Shelby County Indiana
Newspaper Articles
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Monday, August 18, 1924
Page 8, column 1-2
The Barnes reunion held Sunday at the fair grounds attracted a crowd of more than 75 persons and was declared to be one of the best ever held by the prominent family.
A fish fry was the feature of the day, about 100 pounds of the finny tribe being prepared for the gathering.
At the business session, held in the afternoon, the following officers were elected: President, S. D. Barnes, of Shelby township; vice president, Herbert Gregory, of this city; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Clarence Pumphrey, of this city.
The committee on arrangements appointed was composed of Albert Worland, Mrs. Henry Worland, and Earl Hayes.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Republican
Friday, July 28, 1916
George Barnes,
of this city, who was sentenced to the state penal farm in Putnam county
Thursday for thirty-five days, was taken there today by James Whissman,
deputy sheriff. Barnes entered a plea of guilty to a charge of drunkenness
in the city court. It was his third offense.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Shelbyville Daily Democrat
Tuesday, July 17, 1883.
L O C A L N E W S.
Idilla Barnes, through her attorneys, Love, Major & Morrison, on yesterday, filed her suit for divorce from William Barnes, alleging as cause of complaints his cruel treatment and habitual drunkenness, in substantiation of the first allegation exhibiting a black eye and bruised face.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming
The Daily Evening Democrat
Tuesday, January 31, 1882
Page 4 column 2
William Barnes disturbed the peace and dignity of the State of Indiana Sunday evening by engaging in a fight with Oliver Green, in which the latter came out first best, while Barnes footed the bill before 'Squire Higgins last evening by paying fifteen dollars on a charge of being intoxicated and committing an assault and battery.
Contributed by Phyllis Miller Fleming

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