrove of this city; high waters; marriage of Mr. Sam. B. Marshall and Miss Fannie Higgins; death of Alex. Robertson.
M A R C H .
Almost fatal poisoning, by pokepot, of Joseph Kopp and family; death of Mrs. John Beggs at Green Sprins, Ohio, death of Mrs. Catherine E. Trackwell, mother-in-law of A. J. Ensminger; death of Charley Williams; death of Miss Amelia McKenzie; marriage of Theodore Gardner and Susie E. Hedlee [Headlee?] in the Democrat office; the Colee incest sensation published by the Democrat; Plum Hanson trades for a mule; attempt to poison Nathaniel Thompson and family; marriage of Mr. Ross Spurrier and Miss Alice Campbell, of Morristown, in the Democrat office.
A P R I L .
Marriage of Captain J. M. Ryder, of Indianapolis, to Miss Hattie Girton, of Flatrock; Saucer vs Haymond; jury bring a verdict for defendant in the Saucer-Haymond slander suit; the boss barber and the German sailor, Move, skip out; George Thompson skips out; Worl Fisher eats ten French rolls in eight minutes; John Horst solidifies with the "old man" in Rushville; death of Stephen Smith at Jeffersonville; Democratic City Convention.
M A Y .
Father Rudolf resigns his pastorate of the Catholic Church of this city; Ann Eliza Young's lecture; City election; marriage of Miss Lizzie Major and Dr. J. G. Reed; death of Roe Sutherland; marriage of Miss Mary Schroeder and Mr. Joseph Schott; death of Lee M. Trees; "dr fouty [sic] appointed on the Board of Health; cutting affray between Silas Cowan, of St. Paul and Robt. Badgley, of Brandywine township; Karmire's Boom; Mrs. Spurlin's house at Lewis Creek, robbed; William Moody sent to the Insane Asylum where he attempts to commit suicide; Deserted Douglas, she run away with a handsomer man; death of Samuel Montgomery; James Ross, of Hendricks township, removed to the Insane Asylum where he dies shortly after; remains of James Davisson exhumed at the Wray Cemetery and reinterred in this city; death of Mrs. Henry Neff; death of Mrs. Leo H. Worland; Ernest Morris arrives in this city to visit his father; narrow escape of Frank Connor from being run over by the cars near this city; Judge Hord discovers who has been milding his Jersey cow; "Sweet Girl Graduate."
J U N E .
John Dodds, bully of St. Paul, neatly thrashed by Deputy Sheriff James Magill; George Banks, a colored desperado, assaults Mose Gant, and his partner, Taylor Washington, also colored, tries to get away with Joe Law's; John W. Colee charged with incest, sentenced to the penitentiary for five years; Howard Lee loses his watch; election of Rev. W. T. Jolly as County Superintendent; marriage of A. D. Pollitt, of Gwynneville; the proposed Evansville, Knightwtown and Toledo Railroad; Oscar Mathers starts a Zoological Garden; Mrs. George Britton attempts to commit suicide at her home in Prescott; attempted suicide of William Cochran; the Crim vs. Barnum case dismissed; total eclipse of the moon on the night of the 11th, and "How it was observed by a lot of our young folks;" Tom Wilson on the war-path; William Sammons sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary for stealing Squire Jack Smith's horses; marriage of Mr. Orville Bishop to Miss Haehl of Union township; Deputy Sheriff James Magill goes out hunting and gets a "d---d foine[sic] burd;" Conover's "Leap for Life;" marriage of Miss Ada Robertson and Mr. Geo. Wilson; Tom Kennedy leaves for a European tour; "My name ish Baker;" Death of Mrs. Rachel Wheeler; "Culchah;" marriage of Mr. Otto Eschmeyer, of this city, to Miss Minnie Wood, of Indianapolis; son of George Reed, of Fairland badly hurt by a self-binder; Charles Thompson confined to jail on a charge of larceny, makes an attempt to commit suicide by hanging but fails to shuffle off and is next day sent over the road for two years; lawn festival at Mrs. John Elliott's Carey Smith to "Karve" Charles Jones with a "razzah;" "The" Comet makes its appearance; R. D. Flaitz presented with an elegant chair by some Indianapolis friends; the infant child of S. E. Collins, of St. Paul barely rescued from the haws of a vicious hog; death of Mrs. Lorinda Thurston; Joe Sims badly burned by phosphorus which he had in this pocket; the sweet scheme fixed up by Will Little, Myer Harris and "Nosey," to enable them to get even with a travelling man who had cut them out.
J U L Y .
Assassination of President Garfield and how the news was received in this city; the glorious Fourth and how it was celebrated; the twenty-mile race which took place on the fair grounds as witnessed on the inside of the ring; meeting at the court house yeard and passage of appropriate resolutions on the assassination of the President; Cutting afffray between W. F. Hughbanks, J. E. Faulkner and William Harwood on South Harrison street; robbery of the Padrick hashery; innumerable cases of plain drunks before the 'Squires on the 5th; the hat doctor; Miss Belle Needham and Mr. J. F. Davis, of Franklin, run away together and are married in this city; marriage of Mr. John Blessing, of this city, to Miss Marv E. Linville, at her home in Dayton, O.; Wm. Anderson sentenced to the penitentiary for two years; 105 degrees in the shade on the 8th; death of Uncle John Snepp, of Jackson township; the Weakley House burglarized; store of F. G. Bennett, at St. Louis Crossing, destroyed by fire; Hon. Tilman Raser, of Kilmundy, Ill., falls out of the Ray House window and receives fatal injuries; the residence of John N. Clark burglarized by his brother in-law, Frank Todd; Burr Robbins' circus; the woman in black; the ink doctor; lawn party in the court house yard; death of Wm. J. Craycraft on the 12th; death of Mrs. Allen Davis on the 13th; the eleven-year-old son of Alpheus Tyner, of Morristown, horribly mangled by being caught in the machinery of Bacon's mill near that place; the unsuccessful attempt by two Indianapolis officers to arrest the notorious Taylor Washington on the fair grounds, who they identify as an escaped convict; the Kaster will case settled; Frank Barnet, a swindler who put up at the Padrick caravansery, compelled to skip town; death of Mrs. Edward Fisher; death of Mrs. John W. Higgins; sensational suit threatened by a married woman of color against a wealthy, gray-haired farmer of this county; Rev. Jolly presented with a set of harness by E. Q. Darr; Katherine Kincaid, deserted by her lover, James Jones, invokes the red eyed law; deadly assault made on Travis Inskip in this city, by George Derrickson; the residence of David Grubb, in Waldron, burglarized; attempt to furn the stable of Wm. Elliott, of this city; death of Miss Ella Muchmore on the 24th; "Tommy" Thompson secures $800 back pension; attempted assassination of Jacob Hinds by Henry Green, a colored desperado; Rev. March presented with $100 in gold by his congregation, and granted a leave of absence to recuperate his health; Brandywine township's crim. con. case; "Col." Sanders in serach of his wife, whose affections had been alienated by a white man; the Toothman appear on the scene about this time; the lawn party at D. J. Shaw's the event of the season; Joe McBride's Delphos letter; marriage of George Curson and Mary Workman on the 28th; the war on the Evansville, Knightstown and Toledo railroad waxes hot; death of Mrs. Allen P. Wortman on the 29th.
A U G US T .
Delphos deviltry as witnessed by Joe McBride, and how he was invited to take a walk by the half-civilized residents of that place; three horny-handed Grangers named W. H. Williamson, J. T. Powers and James Powers, and how they bucked against the hieronymus in this city; John Runk, the wife-whipper; the Acton camp-meeting and the dining hall; assault on Mrs. John Harris by a drunken man; marriage of Mr. Matt. Temperly and Miss Ada Maxwell; E. B. Wingate gets to the front with his restraining order; Dayton excursion; capture of John Kelly, who was wanted in Johnson county; Wallace Woods, the "hoss" buyer, skips the tra la lu; death of Mrs. J. K. Smith; Judge Hord writes some spicy letters from the Camp Grounds in regard to the "boy preacher;" John Dodds, of St. Paul, tries to shoot James Cheek in that village; W. H. M. Barnes robs some guests at the De Armond House in Grtensburg[sic] and is arrested by Coroner Capp in this city; fire at Acton; Fernando Fox's house in Marion township set on fire by a tramp; marriage of Mr. George W. Holmes, Jr. to Amelia G. Smith, on the 10th; death of Miss Katie Copple on the 8th; suicide of E. B. Lewallen at the Coats House in this city; Perry Barngrover of Fairland, indicted for barratry; marriage of Mis Ollie Waller, of this city, to Mr. Charles Spellman, of Winchester; Constable Thrall's chase after an escaping prisoner; seduction suit brought by Miss Susie Francis against Joe McCabe; Myer Myers, the Merchant Prince of Morristown, presents his grandson with $1,000; death of "Uncle" John" Pyles; "Plummer" saturates the seat of his pantaloons with strychnine and gets away with a bad dog; Roger and Katie, the twin terrors of East Pennsylvania street; "Harrison's Home" on the Camp Grounds; the J., M. & I. depot broken into; marriage of Lynn B. Brinson to Miss Fanny T. Crawford, of Sabetha, Kansas; Wingate and the big ditch; Buck Higgins robbed; Oscar Mather robbed of $24; the railroad tax voted down; death of Miss Mary E. Roach; "Harrison's Harangue;" residence of Mrs. Alonzo Swain burglarized and the thief captured; Wash. Good takes a does of poison by mistake and is pumped out; Hades breaks loose in Goosetown among the Miller gang; salacious story from Noble township; matrimonial millenium; the infant son of the Widow Talkington, of Sugar Creek township, accidentally shot and killed by his brother; John Carr, a thriteen-year-old boy, steals a buggy from Mrs. Margaret Kuhn, near Cynthianna, and is captured in Montgomery county; death of Miss Susie Thrall, of this city, on the 24th; death of Tracy Hughes, of Morrisotwn, at HamiltonO., on the 22nd; Patten's Pet; George McBride's moonlight picnic; Daisy Burns, of this city, accidentally shot; the Greensburg pumpkin show; the Democrat sued for libel, demand $10,000; William Cochran found dead in Hendricks township; W. G. Dunn, a Fairland attorney, jailed for contempt.
S E P T E M B E R .
Death of Henry Fastlaben on the 1st; death of Rev. John Newlove; social at court house of Shelby county teachers; "Butter-tooth" married; "Tommy" Thompson thumped by his wife; Willie W. Parrish crippled for life by thrusting his arm through a pane of glass in a indow of one of our soloons[sic]; opening day of the county fair on the 6th; James Brown, a six-year-old son of Wm. Brown, of Sugar Creek township, accidentally shot and badly wounded by his brother; marriage of Harry Gibson and Miss Ida M. Strickler on the 6th; Mart Wilson's house, in Washington township, robbed; Mike Yearling's pocket picked of $1,100 in notes; meeting of the M. E. quarterly conference; Judge Hord renders judgment against E. Henderson, of Indianapolis ex-State Treasurer, for $11,639.22 [; ] Reunion of the Seventieth Indiana Regiment of this city on the 15th; little Charley Hatfield terribly hurt at Doran's saw-mill near town; burning of the mill, loss $800; Ben Farmbrough appointed trustee of Sugar Creek township, vice T. A. McConnell, resigned, on the 14th; Fred Stephan, of this city, badly injured by falling from a moving train in Cincinnati; George R. Long, of Morristown fall[sic] over a bridge near this city and is badly hurt; Brother Springer-ix[sic] fools with the buzz-saw at the planing mill with the usual result; death of President Garfield on the 19th; William Demutt, of Sugar Creek township, badly injured by a runaway : Guitean hanged in effigy and burned on the Square; death of Mrs. Margaret Schoelch, of this city, on the 21st; meeting of our citizens in the court house yard on the 25th to pass resolutions on the death of the President; marriage of Mr. George Goodrich, of this city, to Miss Mary Hill, at her home in Hodgenville, Ky., on the 22d; attempted rape in this city; a peep into Conrey, Wallar & Deprez's furniture factory; naughty Nora Coalston; Rev. Tincher, the new Methodist minister, preaches his first sermon here on the 25th; memorial services in honor of the dead President, address by Rev. Myron Reed, of Indianapolis, at the Opera Hall on the evening of the 26th; Wm. Beachman escapes from the cooler and is recaptured by Sheriff Brown, John Burk and the Democrat reporter.
O C T O B E R .
Marriage of B. V. Enos, of Indianapolis, to Mrs. Matilda J. Norris, of Boggstown, on the 2nd; death of Mrs. George W. Scott, of Hendricks township, on the 2nd; death of Fielding Mitchell, in this city on the 2nd; death of Mr. George Huntington, of Sugar Creek township, on the 4th; Frank Mather, Wils. Small and Geo. Lacey, three Shelbyville kids, run off to Chicago and return home penitent and hungry; Robert Benjowsky removed to the Insane Asylum; Armistead Lewis of Hope, skips out; marriage of Mr. Charles Cheney and Miss Alice Doran on the 6th; W. F. Reynolds fools with the buzz-saw at Stewart's planing mill and has his hand badly mangled; burning of Thomas J. Green's barn, in this township, by an incendiary; Harry Morrison appointed Master Commissioner by Judge Hord; Eddie Criegler, who set fire to T. J. Green's barn, conveyed to the House of Refuge; Colonel A. D. Cross moves to Seward, Nebraska; Clint Rinehart celebrates his tin wedding on the 10th; marriage of Mr. George Gray and Miss Maggie Yelton, on the 11th; horrible death of two variety actors, who are run over by the cars near town; death of Mrs. Mary Wingate on the 13th; the beast fired for non-payment of rent (fourth time); Dr. James Comstock, of Marietta, called out of his house and badly beaten by Poke Shaw and others; the body of Mrs. Mary Drake, of Hendricks township, found in Blue River on the morning of the 15th; bodies of the two variety actors killed by the cars, identified; death of Decatur Davis on the 14th; narrow escape of S. S. Carson and family from being suffocated by gas escaping from his base burner on the night of the 18th; Judge Hord's birthday celebrated by his friends on the 19th, and he is presented with an elegant clock; marriage of C. M. Wright and Miss Anna Bass in Marion township, on the 19th; marriage of Mr. David Thurston and Miss Mary Mann, of Hendricks township, at the residence of Recorder Davison in this city on the 20th; Samuel Steigler, a crank from Indianapolis, locked up; safe of the Rominger Brothers, in Hope, blown open; John P. Wilson, of Hamilton county, robbed of $200 in this city; free turnpikes, and what our people said about the question of buying them; death of "Uncle Davy" Smith, of Sugar Creek township; death of Frank Patterson, on the 25th, at his brother's residence in Jackson township; marriage of Miss Emma Mutz, of Jackson township, to Mr. Edward Hill, of Bloomfield, Ind., on the 26th; Henry Heilenstein brought back here on a charge of bastardy, from Harrison, Ohio; marriage of Erskine Lisher, of Van Buren township, at Wyoming, Illinois; death of Rev. Mathews, of Hanover township, in Ohio; W. L. Carter moves back to Shelbyville from Cincinnati; Marsh Goodrich stabbed by Matt Wagoner on the 31st.
N O V E M B E R .
Marriage of Miss Alice Thompson, of Cynthianna, to Mr. Billman, of Sullivan, Ind., on the 2nd; wreck on the F., F. and M. road near Boggstown; fire on Philip Hoop's farm; attempt to rob A. J. Gorgas on the public highway, near this city, on the evening of the 3rd; Louisa Hossler, of Brandywine township, taken to the Insane Asylum; Mahlon Shadley injured at Talbert's saw mill; F. G. Bennett, a school teacher in Marion township, acquitted of a charge oassault and battery on one of his pupils, whom he was compelled to thrash; naughty Noah Sullivan; Wright Smith stabbed by Barney Barrett, a "crank," on the 5th; the Peace Jubilee lecture at the M. E. Church on the evening of the 6th; the lecture a fraud; death of Miss Katie Biddinger, near Hope, on the 7th; Flora Runshe, of this city, gives birth to an illegitimate child on the 8th; Mrs. Lewis Ray, of Horace, Decatur county, formerly of Fairland, badly hurt by a runaway team on the 6th; Alex Blyths, of this city, declared insane; the marriage of Mr. Thomas Thrall, of this city, to Miss Mary Wagoner, of Rush county; our phat man massacres a book agent; death of Laura M. Hendrickson, of Washington township, on the 11th; Frank Horner, a fourteen-year-old boot-black stabs Lonnie Marietta, a ten-year-old son of Charles Marietta, of this city, the wound not fatal; mutilation of a horse belonging to S. L. Major, of this city, by Waldron hoodlums on the night of the 13th; Harry Parsons returned to his home in Buffalo on the 15th; Hiram Wray attempts to rape Mrs. John Dismore near Fairland; "John Sutton" swindling peddlers compelled to disgorge by City Marshal Barger; the jury in the case of Susie Francis vs. Joe McCabe, for seduction and breach of promise, bring in a verdict on the 17th, awarding the plaintiff the sum of $1,500; Johnny McLaughlin goes to Smith-land to get a new Deal; twin girls at Frank Dewitt's house on the evening of the 17th; death of Philip Leffler, a former citizen of this place, at Orange Grove, Fla., the 18th; escape of T. B. Carey from the wilds of Decatur county; capture of Matt. Wagoner in Martinsville; death of William Wilson, of this city, on the 21st; Thanksgiving day and how it was observed; Green Wilson's valuable gray horse stolen and recovered; "Killikranky" (Harry Phillips) almost fired into the Kingdom come by the explosion of some powder in his pocket; "Toothman's Express;" Robert Pearson married to his third wife the 28th; residence of B. K. True, in Homer, burned down; James Curson arrested on a charge of bastardy, the case compromised by his marrying the girl; marriage of Miss Mollie McConnell, of Boggstown, to Mr. W. N. Harding, of Indianapolis; marriage of Miss Jennie Blessing, of this city, to Mr. Edward Beeks, of Sandusky, Ohio, on the evening of the 30th; the Julia Hill abortion case; marriage of Miss Laura Hacker and Mr. Coy Fleming of this city, on the 30th; Franklin and Edinburg Notes by Rover.
D E C E M B E R .
Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart on the 2nd; marriage of Plum Hansom, our own darling Plummer, to Miss Annie Johnson of this city, on the 1st; George Frechtling, of this city, killed by the cars near Glendale, O.; death of Joe Hoover on the 3rd; Gen. J. W. Vannoy sells his saloon to Wilson & White on the 5th; death of "Bob" Smith on the 5th; Green Weakley, an old citizen removes to St. Louis on the 6th; Hamilton Ratliff and his illegitimate daughter; terrific fight at St. Paul between Elijah Halsey and others on the 7th; John Jenkins' matinee at St. Paul on the 7th; marriage of Marshall C. Cochran and Amanda E. Talbert on the 6th; Robert Kincaid returns to his family in Geneva after an unexpected absence of two years; marriage of Miss Gertie Clore to Mr. Charles Magee on the 8th; death of Miss Margaret Stinett in her nineteenth year at Marietta on the 9th; Talbert's Boom; death of Mrs. Elijah Hand on the 10th; death of Mrs. John Warble, of Hendricks township, on the 11th; Armistead Lewis returns to his home in Hope; the store of James A. East at Norristown, burglarized on the 13th; the body of John Herberts, an Indianapolis boy, found dead near London; arrest of John Stevans, a boot-black, for larceny; death of Mrs. Robert Stewart, of this city, on the 15th; W. J. Grover's grocery store in this city burglarized on the night of the 16th; subscriptions to the M. E. Church; Charles Hawkins, Al. and Charles Shutt arrested after a long chase, charged with various offenses, on the 19th; a Cincinnati Hebrew here after his "goosie;" death of Red Cloud, the famous trotting horse, at Edinburg on the 19th; Gritty Gregory, the Gwynville school teacher; T. J. Craycraft run over by an express wagon; Simple Simon stuck for $25 by the Supreme Court; death of Mrs. Lacey, of Fairland, on the 21st; J. W. Crums store, at London, broken into; Christmas Doing; the New England Opera Company jumps this city and neglect to pay their bills; Tom Smith, of this city, celebrates Christmas by whipping his poor old mother; Driven From Home 26th; Mitchell's Dream; marriage of Ed. Aull, formerly of this city, to Miss May Schroeder in Cincinnati on the 26th; Mr. George Cory, of Henry county, finds his wife near Fairland, where she was living as a widow; William Bowman's narrow escape from being shot; marriage of Chet. Gordon to Miss Emma Graham on the 29th; Bishop's letter from Atlanta; Joe Hill sues (?) Redding Doran; Columbus Courtesy; Gilbert Kennedy arrested on the 30th; W. H. Hart's communication; Mitchell's Muss; Old Hickory; James Cremeen, of Morristown, arrested on a charge of bastardy.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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