The  Shelbyville  Democrat
Thursday January 30, 1908
Page 1
Sober-Abele Ceremony
Will Be Performed in Hotel Ray
First in Thirteen Years
          The first wedding to take place in the Hotel Ray in thirteen years will occur at eight o’clock Tuesday, February 18.  The contracting parties are  Walter Sober,  night clerk at the hotel, and  Miss Effie Abele,  also an employee of the Ray House.  Mr. Sober, whose home is in Detroit, Michigan, is an electrician by trade, but has been employed as night clerk during the past winter.  Miss Abele is the daughter of  Mr. and Mrs. Henry Abele, of London.
          Mr. Sober came to this city last August and has made many friends since he has been here.  He made the acquaintance of Miss Abele soon after his arrival and the friendship has developed into a romance which will culminate in a marriage next month.
          The ceremony will be performed in the parlors of the hotel, but final arrangements have not as yet been completed.
Contributed by Barb Huff

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