Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelby Republican
Tuesday, February 13, 1906
Page 1
Is Found by Prison Authorities of
Jeffersonville Reformatory
by Bertilon System to Have Prison Record.
(From Monday's Daily.)
According to information received from the Jeffersonville reformatory, Harry L. Amsden, the young man who was sentenced to two to fourteen years in the penitenitary on a charge of false personation has been identified as a paroled prisoner. He is the only person now serving time in the Indiana reformatory for the offense of false personation. He was identified by Assistant Superintendent Barnard as Bert Pile, thirty-nine years old, convicted of larceny in Marion county in 1896 and transferred from the Indiana Reformatory to the Sate prison at Michigan City. Again, in 1899, he was convicted of larceny in Delaware county, but was paroled in 1901 and he worked in Michigan City till he was formally released.
While visiting in Shelby county he was introduced to Miss Rachel May Mohr by Eleazer Amsden, who represented him as a brother, and then it was that he assumed the named of Amsden and pressed his suit with such ardor that he soon applied for a license to marry the young woman under the name he had assumed. Previously he was known as Miles.
The commitment also accuses him of forging a check on J. A. Craig, of Union, Ill., which was cashed by Robert Thompson, of Marshall, Ill. While here he gave his age as twenty-three years.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, November 16, 1905
The Amsden Propertyb for Sale.
The two -story frame dwelling, containing eighteen rooms, suitable for a boarding house, large lot, barn and fruit, at No. 346 Circle street, together with a side lot upon which a part of the big house could be put and convert the premises into two good residences. Also a one-story frame dwelling house, lot, fruit, and barn, two lots without buildings, and two lots with a barn on each -- making five lots adjoining on the south side of west Circle street.
Prospective buyers should give these premises careful inspection before investing elsewhere in Shelbyville, as the property must and will be sold, in separate parts or in whole, to the best bidder at private sale.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming for Beverly Plank
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Saturday, July 29, 1899
Page 4
Secretary Amsden of the fair association was over at Martinsville yesterday and to-day advertising the greatest fair on earth.
Submitted by Phyllis Miller Fleming, Jan 2001
The Shelbyville Republican
Tuesday, September 13, 1898
Mr. C. E. Amsden will attend the State Fair on Thursday and Friday and he would be pleased for all persons who won premiums at the fair to call and get orders for their money before he goes away.
Copied by Lorraine Llewellyn
The Shelby Democrat
Thursday, December 27, 1894
Page 3 column 3
E. B. Amsden has filed suit for damages against Peter Schoff and Frank Beraner. The suit is the outcome of a horse trade and plaintiff demands $82.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
December 24, 1891
Page 4 Column 2
C. A. Gibson yesterday sold for E. B. Amsden lot on South Miller street to James Wilson, consideration $925,00.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Saturday, December 1, 1883
E. B. Amsden is putting up a two-story frame house next to Frank Cochran's saloon, which will be used by Frank for a restaurant. Mr. Amsden also proposes to put a new glass front in the bakery adjacent.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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